
description author age
mod_websocket: Answer ping frames Florian Zeitz 2012-05-27
mod_websocket: Add fragmentation support Florian Zeitz 2012-05-27
mod_websocket: Be nice to non-websocket clients Florian Zeitz 2012-05-27
mod_websocket: Make this a shared module Florian Zeitz 2012-05-27
mod_websocket: Move frame building into a function Florian Zeitz 2012-05-27
mod_host_guard: remove unused import. Marco Cirillo 2012-05-27
mod_host_guard: prevent possible traces in case there isn't a conn object on the session by adding a dummy replacement function. Marco Cirillo 2012-05-27
mod_host_guard: now a proper error is returned when stanzas are routed to a filtered remote server (thanks Zash) Marco Cirillo 2012-05-27
mod_host_guard: removed unused variable. Marco Cirillo 2012-05-27
mod_host_guard: using route/remote event hook to stop outgoing connections to filtered entities, yet the returned error is highly misleading. Marco Cirillo 2012-05-27
mod_host_guard: removed s2smanager import. Marco Cirillo 2012-05-26
mod_host_guard: removed calls to s2smanager and made the module not dependant on it. Marco Cirillo 2012-05-26