Software /
code /
core/loggingmanager.lua @ 11148:1dc49accb58e
core.moduleapi: Return resource path from module:get_directory() (API BC)
:get_directory has so far returned the base directory of the current
module source code. This has worked well so far to load resources which
tend to be included in the same directory, but with the plugin installer
using LuaRocks, extra resources (e.g. templates and other assets) these
are saved in a completely different directory.
In be73df6765b9 core.modulemanager gained some code for finding that
directory and saving it in module.resource_path but now the question is
how this should be reflected in the API.
A survey of community modules suggest the vast majority use the
:get_directory method for locating templates and other assets, rather
than the code (which would use module:require instead).
Therefore this commit changes :get_directory to return the resource_path
when available. This should work for most modules.
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Fri, 09 Oct 2020 16:37:15 +0200 |
parent | 9927:1460c4966262 |
child | 11641:b03053ec6dcf |
line wrap: on
line source
-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local format = require "util.format".format; local setmetatable, rawset, pairs, ipairs, type = setmetatable, rawset, pairs, ipairs, type; local stdout = io.stdout; local io_open =; local math_max, rep = math.max, string.rep; local os_date =; local getstyle, getstring = require "util.termcolours".getstyle, require "util.termcolours".getstring; local config = require "core.configmanager"; local logger = require "util.logger"; local have_pposix, pposix = pcall(require, "util.pposix"); have_pposix = have_pposix and pposix._VERSION == "0.4.0"; local _ENV = nil; -- luacheck: std none -- The log config used if none specified in the config file (see reload_logging for initialization) local default_logging; local default_file_logging; local default_timestamp = "%b %d %H:%M:%S "; -- The actual config loggingmanager is using local logging_config; local apply_sink_rules; local log_sink_types = setmetatable({}, { __newindex = function (t, k, v) rawset(t, k, v); apply_sink_rules(k); end; }); local get_levels; local logging_levels = { "debug", "info", "warn", "error" } -- Put a rule into action. Requires that the sink type has already been registered. -- This function is called automatically when a new sink type is added [see apply_sink_rules()] local function add_rule(sink_config) local sink_maker = log_sink_types[]; if not sink_maker then return; -- No such sink type end -- Create sink local sink = sink_maker(sink_config); -- Set sink for all chosen levels for level in pairs(get_levels(sink_config.levels or logging_levels)) do logger.add_level_sink(level, sink); end end -- Search for all rules using a particular sink type, and apply -- them. Called automatically when a new sink type is added to -- the log_sink_types table. function apply_sink_rules(sink_type) if type(logging_config) == "table" then for _, level in ipairs(logging_levels) do if type(logging_config[level]) == "string" then local value = logging_config[level]; if sink_type == "file" and not value:match("^%*") then add_rule({ to = sink_type; filename = value; timestamps = true; levels = { min = level }; }); elseif value == "*"..sink_type then add_rule({ to = sink_type; levels = { min = level }; }); end end end for _, sink_config in ipairs(logging_config) do if (type(sink_config) == "table" and == sink_type) then add_rule(sink_config); elseif (type(sink_config) == "string" and sink_config:match("^%*(.+)") == sink_type) then add_rule({ levels = { min = "debug" }, to = sink_type }); end end elseif type(logging_config) == "string" and (not logging_config:match("^%*")) and sink_type == "file" then -- User specified simply a filename, and the "file" sink type -- was just added for _, sink_config in pairs(default_file_logging) do sink_config.filename = logging_config; add_rule(sink_config); sink_config.filename = nil; end elseif type(logging_config) == "string" and logging_config:match("^%*(.+)") == sink_type then -- Log all levels (debug+) to this sink add_rule({ levels = { min = "debug" }, to = sink_type }); end end --- Helper function to get a set of levels given a "criteria" table function get_levels(criteria, set) set = set or {}; if type(criteria) == "string" then set[criteria] = true; return set; end local min, max = criteria.min, criteria.max; if min or max then local in_range; for _, level in ipairs(logging_levels) do if min == level then set[level] = true; in_range = true; elseif max == level then set[level] = true; return set; elseif in_range then set[level] = true; end end end for _, level in ipairs(criteria) do set[level] = true; end return set; end -- Initialize config, etc. -- local function reload_logging() local old_sink_types = {}; for name, sink_maker in pairs(log_sink_types) do old_sink_types[name] = sink_maker; log_sink_types[name] = nil; end logger.reset(); local debug_mode = config.get("*", "debug"); default_logging = { { to = "console" , levels = { min = (debug_mode and "debug") or "info" } } }; default_file_logging = { { to = "file", levels = { min = (debug_mode and "debug") or "info" }, timestamps = true } }; logging_config = config.get("*", "log") or default_logging; for name, sink_maker in pairs(old_sink_types) do log_sink_types[name] = sink_maker; end end --- Definition of built-in logging sinks --- -- Null sink, must enter log_sink_types *first* local function log_to_nowhere() return function () return false; end; end log_sink_types.nowhere = log_to_nowhere; local function log_to_file(sink_config, logfile) logfile = logfile or io_open(sink_config.filename, "a+"); if not logfile then return log_to_nowhere(sink_config); end local write = logfile.write; local timestamps = sink_config.timestamps; if timestamps == true or timestamps == nil then timestamps = default_timestamp; -- Default format elseif timestamps then timestamps = timestamps .. " "; end if sink_config.buffer_mode ~= false then logfile:setvbuf(sink_config.buffer_mode or "line"); end -- Column width for "source" (used by stdout and console) local sourcewidth = sink_config.source_width; if sourcewidth then return function (name, level, message, ...) sourcewidth = math_max(#name+2, sourcewidth); write(logfile, timestamps and os_date(timestamps) or "", name, rep(" ", sourcewidth-#name), level, "\t", format(message, ...), "\n"); end else return function (name, level, message, ...) write(logfile, timestamps and os_date(timestamps) or "", name, "\t", level, "\t", format(message, ...), "\n"); end end end log_sink_types.file = log_to_file; local function log_to_stdout(sink_config) if not sink_config.timestamps then sink_config.timestamps = false; end if sink_config.source_width == nil then sink_config.source_width = 20; end return log_to_file(sink_config, stdout); end log_sink_types.stdout = log_to_stdout; local do_pretty_printing = true; local logstyles; if do_pretty_printing then logstyles = {}; logstyles["info"] = getstyle("bold"); logstyles["warn"] = getstyle("bold", "yellow"); logstyles["error"] = getstyle("bold", "red"); end local function log_to_console(sink_config) -- Really if we don't want pretty colours then just use plain stdout local logstdout = log_to_stdout(sink_config); if not do_pretty_printing then return logstdout; end return function (name, level, message, ...) local logstyle = logstyles[level]; if logstyle then level = getstring(logstyle, level); end return logstdout(name, level, message, ...); end end log_sink_types.console = log_to_console; if have_pposix then local syslog_opened; local function log_to_syslog(sink_config) -- luacheck: ignore 212/sink_config if not syslog_opened then local facility = sink_config.syslog_facility or config.get("*", "syslog_facility"); pposix.syslog_open(sink_config.syslog_name or "prosody", facility); syslog_opened = true; end local syslog = pposix.syslog_log; return function (name, level, message, ...) syslog(level, name, format(message, ...)); end; end log_sink_types.syslog = log_to_syslog; end local function register_sink_type(name, sink_maker) local old_sink_maker = log_sink_types[name]; log_sink_types[name] = sink_maker; return old_sink_maker; end return { reload_logging = reload_logging; register_sink_type = register_sink_type; }