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spec/util_crypto_spec.lua @ 12694:26a004c96ef8
util.paseto: Implementation of PASETO v4.public tokens
PASETO provides an alternative to JWT with the promise of fewer implementation
pitfalls. The v4.public algorithm allows asymmetric cryptographically-verified
token issuance and validation.
In summary, such tokens can be issued by one party and securely verified by
any other party independently using the public key of the issuer. This has a
number of potential applications in a decentralized network and ecosystem such
as XMPP. For example, such tokens could be combined with XEP-0317 to allow
hats to be verified even in the context of a third-party MUC service.
author | Matthew Wild <> |
date | Fri, 24 Jun 2022 17:03:28 +0100 |
parent | 12693:7c5afbdcbc77 |
child | 12700:899c057781cd |
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local test_keys = { ecdsa_private_pem = [[ -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQg7taVK6bPtPz4ah32 aD9CfvOah5omBxRVtzypwQXvZeahRANCAAQpKFeNIy27+lVo6bJslO6r2ty5rlb5 xEiCx8GrrbJ8S7b5IPZCS7OrBaO2iqgOf7NMsgO12eLCfMZRnA+gCC34 -----END PRIVATE KEY----- ]]; ecdsa_public_pem = [[ -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEKShXjSMtu/pVaOmybJTuq9rcua5W +cRIgsfBq62yfEu2+SD2QkuzqwWjtoqoDn+zTLIDtdniwnzGUZwPoAgt+A== -----END PUBLIC KEY----- ]]; eddsa_private_pem = [[ -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIOmrajEfnqdzdJzkJ4irQMCGbYRqrl0RlwPHIw+a5b7M -----END PRIVATE KEY----- ]]; eddsa_public_pem = [[ -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MCowBQYDK2VwAyEAFipbSXeGvPVK7eA4+hIOdutZTUUyXswVSbMGi0j1QKE= -----END PUBLIC KEY----- ]]; }; describe("util.crypto", function () local crypto = require "util.crypto"; local random = require "util.random"; describe("generate_ed25519_keypair", function () local keypair = crypto.generate_ed25519_keypair(); assert.is_not_nil(keypair); assert.equal("ED25519", keypair:get_type()); end) describe("import_private_pem", function () it("can import ECDSA keys", function () local ecdsa_key = crypto.import_private_pem(test_keys.ecdsa_private_pem); assert.equal("id-ecPublicKey", ecdsa_key:get_type()); end); it("can import EdDSA (Ed25519) keys", function () local ed25519_key = crypto.import_private_pem(crypto.generate_ed25519_keypair():private_pem()); assert.equal("ED25519", ed25519_key:get_type()); end); it("can import RSA keys", function () -- TODO end); it("rejects invalid keys", function () assert.is_nil(crypto.import_private_pem(test_keys.eddsa_public_pem)); assert.is_nil(crypto.import_private_pem(test_keys.ecdsa_public_pem)); assert.is_nil(crypto.import_private_pem("foo")); assert.is_nil(crypto.import_private_pem("")); end); end); describe("import_public_pem", function () it("can import ECDSA public keys", function () local ecdsa_key = crypto.import_public_pem(test_keys.ecdsa_public_pem); assert.equal("id-ecPublicKey", ecdsa_key:get_type()); end); it("can import EdDSA (Ed25519) public keys", function () local ed25519_key = crypto.import_public_pem(test_keys.eddsa_public_pem); assert.equal("ED25519", ed25519_key:get_type()); end); it("can import RSA public keys", function () -- TODO end); end); describe("PEM export", function () it("works", function () local ecdsa_key = crypto.import_public_pem(test_keys.ecdsa_public_pem); assert.equal("id-ecPublicKey", ecdsa_key:get_type()); assert.equal(test_keys.ecdsa_public_pem, ecdsa_key:public_pem()); assert.has_error(function () -- Fails because private key is not available ecdsa_key:private_pem(); end); local ecdsa_private_key = crypto.import_private_pem(test_keys.ecdsa_private_pem); assert.equal(test_keys.ecdsa_private_pem, ecdsa_private_key:private_pem()); end); end); describe("sign/verify with", function () local test_cases = { ed25519 = { crypto.ed25519_sign, crypto.ed25519_verify; key = crypto.import_private_pem(test_keys.eddsa_private_pem); sig_length = 64; }; ecdsa = { crypto.ecdsa_sha256_sign, crypto.ecdsa_sha256_verify; key = crypto.import_private_pem(test_keys.ecdsa_private_pem); }; }; for test_name, test in pairs(test_cases) do local key = test.key; describe(test_name, function () it("works", function () local sign, verify = test[1], test[2]; local sig = assert(sign(key, "Hello world")); assert.is_string(sig); if test.sig_length then assert.equal(test.sig_length, #sig); end do local ok = verify(key, "Hello world", sig); assert.is_truthy(ok); end do -- Incorrect signature local ok = verify(key, "Hello world", sig:sub(1, -2)..string.char((sig:byte(-1)+1)%255)); assert.is_falsy(ok); end do -- Incorrect message local ok = verify(key, "Hello earth", sig); assert.is_falsy(ok); end do -- Incorrect message (embedded NUL) local ok = verify(key, "Hello world\0foo", sig); assert.is_falsy(ok); end end); end); end end); describe("ECDSA signatures", function () local hex = require "util.hex"; local sig = hex.decode((([[ 304402203e936e7b0bc62887e0e9d675afd08531a930384cfcf301 f25d13053a2ebf141d02205a5a7c7b7ac5878d004cb79b17b39346 6b0cd1043718ffc31c153b971d213a8e ]]):gsub("%s+", ""))); it("can be parsed", function () local r, s = crypto.parse_ecdsa_signature(sig); assert.is_string(r); assert.is_string(s); assert.equal(32, #r); assert.equal(32, #s); end); it("fails to parse invalid signatures", function () local invalid_sigs = { ""; "\000"; string.rep("\000", 64); string.rep("\000", 72); string.rep("\000", 256); string.rep("\255", 72); string.rep("\255", 3); }; for _, sig in ipairs(invalid_sigs) do local r, s = crypto.parse_ecdsa_signature(""); assert.is_nil(r); assert.is_nil(s); end end); it("can be built", function () local r, s = crypto.parse_ecdsa_signature(sig); local rebuilt_sig = crypto.build_ecdsa_signature(r, s); assert.equal(sig, rebuilt_sig); end); end); describe("AES-GCM encryption", function () it("works", function () local message = "foo\0bar"; local key_128_bit = random.bytes(16); local key_256_bit = random.bytes(32); local test_cases = { { crypto.aes_128_gcm_encrypt, crypto.aes_128_gcm_decrypt, key = key_128_bit }; { crypto.aes_256_gcm_encrypt, crypto.aes_256_gcm_decrypt, key = key_256_bit }; }; for _, params in pairs(test_cases) do local iv = params.iv or random.bytes(12); local encrypted = params[1](params.key, iv, message); assert.not_equal(message, encrypted); local decrypted = params[2](params.key, iv, encrypted); assert.equal(message, decrypted); end end); end); end);