Software /
code /
tools/ @ 12765:132a3c7b25fa
tools: Add initial mutation testing script
author | Matthew Wild <> |
date | Tue, 11 Oct 2022 11:53:48 +0100 |
child | 13432:116b756ced71 |
12764:bf6d2f9fad4d | 12765:132a3c7b25fa |
1 #!/bin/bash | |
2 | |
3 POLYGLOT=1--[===[ | |
4 | |
5 set -o pipefail | |
6 | |
7 if [[ "$#" == "0" ]]; then | |
8 echo "Lua mutation testing tool" | |
9 echo | |
10 echo "Usage:" | |
12 echo | |
13 echo "Requires 'lua', 'ltokenp' and 'busted' in PATH" | |
14 exit 1; | |
15 fi | |
16 | |
17 MOD_NAME="$1" | |
18 MOD_FILE="$(lua "$BASH_SOURCE" resolve "$MOD_NAME")" | |
19 | |
20 if [[ "$MOD_FILE" == "" || ! -f "$MOD_FILE" ]]; then | |
21 echo "EE: Failed to locate module '$MOD_NAME' ($MOD_FILE)"; | |
22 exit 1; | |
23 fi | |
24 | |
25 SPEC_FILE="$2" | |
26 | |
27 if [[ "$SPEC_FILE" == "" ]]; then | |
28 SPEC_FILE="spec/${MOD_NAME/./_}_spec.lua" | |
29 fi | |
30 | |
31 if [[ "$SPEC_FILE" == "" || ! -f "$SPEC_FILE" ]]; then | |
32 echo "EE: Failed to find test spec file ($SPEC_FILE)" | |
33 exit 1; | |
34 fi | |
35 | |
36 if ! busted "$SPEC_FILE"; then | |
37 echo "EE: Tests fail on original source. Fix it"\!; | |
38 exit 1; | |
39 fi | |
40 | |
41 export MUTANT_N=0 | |
43 | |
44 FILE_PREFIX="${MOD_FILE%.*}.mutant-" | |
45 FILE_SUFFIX=".${MOD_FILE##*.}" | |
46 | |
47 gen_mutant () { | |
48 echo "Generating mutant $2 to $3..." | |
49 ltokenp -s "$BASH_SOURCE" "$1" > "$3" | |
50 return "$?" | |
51 } | |
52 | |
53 # $1 = MOD_NAME, $2 = MUTANT_N, $3 = SPEC_FILE | |
54 test_mutant () { | |
55 ( | |
56 ulimit -m 131072 # 128MB | |
57 ulimit -t 16 # 16s | |
58 ulimit -f 32768 # 128MB (?) | |
59 exec busted --helper="$BASH_SOURCE" -Xhelper mutate="$1":"$2" "$3" | |
60 ) >/dev/null | |
61 return "$?"; | |
62 } | |
63 | |
65 | |
66 gen_mutant "$MOD_FILE" "$MUTANT_N" "$MUTANT_FILE" | |
67 while [[ "$?" == "0" ]]; do | |
68 if ! test_mutant "$MOD_NAME" "$MUTANT_N" "$SPEC_FILE"; then | |
69 echo "Tests successfully killed mutant $MUTANT_N"; | |
70 rm "$MUTANT_FILE"; | |
71 else | |
72 echo "Mutant $MUTANT_N lives on"\! | |
74 fi | |
75 MUTANT_N=$((MUTANT_N+1)) | |
77 gen_mutant "$MOD_FILE" "$MUTANT_N" "$MUTANT_FILE" | |
78 done | |
79 | |
80 if [[ "$?" != "2" ]]; then | |
81 echo "Failed: $?" | |
82 exit "$?"; | |
83 fi | |
84 | |
85 MUTANT_SCORE="$(lua -e "print(('%0.2f'):format((1-($LIVING_MUTANTS/$MUTANT_N))*100))")" | |
86 if test -f mutant-scores.txt; then | |
87 echo "$MOD_NAME $MUTANT_SCORE" >> mutant-scores.txt | |
88 fi | |
89 echo "$MOD_NAME: All $MUTANT_N mutants generated, $LIVING_MUTANTS survived (score: $MUTANT_SCORE%)" | |
90 rm "$MUTANT_FILE"; # Last file is always unmodified | |
91 exit 0; | |
92 ]===] | |
93 | |
94 -- busted helper that runs mutations | |
95 if arg then | |
96 if arg[1] == "resolve" then | |
97 local filename = package.searchpath(assert(arg[2], "no module name given"), package.path); | |
98 if filename then | |
99 print(filename); | |
100 end | |
101 os.exit(filename and 0 or 1); | |
102 end | |
103 local mutants = {}; | |
104 | |
105 for i = 1, #arg do | |
106 local opt = arg[i]; | |
107 print("LOAD", i, opt) | |
108 local module_name, mutant_n = opt:match("^mutate=([^:]+):(%d+)"); | |
109 if module_name then | |
110 mutants[module_name] = tonumber(mutant_n); | |
111 end | |
112 end | |
113 | |
114 local orig_lua_searcher = package.searchers[2]; | |
115 | |
116 local function mutant_searcher(module_name) | |
117 local mutant_n = mutants[module_name]; | |
118 if not mutant_n then | |
119 return orig_lua_searcher(module_name); | |
120 end | |
121 local base_file, err = package.searchpath(module_name, package.path); | |
122 if not base_file then | |
123 return base_file, err; | |
124 end | |
125 local mutant_file = base_file:gsub("%.lua$", (".mutant-%d.lua"):format(mutant_n)); | |
126 return loadfile(mutant_file), mutant_file; | |
127 end | |
128 | |
129 if next(mutants) then | |
130 table.insert(package.searchers, 1, mutant_searcher); | |
131 end | |
132 end | |
133 | |
134 -- filter for ltokenp to mutate scripts | |
135 do | |
136 local last_output = {}; | |
137 local function emit(...) | |
138 last_output = {...}; | |
139 io.write(...) | |
140 io.write(" ") | |
141 return true; | |
142 end | |
143 | |
144 local did_mutate = false; | |
145 local count = -1; | |
146 local threshold = tonumber(os.getenv("MUTANT_N")) or 0; | |
147 local function should_mutate() | |
148 count = count + 1; | |
149 return count == threshold; | |
150 end | |
151 | |
152 local function mutate(name, value) | |
153 if name == "if" then | |
154 -- Bypass conditionals | |
155 if should_mutate() then | |
156 return emit("if true or"); | |
157 elseif should_mutate() then | |
158 return emit("if false and"); | |
159 end | |
160 elseif name == "<integer>" then | |
161 -- Introduce off-by-one errors | |
162 if should_mutate() then | |
163 return emit(("%d"):format(tonumber(value)+1)); | |
164 elseif should_mutate() then | |
165 return emit(("%d"):format(tonumber(value)-1)); | |
166 end | |
167 elseif name == "and" then | |
168 if should_mutate() then | |
169 return emit("or"); | |
170 end | |
171 elseif name == "or" then | |
172 if should_mutate() then | |
173 return emit("and"); | |
174 end | |
175 end | |
176 end | |
177 | |
178 local current_line_n, current_line_input, current_line_output = 0, {}, {}; | |
179 function FILTER(line_n,token,name,value) | |
180 if current_line_n ~= line_n then -- Finished a line, moving to the next? | |
181 if did_mutate and did_mutate.line == current_line_n then | |
182 -- The line we finished was mutated. Store the original and modified outputs. | |
183 did_mutate.line_original_src = table.concat(current_line_input, " "); | |
184 did_mutate.line_modified_src = table.concat(current_line_output, " "); | |
185 end | |
186 current_line_input = {}; | |
187 current_line_output = {}; | |
188 end | |
189 current_line_n = line_n; | |
190 if name == "<file>" then return; end | |
191 if name == "<eof>" then | |
192 if not did_mutate then | |
193 return os.exit(2); | |
194 else | |
195 emit(("\n-- Mutated line %d (changed '%s' to '%s'):\n"):format(did_mutate.line, did_mutate.original, did_mutate.modified)) | |
196 emit( ("-- Original: %s\n"):format(did_mutate.line_original_src)) | |
197 emit( ("-- Modified: %s\n"):format(did_mutate.line_modified_src)); | |
198 return; | |
199 end | |
200 end | |
201 if name == "<string>" then | |
202 value = string.format("%q",value); | |
203 end | |
204 if mutate(name, value) then | |
205 did_mutate = { | |
206 original = value; | |
207 modified = table.concat(last_output); | |
208 line = line_n; | |
209 }; | |
210 else | |
211 emit(value); | |
212 end | |
213 table.insert(current_line_input, value); | |
214 table.insert(current_line_output, table.concat(last_output)); | |
215 end | |
216 end | |
217 |