1 local dbuffer = require "util.dbuffer";
2 describe("util.dbuffer", function ()
3 describe("#new", function ()
4 it("has a constructor", function ()
5 assert.Function(dbuffer.new);
6 end);
7 it("can be created", function ()
8 assert.truthy(dbuffer.new());
9 end);
10 it("won't create an empty buffer", function ()
11 assert.falsy(dbuffer.new(0));
12 end);
13 it("won't create a negatively sized buffer", function ()
14 assert.falsy(dbuffer.new(-1));
15 end);
16 end);
17 describe(":write", function ()
18 local b = dbuffer.new();
19 it("works", function ()
20 assert.truthy(b:write("hi"));
21 end);
22 end);
24 describe(":read", function ()
25 it("supports optional bytes parameter", function ()
26 -- should return the frontmost chunk
27 local b = dbuffer.new();
28 assert.truthy(b:write("hello"));
29 assert.truthy(b:write(" "));
30 assert.truthy(b:write("world"));
31 assert.equal("h", b:read(1));
33 assert.equal("ello", b:read());
34 assert.equal(" ", b:read());
35 assert.equal("world", b:read());
36 end);
37 end);
39 describe(":discard", function ()
40 local b = dbuffer.new();
41 it("works", function ()
42 assert.truthy(b:write("hello world"));
43 assert.truthy(b:discard(6));
44 assert.equal(5, b:length());
45 assert.equal("world", b:read(5));
46 end);
47 end);
49 describe(":collapse()", function ()
50 it("works on an empty buffer", function ()
51 local b = dbuffer.new();
52 b:collapse();
53 end);
54 end);
56 describe(":sub", function ()
57 -- Helper function to compare buffer:sub() with string:sub()
58 local s = "hello world";
59 local function test_sub(b, x, y)
60 local string_result, buffer_result = s:sub(x, y), b:sub(x, y);
61 assert.equals(string_result, buffer_result, ("buffer:sub(%d, %s) does not match string:sub()"):format(x, y and ("%d"):format(y) or "nil"));
62 end
64 it("works", function ()
65 local b = dbuffer.new();
66 assert.truthy(b:write("hello world"));
67 assert.equals("hello", b:sub(1, 5));
68 end);
70 it("works after discard", function ()
71 local b = dbuffer.new(256);
72 assert.truthy(b:write("foobar"));
73 assert.equals("foobar", b:sub(1, 6));
74 assert.truthy(b:discard(3)); -- consume "foo"
75 assert.equals("bar", b:sub(1, 3));
76 end);
78 it("supports optional end parameter", function ()
79 local b = dbuffer.new();
80 assert.truthy(b:write("hello world"));
81 assert.equals("hello world", b:sub(1));
82 assert.equals("world", b:sub(-5));
83 end);
85 it("is equivalent to string:sub", function ()
86 local b = dbuffer.new(11);
87 assert.truthy(b:write(s));
88 for i = -13, 13 do
89 for j = -13, 13 do
90 test_sub(b, i, j);
91 end
92 end
93 end);
94 end);
96 describe(":byte", function ()
97 -- Helper function to compare buffer:byte() with string:byte()
98 local s = "hello world"
99 local function test_byte(b, x, y)
100 local string_result, buffer_result = {s:byte(x, y)}, {b:byte(x, y)};
101 assert.same(string_result, buffer_result, ("buffer:byte(%d, %s) does not match string:byte()"):format(x, y and ("%d"):format(y) or "nil"));
102 end
104 it("is equivalent to string:byte", function ()
105 local b = dbuffer.new(11);
106 assert.truthy(b:write(s));
107 test_byte(b, 1);
108 test_byte(b, 3);
109 test_byte(b, -1);
110 test_byte(b, -3);
111 for i = -13, 13 do
112 for j = -13, 13 do
113 test_byte(b, i, j);
114 end
115 end
116 end);
118 it("works with characters > 127", function ()
119 local b = dbuffer.new();
120 b:write(string.char(0, 140));
121 local r = { b:byte(1, 2) };
122 assert.same({ 0, 140 }, r);
123 end);
125 it("works on an empty buffer", function ()
126 local b = dbuffer.new();
127 assert.equal("", b:sub(1,1));
128 end);
129 end);
130 end);