
util/prosodyctl/check.lua @ 10871:e5dee71d0ebb

prosodyctl+util.prosodyctl.*: Start breaking up the ever-growing prosodyctl
author Matthew Wild <mwild1@gmail.com>
date Tue, 02 Jun 2020 08:01:21 +0100
child 10932:ea4a7619058f
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/util/prosodyctl/check.lua	Tue Jun 02 08:01:21 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+local configmanager = require "core.configmanager";
+local show_usage = require "util.prosodyctl".show_usage;
+local show_warning = require "util.prosodyctl".show_warning;
+local dependencies = require "util.dependencies";
+local socket = require "socket";
+local jid_split = require "util.jid".prepped_split;
+local modulemanager = require "core.modulemanager";
+local function check(arg)
+	if arg[1] == "--help" then
+		show_usage([[check]], [[Perform basic checks on your Prosody installation]]);
+		return 1;
+	end
+	local what = table.remove(arg, 1);
+	local set = require "util.set";
+	local it = require "util.iterators";
+	local ok = true;
+	local function disabled_hosts(host, conf) return host ~= "*" and conf.enabled ~= false; end
+	local function enabled_hosts() return it.filter(disabled_hosts, pairs(configmanager.getconfig())); end
+	if not (what == nil or what == "disabled" or what == "config" or what == "dns" or what == "certs") then
+		show_warning("Don't know how to check '%s'. Try one of 'config', 'dns', 'certs' or 'disabled'.", what);
+		return 1;
+	end
+	if not what or what == "disabled" then
+		local disabled_hosts_set = set.new();
+		for host, host_options in it.filter("*", pairs(configmanager.getconfig())) do
+			if host_options.enabled == false then
+				disabled_hosts_set:add(host);
+			end
+		end
+		if not disabled_hosts_set:empty() then
+			local msg = "Checks will be skipped for these disabled hosts: %s";
+			if what then msg = "These hosts are disabled: %s"; end
+			show_warning(msg, tostring(disabled_hosts_set));
+			if what then return 0; end
+			print""
+		end
+	end
+	if not what or what == "config" then
+		print("Checking config...");
+		local deprecated = set.new({
+			"bosh_ports", "disallow_s2s", "no_daemonize", "anonymous_login", "require_encryption",
+			"vcard_compatibility", "cross_domain_bosh", "cross_domain_websocket", "daemonize",
+		});
+		local known_global_options = set.new({
+			"pidfile", "log", "plugin_paths", "prosody_user", "prosody_group", "daemonize",
+			"umask", "prosodyctl_timeout", "use_ipv6", "use_libevent", "network_settings",
+			"network_backend", "http_default_host",
+			"statistics_interval", "statistics", "statistics_config",
+		});
+		local config = configmanager.getconfig();
+		-- Check that we have any global options (caused by putting a host at the top)
+		if it.count(it.filter("log", pairs(config["*"]))) == 0 then
+			ok = false;
+			print("");
+			print("    No global options defined. Perhaps you have put a host definition at the top")
+			print("    of the config file? They should be at the bottom, see https://prosody.im/doc/configure#overview");
+		end
+		if it.count(enabled_hosts()) == 0 then
+			ok = false;
+			print("");
+			if it.count(it.filter("*", pairs(config))) == 0 then
+				print("    No hosts are defined, please add at least one VirtualHost section")
+			elseif config["*"]["enabled"] == false then
+				print("    No hosts are enabled. Remove enabled = false from the global section or put enabled = true under at least one VirtualHost section")
+			else
+				print("    All hosts are disabled. Remove enabled = false from at least one VirtualHost section")
+			end
+		end
+		if not config["*"].modules_enabled then
+			print("    No global modules_enabled is set?");
+			local suggested_global_modules;
+			for host, options in enabled_hosts() do --luacheck: ignore 213/host
+				if not options.component_module and options.modules_enabled then
+					suggested_global_modules = set.intersection(suggested_global_modules or set.new(options.modules_enabled), set.new(options.modules_enabled));
+				end
+			end
+			if suggested_global_modules and not suggested_global_modules:empty() then
+				print("    Consider moving these modules into modules_enabled in the global section:")
+				print("    "..tostring(suggested_global_modules / function (x) return ("%q"):format(x) end));
+			end
+			print();
+		end
+		do -- Check for modules enabled both normally and as components
+			local modules = set.new(config["*"]["modules_enabled"]);
+			for host, options in enabled_hosts() do
+				local component_module = options.component_module;
+				if component_module and modules:contains(component_module) then
+					print(("    mod_%s is enabled both in modules_enabled and as Component %q %q"):format(component_module, host, component_module));
+					print("    This means the service is enabled on all VirtualHosts as well as the Component.");
+					print("    Are you sure this what you want? It may cause unexpected behaviour.");
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- Check for global options under hosts
+		local global_options = set.new(it.to_array(it.keys(config["*"])));
+		local deprecated_global_options = set.intersection(global_options, deprecated);
+		if not deprecated_global_options:empty() then
+			print("");
+			print("    You have some deprecated options in the global section:");
+			print("    "..tostring(deprecated_global_options))
+			ok = false;
+		end
+		for host, options in it.filter(function (h) return h ~= "*" end, pairs(configmanager.getconfig())) do
+			local host_options = set.new(it.to_array(it.keys(options)));
+			local misplaced_options = set.intersection(host_options, known_global_options);
+			for name in pairs(options) do
+				if name:match("^interfaces?")
+				or name:match("_ports?$") or name:match("_interfaces?$")
+				or (name:match("_ssl$") and not name:match("^[cs]2s_ssl$")) then
+					misplaced_options:add(name);
+				end
+			end
+			if not misplaced_options:empty() then
+				ok = false;
+				print("");
+				local n = it.count(misplaced_options);
+				print("    You have "..n.." option"..(n>1 and "s " or " ").."set under "..host.." that should be");
+				print("    in the global section of the config file, above any VirtualHost or Component definitions,")
+				print("    see https://prosody.im/doc/configure#overview for more information.")
+				print("");
+				print("    You need to move the following option"..(n>1 and "s" or "")..": "..table.concat(it.to_array(misplaced_options), ", "));
+			end
+		end
+		for host, options in enabled_hosts() do
+			local host_options = set.new(it.to_array(it.keys(options)));
+			local subdomain = host:match("^[^.]+");
+			if not(host_options:contains("component_module")) and (subdomain == "jabber" or subdomain == "xmpp"
+			   or subdomain == "chat" or subdomain == "im") then
+				print("");
+				print("    Suggestion: If "..host.. " is a new host with no real users yet, consider renaming it now to");
+				print("     "..host:gsub("^[^.]+%.", "")..". You can use SRV records to redirect XMPP clients and servers to "..host..".");
+				print("     For more information see: https://prosody.im/doc/dns");
+			end
+		end
+		local all_modules = set.new(config["*"].modules_enabled);
+		local all_options = set.new(it.to_array(it.keys(config["*"])));
+		for host in enabled_hosts() do
+			all_options:include(set.new(it.to_array(it.keys(config[host]))));
+			all_modules:include(set.new(config[host].modules_enabled));
+		end
+		for mod in all_modules do
+			if mod:match("^mod_") then
+				print("");
+				print("    Modules in modules_enabled should not have the 'mod_' prefix included.");
+				print("    Change '"..mod.."' to '"..mod:match("^mod_(.*)").."'.");
+			elseif mod:match("^auth_") then
+				print("");
+				print("    Authentication modules should not be added to modules_enabled,");
+				print("    but be specified in the 'authentication' option.");
+				print("    Remove '"..mod.."' from modules_enabled and instead add");
+				print("        authentication = '"..mod:match("^auth_(.*)").."'");
+				print("    For more information see https://prosody.im/doc/authentication");
+			elseif mod:match("^storage_") then
+				print("");
+				print("    storage modules should not be added to modules_enabled,");
+				print("    but be specified in the 'storage' option.");
+				print("    Remove '"..mod.."' from modules_enabled and instead add");
+				print("        storage = '"..mod:match("^storage_(.*)").."'");
+				print("    For more information see https://prosody.im/doc/storage");
+			end
+		end
+		if all_modules:contains("vcard") and all_modules:contains("vcard_legacy") then
+			print("");
+			print("    Both mod_vcard_legacy and mod_vcard are enabled but they conflict");
+			print("    with each other. Remove one.");
+		end
+		if all_modules:contains("pep") and all_modules:contains("pep_simple") then
+			print("");
+			print("    Both mod_pep_simple and mod_pep are enabled but they conflict");
+			print("    with each other. Remove one.");
+		end
+		for host, host_config in pairs(config) do --luacheck: ignore 213/host
+			if type(rawget(host_config, "storage")) == "string" and rawget(host_config, "default_storage") then
+				print("");
+				print("    The 'default_storage' option is not needed if 'storage' is set to a string.");
+				break;
+			end
+		end
+		local require_encryption = set.intersection(all_options, set.new({
+			"require_encryption", "c2s_require_encryption", "s2s_require_encryption"
+		})):empty();
+		local ssl = dependencies.softreq"ssl";
+		if not ssl then
+			if not require_encryption then
+				print("");
+				print("    You require encryption but LuaSec is not available.");
+				print("    Connections will fail.");
+				ok = false;
+			end
+		elseif not ssl.loadcertificate then
+			if all_options:contains("s2s_secure_auth") then
+				print("");
+				print("    You have set s2s_secure_auth but your version of LuaSec does ");
+				print("    not support certificate validation, so all s2s connections will");
+				print("    fail.");
+				ok = false;
+			elseif all_options:contains("s2s_secure_domains") then
+				local secure_domains = set.new();
+				for host in enabled_hosts() do
+					if config[host].s2s_secure_auth == true then
+						secure_domains:add("*");
+					else
+						secure_domains:include(set.new(config[host].s2s_secure_domains));
+					end
+				end
+				if not secure_domains:empty() then
+					print("");
+					print("    You have set s2s_secure_domains but your version of LuaSec does ");
+					print("    not support certificate validation, so s2s connections to/from ");
+					print("    these domains will fail.");
+					ok = false;
+				end
+			end
+		elseif require_encryption and not all_modules:contains("tls") then
+			print("");
+			print("    You require encryption but mod_tls is not enabled.");
+			print("    Connections will fail.");
+			ok = false;
+		end
+		print("Done.\n");
+	end
+	if not what or what == "dns" then
+		local dns = require "net.dns";
+		local idna = require "util.encodings".idna;
+		local ip = require "util.ip";
+		local c2s_ports = set.new(configmanager.get("*", "c2s_ports") or {5222});
+		local s2s_ports = set.new(configmanager.get("*", "s2s_ports") or {5269});
+		local c2s_srv_required, s2s_srv_required;
+		if not c2s_ports:contains(5222) then
+			c2s_srv_required = true;
+		end
+		if not s2s_ports:contains(5269) then
+			s2s_srv_required = true;
+		end
+		local problem_hosts = set.new();
+		local external_addresses, internal_addresses = set.new(), set.new();
+		local fqdn = socket.dns.tohostname(socket.dns.gethostname());
+		if fqdn then
+			do
+				local res = dns.lookup(idna.to_ascii(fqdn), "A");
+				if res then
+					for _, record in ipairs(res) do
+						external_addresses:add(record.a);
+					end
+				end
+			end
+			do
+				local res = dns.lookup(idna.to_ascii(fqdn), "AAAA");
+				if res then
+					for _, record in ipairs(res) do
+						external_addresses:add(record.aaaa);
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		local local_addresses = require"util.net".local_addresses() or {};
+		for addr in it.values(local_addresses) do
+			if not ip.new_ip(addr).private then
+				external_addresses:add(addr);
+			else
+				internal_addresses:add(addr);
+			end
+		end
+		if external_addresses:empty() then
+			print("");
+			print("   Failed to determine the external addresses of this server. Checks may be inaccurate.");
+			c2s_srv_required, s2s_srv_required = true, true;
+		end
+		local v6_supported = not not socket.tcp6;
+		for jid, host_options in enabled_hosts() do
+			local all_targets_ok, some_targets_ok = true, false;
+			local node, host = jid_split(jid);
+			local modules, component_module = modulemanager.get_modules_for_host(host);
+			if component_module then
+				modules:add(component_module);
+			end
+			local is_component = not not host_options.component_module;
+			print("Checking DNS for "..(is_component and "component" or "host").." "..jid.."...");
+			if node then
+				print("Only the domain part ("..host..") is used in DNS.")
+			end
+			local target_hosts = set.new();
+			if modules:contains("c2s") then
+				local res = dns.lookup("_xmpp-client._tcp."..idna.to_ascii(host)..".", "SRV");
+				if res then
+					for _, record in ipairs(res) do
+						target_hosts:add(record.srv.target);
+						if not c2s_ports:contains(record.srv.port) then
+							print("    SRV target "..record.srv.target.." contains unknown client port: "..record.srv.port);
+						end
+					end
+				else
+					if c2s_srv_required then
+						print("    No _xmpp-client SRV record found for "..host..", but it looks like you need one.");
+						all_targets_ok = false;
+					else
+						target_hosts:add(host);
+					end
+				end
+			end
+			if modules:contains("s2s") then
+				local res = dns.lookup("_xmpp-server._tcp."..idna.to_ascii(host)..".", "SRV");
+				if res then
+					for _, record in ipairs(res) do
+						target_hosts:add(record.srv.target);
+						if not s2s_ports:contains(record.srv.port) then
+							print("    SRV target "..record.srv.target.." contains unknown server port: "..record.srv.port);
+						end
+					end
+				else
+					if s2s_srv_required then
+						print("    No _xmpp-server SRV record found for "..host..", but it looks like you need one.");
+						all_targets_ok = false;
+					else
+						target_hosts:add(host);
+					end
+				end
+			end
+			if target_hosts:empty() then
+				target_hosts:add(host);
+			end
+			if target_hosts:contains("localhost") then
+				print("    Target 'localhost' cannot be accessed from other servers");
+				target_hosts:remove("localhost");
+			end
+			if modules:contains("proxy65") then
+				local proxy65_target = configmanager.get(host, "proxy65_address") or host;
+				if type(proxy65_target) == "string" then
+					local A, AAAA = dns.lookup(idna.to_ascii(proxy65_target), "A"), dns.lookup(idna.to_ascii(proxy65_target), "AAAA");
+					local prob = {};
+					if not A then
+						table.insert(prob, "A");
+					end
+					if v6_supported and not AAAA then
+						table.insert(prob, "AAAA");
+					end
+					if #prob > 0 then
+						print("    File transfer proxy "..proxy65_target.." has no "..table.concat(prob, "/")
+						.." record. Create one or set 'proxy65_address' to the correct host/IP.");
+					end
+				else
+					print("    proxy65_address for "..host.." should be set to a string, unable to perform DNS check");
+				end
+			end
+			for target_host in target_hosts do
+				local host_ok_v4, host_ok_v6;
+				do
+					local res = dns.lookup(idna.to_ascii(target_host), "A");
+					if res then
+						for _, record in ipairs(res) do
+							if external_addresses:contains(record.a) then
+								some_targets_ok = true;
+								host_ok_v4 = true;
+							elseif internal_addresses:contains(record.a) then
+								host_ok_v4 = true;
+								some_targets_ok = true;
+								print("    "..target_host.." A record points to internal address, external connections might fail");
+							else
+								print("    "..target_host.." A record points to unknown address "..record.a);
+								all_targets_ok = false;
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+				do
+					local res = dns.lookup(idna.to_ascii(target_host), "AAAA");
+					if res then
+						for _, record in ipairs(res) do
+							if external_addresses:contains(record.aaaa) then
+								some_targets_ok = true;
+								host_ok_v6 = true;
+							elseif internal_addresses:contains(record.aaaa) then
+								host_ok_v6 = true;
+								some_targets_ok = true;
+								print("    "..target_host.." AAAA record points to internal address, external connections might fail");
+							else
+								print("    "..target_host.." AAAA record points to unknown address "..record.aaaa);
+								all_targets_ok = false;
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+				local bad_protos = {}
+				if not host_ok_v4 then
+					table.insert(bad_protos, "IPv4");
+				end
+				if not host_ok_v6 then
+					table.insert(bad_protos, "IPv6");
+				end
+				if #bad_protos > 0 then
+					print("    Host "..target_host.." does not seem to resolve to this server ("..table.concat(bad_protos, "/")..")");
+				end
+				if host_ok_v6 and not v6_supported then
+					print("    Host "..target_host.." has AAAA records, but your version of LuaSocket does not support IPv6.");
+					print("      Please see https://prosody.im/doc/ipv6 for more information.");
+				end
+			end
+			if not all_targets_ok then
+				print("    "..(some_targets_ok and "Only some" or "No").." targets for "..host.." appear to resolve to this server.");
+				if is_component then
+					print("    DNS records are necessary if you want users on other servers to access this component.");
+				end
+				problem_hosts:add(host);
+			end
+			print("");
+		end
+		if not problem_hosts:empty() then
+			print("");
+			print("For more information about DNS configuration please see https://prosody.im/doc/dns");
+			print("");
+			ok = false;
+		end
+	end
+	if not what or what == "certs" then
+		local cert_ok;
+		print"Checking certificates..."
+		local x509_verify_identity = require"util.x509".verify_identity;
+		local create_context = require "core.certmanager".create_context;
+		local ssl = dependencies.softreq"ssl";
+		-- local datetime_parse = require"util.datetime".parse_x509;
+		local load_cert = ssl and ssl.loadcertificate;
+		-- or ssl.cert_from_pem
+		if not ssl then
+			print("LuaSec not available, can't perform certificate checks")
+			if what == "certs" then cert_ok = false end
+		elseif not load_cert then
+			print("This version of LuaSec (" .. ssl._VERSION .. ") does not support certificate checking");
+			cert_ok = false
+		else
+			local function skip_bare_jid_hosts(host)
+				if jid_split(host) then
+					-- See issue #779
+					return false;
+				end
+				return true;
+			end
+			for host in it.filter(skip_bare_jid_hosts, enabled_hosts()) do
+				print("Checking certificate for "..host);
+				-- First, let's find out what certificate this host uses.
+				local host_ssl_config = configmanager.rawget(host, "ssl")
+					or configmanager.rawget(host:match("%.(.*)"), "ssl");
+				local global_ssl_config = configmanager.rawget("*", "ssl");
+				local ok, err, ssl_config = create_context(host, "server", host_ssl_config, global_ssl_config);
+				if not ok then
+					print("  Error: "..err);
+					cert_ok = false
+				elseif not ssl_config.certificate then
+					print("  No 'certificate' found for "..host)
+					cert_ok = false
+				elseif not ssl_config.key then
+					print("  No 'key' found for "..host)
+					cert_ok = false
+				else
+					local key, err = io.open(ssl_config.key); -- Permissions check only
+					if not key then
+						print("    Could not open "..ssl_config.key..": "..err);
+						cert_ok = false
+					else
+						key:close();
+					end
+					local cert_fh, err = io.open(ssl_config.certificate); -- Load the file.
+					if not cert_fh then
+						print("    Could not open "..ssl_config.certificate..": "..err);
+						cert_ok = false
+					else
+						print("  Certificate: "..ssl_config.certificate)
+						local cert = load_cert(cert_fh:read"*a"); cert_fh:close();
+						if not cert:validat(os.time()) then
+							print("    Certificate has expired.")
+							cert_ok = false
+						elseif not cert:validat(os.time() + 86400) then
+							print("    Certificate expires within one day.")
+							cert_ok = false
+						elseif not cert:validat(os.time() + 86400*7) then
+							print("    Certificate expires within one week.")
+						elseif not cert:validat(os.time() + 86400*31) then
+							print("    Certificate expires within one month.")
+						end
+						if configmanager.get(host, "component_module") == nil
+							and not x509_verify_identity(host, "_xmpp-client", cert) then
+							print("    Not valid for client connections to "..host..".")
+							cert_ok = false
+						end
+						if (not (configmanager.get(host, "anonymous_login")
+							or configmanager.get(host, "authentication") == "anonymous"))
+							and not x509_verify_identity(host, "_xmpp-server", cert) then
+							print("    Not valid for server-to-server connections to "..host..".")
+							cert_ok = false
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if cert_ok == false then
+			print("")
+			print("For more information about certificates please see https://prosody.im/doc/certificates");
+			ok = false
+		end
+		print("")
+	end
+	if not ok then
+		print("Problems found, see above.");
+	else
+		print("All checks passed, congratulations!");
+	end
+	return ok and 0 or 2;
+return {
+	check = check;