
description author age
mod_stanza_counter_http: change the skipped get_option_array to get_option_string it was supposed to. Marco Cirillo 2012-05-26
mod_websocket: Move frame handling into a separate function Florian Zeitz 2012-05-26
mod_websocket: New mod_c2s based version, still WIP Florian Zeitz 2012-05-25
mod_mam: Put name of store in a single variable Kim Alvefur 2012-05-24
mod_mam: Remove unused local Kim Alvefur 2012-05-24
mod_mam: Break when the message is more recent than the range requested Kim Alvefur 2012-05-24
mod_mam: local tostring and some comments Kim Alvefur 2012-05-24
mod_mam: From the spec: servers SHOULD NOT archive messages that do not have a <body/> child tag. Thijs Alkemade 2012-05-24
mod_pubsub_feed: Rename to mod_pubsub_feeds Kim Alvefur 2012-05-23
mod_data_access: Cleanup and update to new HTTP API Kim Alvefur 2012-05-21
mod_pubsub_feed: Cleanup and update to new APIs in 0.9 Kim Alvefur 2012-05-21
mod_checkcerts: New module that logs a warning when your cert is about to expire. Kim Alvefur 2012-05-21
mod_mam: Add the UID to the <result> when sending an archived message back. Thijs Alkemade 2012-05-21
mod_auth_phpbb3: Optionally allow using PHPBB3 session ID as password ( sql = { sessionid_as_password = true, ... } ). Waqas Hussain 2012-05-16
mod_carbons: Move creation of the carbon stanza out of the loop. Kim Alvefur 2012-05-06
mod_admin_web: Utilize the shared module magic Florian Zeitz 2012-04-30
mod_srvinjection: Use module:set_global() Florian Zeitz 2012-04-30
mod_post_msg: Update to the new HTTP API Kim Alvefur 2012-04-30
mod_register_json: same as previous ones, un-needeness. Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_stanza_counter: remove module:set_global, with the default_host handler it's not required. Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_server_status: remove module:set_global, with the default_host handler it's not required. Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_server_status: for sure xml isn't json, passing json mime and viceversa isn't appropriate at all. *no no* Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_server_status: fix code typo, get_option_array was used instead of get_option_string Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_register_json: revert change, it's not needed (providing http provides https as well) Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_pastebin: Update to the new HTTP API Kim Alvefur 2012-04-29
mod_register_web: Extremely rough web registration page, with captcha Matthew Wild 2012-04-29
mod_inotify_reload: Reload modules when their code changes Matthew Wild 2012-04-29
mod_register_json: fixed typo, added https/http switch and default value to it. Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_stanza_counter_http: updated to current HTTP API. Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_server_status: updated to current HTTP API. Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_register_json: updated to current HTTP API. Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_ircd: net.connlisteners is gone and won't be back, *disintegrated* Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_cleanup_http: this is only useful to reload http plugins pre-timber 0.9, *disintegrated* Marco Cirillo 2012-04-29
mod_adhoc: Remove Matthew Wild 2012-04-28
mod_proxy65: Remove Matthew Wild 2012-04-28
mod_webpresence: Update to timber, remove squish hack (icons are now loaded relative to the module file) Matthew Wild 2012-04-28
mod_smacks: Make smacks_max_unacked_stanzas configurable Matthew Wild 2012-04-28
mod_smacks: get_option+_number Matthew Wild 2012-04-28
mod_smacks: Remove dependency on connlisteners (use sessions table shared by mod_c2s directly) Matthew Wild 2012-04-28
mod_streamstats: Import count and keys from util.iterators Matthew Wild 2012-04-28
Tagging last 0.8.x compatible revision of this repo, for 0.8.x support move to http://code.google.com/p/prosody-modules.0-8/ Matthew Wild 2012-04-28
mod_admin_web: HTTP methods are now required Florian Zeitz 2012-04-27
mod_admin_web: Add timber version. Separate for now Florian Zeitz 2012-04-27
mod_mam: Update header Kim Alvefur 2012-04-22
mod_mam: Remove archived tag, as this was dropped from the submitted spec Kim Alvefur 2012-04-19
mod_pubsub_feed: Fix typos Kim Alvefur 2012-04-03
mod_archive: applied patch from stephen.weber@gswot.org to fix issue 6 and 7; need fully test. shinysky 2012-03-29
mod_compat_muc_admin: corrected variable leftovers. Marco Cirillo 2012-03-27
mod_compat_muc_admin: adding last missing local (getUsingPath). Marco Cirillo 2012-03-27
mod_compat_muc_admin: general cleanup, adding missing locals from muc.lib.lua (since things aren't inflated enough already) Marco Cirillo 2012-03-27
mod_compat_muc_admin: we shall make sure that only owners can destroy rooms and not everyone, isn't it? Marco Cirillo 2012-03-27
mod_compat_muc_admin: first commit. Marco Cirillo 2012-03-27
mod_auth_phpbb3: Match the username_clean column instead of the username column when updating password. Waqas Hussain 2012-03-24
mod_smacks: Don't hibernate session on graceful stream close 0.8-diverge Matthew Wild 2012-03-19
mod_smacks: Import connlisteners properly Matthew Wild 2012-03-17
mod_smacks: If a resumed session still has a connection open, close that connection before resuming Matthew Wild 2012-03-17
mod_smacks: Use pre-resource-unbind (0.9 feature) to fix reloadability and multiple host support Matthew Wild 2012-03-05
mod_mam: Bumb priority up above carbons, so that archive ids are included Kim Alvefur 2012-02-28
mod_mam: Add missing up() Kim Alvefur 2012-02-28
mod_mam: Try to not bork when sending a message to your bare jid Kim Alvefur 2012-02-28
mod_carbons: Remove useless protection against loop that can't happen Kim Alvefur 2012-02-28
mod_carbons: Make sure parameters to log() are strings. Kim Alvefur 2012-02-28
mod_lastlog: Add option to also log the users IP address. Kim Alvefur 2012-02-24
mod_lastlog: New module to record last time a user authenticated Kim Alvefur 2012-02-24
mod_admin_web: Correctly access items in NamedNodeMaps Florian Zeitz 2012-02-14
Merge Matthew Wild 2012-02-14
mod_c2s_conn_throttle: renamed mod_c2s_auth_throttle, hooks at features and takes in account stream renegotiation. Marco Cirillo 2012-02-12
mod_cleanup_http: updated banner. Marco Cirillo 2012-02-12
mod_cleanup_http: "spring cleans" module, aka unload global http modules without hassle (open ports cleanup doesn't work with server_event) Marco Cirillo 2012-02-12
mod_server_status: remove cleanup function move it to a separate plugin. Marco Cirillo 2012-02-12
mod_stanza_counter_http: remove cleanup function move it to a separate plugin. Marco Cirillo 2012-02-12
mod_register_json: remove cleanup function move it to a separate plugin. Marco Cirillo 2012-02-12
mod_carbons: Use session.send instead of passing carbon through all the routing Kim Alvefur 2012-02-12
mod_carbons: Add more debug logging Kim Alvefur 2012-02-09
mod_c2s_auth_throttle: first commit Marco Cirillo 2012-02-09
merged. Marco Cirillo 2012-02-09
mod_conformance_restricted: Module to send XML restricted by RFC 6120 (for conformance testing) Florian Zeitz 2012-02-07
mod_server_status: de-revert to use configmanager instead of module mm for the cleanup function also give it an unique name (mismatch possible "??") Marco Cirillo 2012-02-09
mod_stanza_counter_http: de-revert to use configmanager instead of module mm for the cleanup function also give it an unique name (mismatch possible "??") Marco Cirillo 2012-02-09
mod_register_json: punctuation adjust Marco Cirillo 2012-02-09
mod_register_json: de-reverting change to use configmanager again (trace happened), also changed cleanup function name to avoid mismatches (??) Marco Cirillo 2012-02-09
mod_register_json: cleanup unused stuff Marco Cirillo 2012-02-09
mod_auto_accept_subscriptions: New module to automatically accept incoming subscription requests on behalf of users Matthew Wild 2012-02-14
Fix a typo in mod_smacks (type -> session_type). Thijs Alkemade 2012-02-02
mod_smacks: Drop back to urn:xmpp:sm:2 for now Matthew Wild 2012-02-02
Add a <delay> to stanzas that are queued (and don't have one already), so clients can show them with the original timestamp. Thijs Alkemade 2012-02-02
Update smacks to urn:xmpp:sm:3. Fix typo in can_do_smacks. Thijs Alkemade 2012-02-02
mod_smacks: Consolidate logic for deciding whether to advertise or allow smacks for a given session, and fix an issue with not allowing s2s connections to enable smacks because of not binding a resource... (thanks xnyphs) Matthew Wild 2012-02-01
mod_smacks: Handle a client trying to <enable> twice, or trying to <enable> before resource binding (thanks Thijs Alkemade) Matthew Wild 2012-02-01
mod_smacks: Only advertise stream features when a stream is authenticated, and doesn't already have smacks enabled Matthew Wild 2012-02-01
mod_smacks: Log message when client tries to resume unknown session Matthew Wild 2012-01-30
mod_smacks: Add log message on resume Matthew Wild 2012-01-30
mod_smacks: Add logging to hibernation and session destruction (thanks darkrain) Matthew Wild 2012-01-29
mod_carbons: Don't try to send carbons for entirely offline users. Kim Alvefur 2012-01-28
mod_admin_web: Clear commands in all cases new ones are loaded (thanks Maranda) Florian Zeitz 2012-01-26
mod_muc_log_http: Use YYYY-MM-DD in URLs instead of the confusing YYMMDD. Waqas Hussain 2012-01-25
mod_muc_log_http: Reduce theme loading code. Waqas Hussain 2012-01-25
mod_muc_log_http: Improved theme loading, and better error reporting. Waqas Hussain 2012-01-24
mod_muc_log_http: Return a 500 Internal Server Error on missing theme, not a traceback. Waqas Hussain 2012-01-24
mod_muc_log_http: Don't return a page on missing rooms. Waqas Hussain 2012-01-24
mod_muc_log_http: Return a proper 404 Not Found page on missing pages instead of a traceback. Waqas Hussain 2012-01-24
mod_admin_web: Fix margins Florian Zeitz 2012-01-24
mod_smacks: Fix smacks on s2s connections, but disable it by default. Kim Alvefur 2012-01-24
Adapt to bootstrap Florian Zeitz 2012-01-19
mod_admin_web: Replace command list instead of appending Florian Zeitz 2012-01-18
mod_adhoc_web: Redesign adhoc command pane Florian Zeitz 2012-01-18
mod_admin_web: Begin switch to using bootstrap styles Matthew Wild 2012-01-17
mod_admin_web: Add bootstrap to get_deps.sh Matthew Wild 2012-01-17
mod_admin_web: Move style.css to css/ Matthew Wild 2012-01-17
mod_admin_web: Fix typo (incomming->incoming) Matthew Wild 2012-01-17
mod_stanza_counter_http: revert to use module:get_option_boolean Marco Cirillo 2012-01-17
mod_server_status: revert to use module:get_option_boolean Marco Cirillo 2012-01-17
mod_register_json: revert to use module:get_option_boolean Marco Cirillo 2012-01-17
mod_pastebin: more sensible unconfigured base url formatting, use interface directive if present. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-17
mod_server_status: added http cleanup code from mod_register_json Marco Cirillo 2012-01-17
mod_register_json: switched module:get_option_boolean("use_libevent", nil) with require "core.configmanager".get("*", "core", "use_libevent") as the first possibly won't work (module is unloaded) Marco Cirillo 2012-01-17
mod_stanza_counter_http: added cleanup function (from mod_register_json) Marco Cirillo 2012-01-17
mod_register_json: reworked the ccleanup function so that it doesn' try to close an unused listener port if server_event is in use (works only with select) Marco Cirillo 2012-01-17
mod_register_json: added auto-cleanup logic to the module so it can at least be unloaded and reloaded without fuss. (Experimental: works with server_select and trunk) Marco Cirillo 2012-01-17
mod_mam: Store the message id more accessible. Kim Alvefur 2012-01-15
mod_mam: Implement archiving preferences. Kim Alvefur 2012-01-15
mod_muc_limits: Echo any MUC <x> or <body> in the error reply (required to make Gajim display the error) Matthew Wild 2012-01-15
mod_muc_limits: Remove throttle object from all rooms on unload (to make sure new settings are applied on reload) Matthew Wild 2012-01-15
mod_muc_limits: Don't limit room leaving Matthew Wild 2012-01-15
mod_muc_limits: New module to impose overall rate-limits on a MUC (not on individual users) Matthew Wild 2012-01-15
mod_register_json: checking out if the user creation succeeded or not is good practice. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-14
mod_service_directories: Initial commit. Untested. Support for both directory and buddy use cases. Incomplete pubsub support (only getting all items supported). Waqas Hussain 2012-01-14
mod_register_json: fire user-registered event manually on the destination host. (thanks Mr. Gecko) Marco Cirillo 2012-01-14
mod_register_json: modified code to employ get_option_set for true sets, and contains meta method Marco Cirillo 2012-01-14
mod_admin_web: Use proper path for www_data files (Thanks Zash) Florian Zeitz 2012-01-14
mod_register_json: cleaned up useless unused code (thanks Mr. Gecko) Marco Cirillo 2012-01-14
mod_adhoc_web: fade instead of scrolling Florian Zeitz 2012-01-12
mod_server_status: fixed trace case when an user, mistakenly or not, sets a component which doesn't exist into the plugin config. (thanks chris) Marco Cirillo 2012-01-10
mod_carbons: Update to Carbons v0.6. Kim Alvefur 2012-01-10
mod_server_status: corrected mistake in the code. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-10
mod_server_status: useless "space" removed Marco Cirillo 2012-01-10
mod_server_status: corrected error. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-10
mod_server_status: renamed mod_xml_status to mod_server_status as the option to output the stats in JSON was added. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-10
mod_admin_web: Add missing images Florian Zeitz 2012-01-10
First pass of web-admin redesign Florian Zeitz 2012-01-10
mod_ircd: Made the requirement of setting the conference_server a bit more "aggressive", and the resulting error banner for not setting it also. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-08
mod_host_guard: fixed plugin, minor code refactor. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-08
mod_register_json: replaced prosody.events.add_handler with module:hook. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-08
mod_stanza_counter_http: replaced prosody.events.add_handler with module:hook. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-08
mod_stanza_counter: removed a few empty lines. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-08
mod_host_guard: replaced prosody.events.add_handler with module:hook. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-08
mod_xml_status: stick to one code "punctuation" style. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-07
mod_s2s_never_encrypt_blacklist: stick to one code "punctuation" style. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-07
mod_register_redirect: stick to one code "punctuation" style. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-07
mod_register_json: stick to one code "punctuation" style. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-07
mod_host_guard: stick to one code "punctuation" style. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-07
mod_xml_status: re-removed http response function wrong code (self note: make sure what you're copy&pasting from the local notepad is fully correct) Marco Cirillo 2012-01-07
mod_xml_status: last code cleanup and optimization. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-07
mod_xml_status: small cleanup. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-06
mod_xml_status: initial commit. Expose server status in xml format to be used on external webapps. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-06
mod_mam: Add experimental implementation of the Message Archive Management ProtoXEP Kim Alvefur 2012-01-06
Merge Kim Alvefur 2012-01-06
mod_carbons: Add MIT license statement. Kim Alvefur 2012-01-06
mod_carbons: Remove completed TODO Kim Alvefur 2012-01-06
mod_host_guard: updated banner. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-05
mod_stanza_counter: corrected syntax mistake in the http plugin. Marco Cirillo 2012-01-02
mod_pastebin: Make last commit work (also set on restore) Matthew Wild 2011-12-21
mod_pastebin: Fix issue with metatable not being set when a reload changes expires_after to 0 Matthew Wild 2011-12-21
mod_host_guard: added exceptions/whitelisting to the blockall logic (makes little sense otherwise has s2s_disallow = true does the same) Marco Cirillo 2011-12-20
mod_pastebin: Support for persistent pastes (set pastebin_expire_after = 0) Matthew Wild 2011-12-19
mod_pastebin: Fix off-by-one in line counting (display issue only) Matthew Wild 2011-12-19
mod_pastebin: Fix call to undefined function introduced in previous commit Matthew Wild 2011-12-19
mod_storage_mongodb: (un)lock globals around require; only auth if we need to James Callahan 2011-12-18
mod_carbons: Fix a typo and unindent a line. Kim Alvefur 2011-12-14
mod_storage_mongodb: (un)lock globals around require; only auth if we need to James Callahan 2011-12-18
mod_storage_mongodb: move database connecting to inside driver:open James Callahan 2011-12-14
mod_storage_mongodb: assert the configuration options James Callahan 2011-12-14
mod_storage_mongodb: Use _global as host when none provided James Callahan 2011-12-13
Rename to mongodb James Callahan 2011-12-12
mod_storage_mondodb: Add module James Callahan 2011-12-12
mod_ircd: some cleanup. Marco Cirillo 2011-12-11
mod_reload_modules: Use module:hook_global() if available Matthew Wild 2011-12-10
mod_pastebin: Threshold is now UTF-8 characters (thanks Grom_PE for initial patch) Matthew Wild 2011-12-08
mod_auth_sql: Read option 'auth_sql' (thanks rdnzlc) Matthew Wild 2011-12-08
mod_ircd: "finish" previous commit. Marco Cirillo 2011-12-05
mod_ircd: remove some duped code. Marco Cirillo 2011-12-05
mod_ircd: added USERHOST command. Marco Cirillo 2011-12-05
mod_ircd: added channel modes' prefix declaration as some irc clients parse those to detect which mapping to use. Marco Cirillo 2011-12-05
mod_ircd: added USERHOST placeholder. Marco Cirillo 2011-12-05
mod_host_guard: minor fix. Marco Cirillo 2011-12-04
mod_host_guard: renamed mod_component_guard to mod_host_guard, as it really works with all hosts, finally decided to wiki it out and not merge it with the s2s_blackwhitelisting module. Marco Cirillo 2011-12-04
mod_roster_command: Fix traceback and log error message when loaded into Prosody (thanks epaulin) Matthew Wild 2011-12-03
mod_ircd: Fixed nick change logic (thanks mva), so that the self nick-change "flag" is removed properly, improved the logic to use verse's room_mt:change_nick (thanks Zash) yet to be pushed into main, added squished verse with the meta method included. Marco Cirillo 2011-12-02
mod_ircd: "yatc" (yet another typo correction) Marco Cirillo 2011-12-02
mod_ircd: minor typo clean up. Marco Cirillo 2011-12-02
mod_ircd: corrected an issue within the nick change logic, and improved it by implementing the USER command. Marco Cirillo 2011-12-02
mod_ircd: code cleanup, added full logic for changing nicks (locally it works no traces), removed many comment lines (there was an over abundance of 'em they're in the .old_annotate file) Marco Cirillo 2011-12-02
mod_data_access: Implement PUT and POST. Kim Alvefur 2011-11-28
mod_ircd: removed role check. Marco Cirillo 2011-11-28
mod_ircd: added role check for who sets the topic, to make sure that who sets the topic is actually a moderator. Marco Cirillo 2011-11-28
mod_ircd: added listener port configuration, added utf8 checks to TOPIC, added check so that module wonn't get loaded if conference_server is unset. Marco Cirillo 2011-11-28
mod_ircd: hacked around it to make it "work" again, topics should be operational once again. Marco Cirillo 2011-11-28
mod_ircd: squishy: Search for installed verse by default, but support --use-http or --verse=path to fetch Verse from HTTP or filesystem. Matthew Wild 2011-11-28
mod_carbons: Consolidate message handlers Kim Alvefur 2011-11-26
mod_default_bookmarks: Serve a list of default bookmarks if the user has nil. Kim Alvefur 2011-11-25
mod_smacks: Don't destroy a session that binds the same resource as a hibernating smacks session (thanks xnyhps for tracking down the problem, though I've used a different fix) Matthew Wild 2011-11-19
mod_archive_muc: A little refactoring to improve code search. Waqas Hussain 2011-11-17
mod_archive_muc: Fixed a nil global access. Waqas Hussain 2011-11-17
mod_pubsub_feed: Dynamicaly reloadable config. Kim Alvefur 2011-11-10
mod_auth_dovecot: Replace with SASL proxying version. Kim Alvefur 2011-11-10
mod_ircd: fixed aff/roles last data table cleaning code. Marco Cirillo 2011-11-02
mod_ircd: Toxic MattJ's artifact removed. Marco Cirillo 2011-11-02
mod_ircd: adjusted quirk in the banner I missed. Marco Cirillo 2011-11-01
mod_ircd: merged in various changes including -- code to propagate aff/role changes as modes, topic hooks/command, scarecrow motd banner, default port. Marco Cirillo 2011-11-01
mod_ircd: ignore JOIN without channel Kim Alvefur 2011-11-01
mod_ircd: Scrub invalid UTF-8 sequences, welcome message Kim Alvefur 2011-11-01
Merge Kim Alvefur 2011-11-01
mod_ircd: Proper line parsing and generating. Fix PMs Kim Alvefur 2011-11-01
mod_ircd: Better nameing, squishy. Kim Alvefur 2011-11-01
mod_ircd: WiP trash removed. Marco Cirillo 2011-11-01
mod_carbons: Fix top_resources loop and correctly stamp sent messages (thanks xnyhps) Kim Alvefur 2011-10-29
mod_carbons: Initial commit. Kim Alvefur 2011-10-29
Revert various changes accidentally included in previous commit Kim Alvefur 2011-10-29
mod_component_guard: made module global, refactored init. Marco Cirillo 2011-10-24
mod_component_guard: added default empty table entries for config options (is it even valid for true sets?) Marco Cirillo 2011-10-23
mod_component_guard: refactored init code, added reloading logic to prevent events pollution with stale dupes. Marco Cirillo 2011-10-22
mod_component_guard: missing hook priority. Marco Cirillo 2011-10-22
mod_component_guard: initial commit. Marco Cirillo 2011-10-22
mod_default_vcard: Sets initial vCard from data enterd on registration Kim Alvefur 2011-10-15
mod_pastebin: Preserve pastes through a reload Matthew Wild 2011-10-11
mod_roster_command: Manage rosters through prosodyctl Matthew Wild 2011-10-11
mod_seclabels: Support orderd items Kim Alvefur 2011-10-10
mod_seclabels: Fix config reloading Kim Alvefur 2011-10-05
mod_seclabels: Update to latest catalog schema, while keeping compatibility with the old one. Kim Alvefur 2011-10-05
mod_seclabels: Fetch catalog from config. Kim Alvefur 2011-10-05
mod_ircd: added patched plugin file. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-26
mod_ircd: few patches from both Zash and myself to make it work again. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-26
mod_pastebin: Some experimental summary changes Matthew Wild 2011-09-23
mod_pastebin: Update to use module:get_option() Matthew Wild 2011-09-23
mod_pastebin: Support for changing the summary length (pastebin_summary_length), and including it even in the plaintext version of the generated message Matthew Wild 2011-09-23
mod_register_redirect: update authors info. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-22
mod_register_redirect: few mistake fixes to make it work. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-22
mod_register_redirect: removed invalid character from code (why you do these things dear term...?) Marco Cirillo 2011-09-22
mod_register_redirect: initial commit. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-22
mod_register_redirect: renamed mod_register_url, and added options to allow more customization. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-22
mod_pastebin: Add option 'pastebin_private_messages', defaults to false for components and true for other hosts (thanks Kelden/Maranda) Matthew Wild 2011-09-22
mod_stanza_counter: missing end. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-20
mod_stanza_counter: splitted plugin :/ Marco Cirillo 2011-09-20
mod_stanza_counter: "*" doesn't handle stanzas. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-20
mod_stanza_counter: cleanup, corrections. (prosody starts, web stats work) Marco Cirillo 2011-09-20
mod_stanza_counter: tidbits, line break escapes. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-20
mod_stanza_counter: initial draft. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-20
mod_auth_dovecot: Added support for TCP sockets, and checks for UNIX socket availability. Waqas Hussain 2011-09-17
mod_register_json: changed pestered code to something less pestered. (added nodeprep) Marco Cirillo 2011-09-15
mod_register_json: added check for invalid characters in the username. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-15
mod_auth_wordpress: Update Copyright Kim Alvefur 2011-09-11
mod_auth_wordpress: Fix wrong column name Kim Alvefur 2011-09-11
mod_auth_wordpress: Allow table prefix to be configured Kim Alvefur 2011-09-11
mod_auth_wordpress: Fix hash identifier. Kim Alvefur 2011-09-11
mod_auth_wordpress: Rename functions to match module name Kim Alvefur 2011-09-11
mod_auth_wordpress: Initial commit. Kim Alvefur 2011-09-11
mod_auth_joomla: Initial commit. Waqas Hussain 2011-09-11
mod_auth_phpbb3: A little refactoring. Waqas Hussain 2011-09-11
mod_auth_phpbb3: Support legacy PHPBB2 password hashes (simple MD5). Waqas Hussain 2011-09-10
mod_auth_phpbb3: Apply stringprep, and try automatic JID escaping to derive username. Waqas Hussain 2011-09-10
mod_auth_dovecot: Fix years in (c) Kim Alvefur 2011-09-05
mod_s2s_never_encrypt_blacklist: add option to check for the dull s2s session ip (OpenFire bork bork). Marco Cirillo 2011-09-03
merge. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-02
mod_addressing: Add partial implementation of Extended Stanza Addressing, XEP-33. Kim Alvefur 2011-09-02
mod_server_contact_info: Add module that publishes contact information. Kim Alvefur 2011-09-02
mod_s2s_never_encrypt_blacklist: filter both incoming and outgoing streams. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-02
mod_s2s_never_encrypt_blacklist: first commit. Marco Cirillo 2011-09-02
mod_auth_dovecot: Update Copyright Kim Alvefur 2011-09-02
mod_auth_dovecot: Make appending the domain name configurable. Warning: If you depend on this behaviour, add auth_append_host = true to your config Kim Alvefur 2011-09-01
mod_register_url: code refactor, clean, all the rest (thanks Zash ;)) Marco Cirillo 2011-08-30
mod_register_url: minor fix. Marco Cirillo 2011-08-30
mod_auth_log: New module (currently) to log failed auth attempts and their IP address, requires trunk Matthew Wild 2011-08-30
mod_component_roundrobin: Initial commit. Waqas Hussain 2011-08-28
mod_pubsub_feed: Kill the timer on module unload Kim Alvefur 2011-08-27
mod_saslauth_muc: Report proper SASL error on auth failure. Waqas Hussain 2011-08-25
mod_pubsub_feed: Major cleanup, and use newer APIs. (Thanks Maranda) Kim Alvefur 2011-08-24
mod_pubsub_feed: Use httpserver.new_from_config(). Fixes SSL. And fix traceback when called without a querypart. Kim Alvefur 2011-08-24
mod_pubsub_feed: Try harder to figure out ones callback URL. Kim Alvefur 2011-08-24
mod_pubsub_feed: Fix timestamp on Windows, which has no %T Kim Alvefur 2011-08-24
mod_auth_sql: More cleanup. Waqas Hussain 2011-08-10
mod_auth_sql: Cleanup. Waqas Hussain 2011-08-09
mod_admin_web: Update dependencies / remove need to build strophe.js (Thanks Zash) Florian Zeitz 2011-07-29
mod_admin_web: Show S2S certificate validity Florian Zeitz 2011-07-29
Copied from bash :s leonbogaert 2011-07-26
Let session.send() actually send the config string leonbogaert 2011-07-26
mod_muc_log_http: Improved page titles a little. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Show proper time period in the headline. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Properly sort calendar listing. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Removed some more code. Module now no longer attempts to track muc_log hosts on its own. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Fixed a typo. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Generate room calendar page even when there is no log data. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Fixed a typo. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Simplified calculating day count for a month. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Generate component room list page even when there are no rooms. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Cleaned up URL handling. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Added assertion to ensure proper failure on empty responses. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Cleaned up URL parsing. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Generate main component list page even when there are no components defined. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
mod_muc_log_http: Spaces -> Tabs. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-24
Moved the file to a directory leonbogaert 2011-07-06
First version of mod_flash_policy leonbogaert 2011-07-06
mod_auth_phpbb3: Implement password change. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-01
mod_auth_phpbb3: Comment logging of user password. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-01
mod_auth_phpbb3: Fixed traceback when logging in as a non-existent user. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-01
mod_auth_phpbb3: Fixed a missing function parameter causing auth to fail. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-01
mod_auth_phpbb3: Initial commit. Waqas Hussain 2011-07-01
mod_blocking: Properly initialize the bootstrap privacy storage Paul Aurich 2011-05-03
Do not run in transaction. Tomasz Sterna 2011-04-26
mod_register_json: There again, finally found the right way to pass the ports table to be processed correctly. Marco Cirillo 2011-04-22
mod_register_json: Fixed http listener creation syntax. (Please document that in the API, that would avoid my brain overheating, thank you.) Marco Cirillo 2011-04-21
mod_register_url: added option to specify no whitelististing is employed. Marco Cirillo 2011-04-17
Implemented password and user existence check in mod_auth_sql Tomasz Sterna 2011-04-13
Reconnect on DB disconnection. Tomasz Sterna 2011-04-13
mod_register_json: Corrected typo. Marco Cirillo 2011-04-12
mod_register_json: fixed missing declared variable. Marco Cirillo 2011-04-12
mod_register_json: Let's call it the first commit, fixed all code errors (aka it works). Marco Cirillo 2011-04-12
mod_register_json: Typo fix. Marco Cirillo 2011-04-12
mod_register_json: Failed at JSON successful decode check, fixed with a code refactor. Marco Cirillo 2011-04-12
mod_register_json: Typo fix. Marco Cirillo 2011-04-12
mod_register_json: Changed log levels, added a few primitive throttling/whitelist/blacklist options Marco Cirillo 2011-04-12
mod_register_json: Minor refactor, default to port 9280 if option is unspecified or default to port 9443 if SSL is used. (Good, bad?) Marco Cirillo 2011-04-12
mod_register_json: Changed a few bits to allow the service to be specified as standalone (by default uses port 9443), Q: Does it work? Marco Cirillo 2011-04-12
mod_register_json: Fixed missing close quote. Marco Cirillo 2011-04-12
mod_register_json: First commit (needs tests). Marco Cirillo 2011-04-12
Implemented basic SQL authentication module. Tomasz Sterna 2011-04-11
merge with upstream Phil Stewart 2011-04-03
mod_json_streams/strophe.jsonstreams.js: Fix some compatability issues. Waqas Hussain 2011-04-01
mod_json_streams/strophe.jsonstreams.js: A strophe.js plugin to make it work. Waqas Hussain 2011-04-01
mod_json_streams: Add BOSH support (on HTTP path "/jsonstreams"). Waqas Hussain 2011-04-01
mod_json_streams: An implementation of XEP-0295: JSON Encodings for XMPP. Waqas Hussain 2011-04-01
mod_muc_log_http: HTML overhaul. Replacing deprecated elements and style-attributes. Florian Zeitz 2011-03-27
mod_sms_clickatell: moved clickatell API ID and source number settings to component registration Phil Stewart 2011-04-03
mod_sms_clickatell: initial import Phil Stewart 2011-03-24
mod_smacks: Merge mod_fastreconnect (resumption support), fix a number of bugs, refactor the code and add some more comments to explain process Matthew Wild 2011-03-18
mod_muc_log_http: Fix room name encoding/decoding (for UTF-8 room names) Joseph Wallace 2011-03-05
mod_muc_log_http: Fix iterator usage and indentation in loadTheme() (thanks tanget128) Matthew Wild 2011-03-03
mod_auth_*: Get rid of undocumented and broken 'sasl_realm' config option. Waqas Hussain 2011-02-22
mod_auth_internal_yubikey: New authentication provider for two-factor authentication with Yubikeys Matthew Wild 2011-02-16
mod_auth_dovecot: Use hash of vhost as PID to pass to dovecot - the ID must be unique per process, whereas we make a connection per vhost. Matthew Wild 2011-02-14
mod_auth_dovecot: Add line missing from previous commit. Kim Alvefur 2011-02-13
mod_auth_dovecot: One mechanism per MECH command. Kim Alvefur 2011-02-13
mod_srvinjection: Fix type in variable name. Waqas Hussain 2011-02-09
mod_srvinjection: Add support for a wildcard host. Waqas Hussain 2011-02-09
mod_ircd: Don't allow any command until nick has been set. Split out NAMES into a command. Kim Alvefur 2011-02-06
mod_admin_web: Add some margin so that elements don't overlap. Florian Zeitz 2011-02-04
Merge Kim Alvefur 2011-02-03
mod_admin_web: Make dependency fetching more reliable Florian Zeitz 2011-02-03
mod_admin_web: Get strophe.js from tarball instead of git (Thanks darkrain) Florian Zeitz 2011-02-03
mod_admin_web: Style fix. A <span/> is more appropriate here Florian Zeitz 2011-02-03
mod_ircd: Add QUIT command. Kim Alvefur 2011-02-03
mod_admin_web: Fix path building Florian Zeitz 2011-02-03
mod_ircd: Fix squishy file Kim Alvefur 2011-02-03
mod_ircd: Partial rewrite, use verse for MUC Kim Alvefur 2011-02-02
mod_pubsub_feed: Implement signature verification Kim Alvefur 2011-01-31
mod_pubsub_feed: Fix verify_token checking. Kim Alvefur 2011-01-31
mod_pubsub_feed: Stricter verification handling. Correctly echo the hubs challenge. Kim Alvefur 2011-01-31
mod_pubsub_feed: Implement PubSubHubbub subscriber Kim Alvefur 2011-01-31
mod_post_msg: Add compatibility with usermanager in 0.7 Kim Alvefur 2011-01-27
mod_post_msg: Better initialization Kim Alvefur 2011-01-27
mod_admin_web: Make module global. Host to administrate is now chooseable Florian Zeitz 2011-01-21
mod_data_access: New plugin providing a HTTP interface to Prosodys datamanager Kim Alvefur 2011-01-19
mod_admin_web: Get rid of the mod_pubsub dependency Florian Zeitz 2011-01-14
mod_remote_roster: Let component set roster item subscription. Waqas Hussain 2011-01-11
mod_remote_roster: Implement section 2.5 of <http://jkaluza.fedorapeople.org/remote-roster.html>. Waqas Hussain 2011-01-10
mod_remote_roster: Initial commit. Implements 2.2, 2.3 of <http://jkaluza.fedorapeople.org/remote-roster.html>. Waqas Hussain 2011-01-10
mod_reload_modules: Module to, erm, reload modules, on SIGHUP/config reload Matthew Wild 2011-01-08
mod_auth_dovecot: Fix various global variable sets/gets, log levels, unclear variable names and change coding style to match more closely the rest of the Prosody code. Matthew Wild 2011-01-08
mod_auth_dovecot: Only check Dovecot major version. Bump log level from 'warn' to 'error'. (thanks Adrien Clerc) Matthew Wild 2011-01-08
mod_auth_dovecot: Switch to using upvalue 'conn' instead of provider.c throughout (thanks Adrien Clerc) Matthew Wild 2011-01-08
mod_admin_web: Handle paths without trailing slash Florian Zeitz 2011-01-06
mod_admin_web: Add missing argument Florian Zeitz 2011-01-06
mod_admin_web: Specify only directory as bosh service, so it (normally) doesn't need changing (Thanks Zash) Florian Zeitz 2010-12-27
mod_admin_web: Show whether connection is encrypted/compressed Florian Zeitz 2010-12-27
mod_auth_*, mod_saslauth_muc: Update SASL callbacks to take SASL handler as first argument. Waqas Hussain 2010-12-27
mod_admin_web: Fix initialisation code, undeclared variable and wrong event scope Matthew Wild 2010-12-27
mod_admin_web: Move pubsub service initialisation into a server-started handler, in case we get loaded before the service Matthew Wild 2010-12-27
mod_admin_web: Don't delete the menu Florian Zeitz 2010-12-27
mod_admin_web: Add a live view for C2S connections Florian Zeitz 2010-12-27
mod_pubsub_feed: Catch and handle errors when publishing Kim Alvefur 2010-12-26
mod_pubsub_feed: Fix detection of updated posts Kim Alvefur 2010-12-26
mod_admin_web: XHTML fix Florian Zeitz 2010-12-26
mod_admin_web: Add support for calling adhoc commands Florian Zeitz 2010-12-26
mod_admin_web: Change page title Florian Zeitz 2010-12-24
mod_admin_web: Only create the node once when loading onto multiple hosts Florian Zeitz 2010-12-24