

mod_muc_log_http: themified ...
author Thilo Cestonaro <>
date Tue, 08 Dec 2009 21:12:40 +0100
parents 104:dc0fe152cadc
children 107:0e4e000e3de9
files mod_muc_log_http/mod_muc_log_http.lua mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/mod_muc_log_http.lua mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/components_bit.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/components_body.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_bann.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_body.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_dayLink.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_kick.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_message.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_messageMe.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_presence_join.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_presence_leave.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_presence_statusChange.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_presence_statusText.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_reason.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_time.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_title.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_titleChange.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/days_bit.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/days_body.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/doc.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/month_day.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/month_emptyDay.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/month_footer.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/month_header.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/month_weekDay.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/rooms_bit.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/rooms_body.html mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/year_title.html
diffstat 29 files changed, 833 insertions(+), 777 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/mod_muc_log_http/mod_muc_log_http.lua	Wed Dec 02 23:41:06 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright (C) 2009 Thilo Cestonaro
--- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
--- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
-local prosody = prosody;
-local tabSort = table.sort;
-local tonumber = _G.tonumber;
-local tostring = _G.tostring;
-local strformat = string.format;
-local splitJid = require "util.jid".split;
-local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get;
-local httpserver = require "net.httpserver";
-local datamanager = require "util.datamanager";
-local data_load, data_getpath = datamanager.load, datamanager.getpath;
-local datastore = "muc_log";
-local urlBase = "muc_log";
-local muc_hosts = {};
-local config = nil;
-local tostring = _G.tostring;
-local tonumber = _G.tonumber;
-local os_date, os_time =, os.time;
-local str_format = string.format;
-local lom = require "lxp.lom";
---[[ LuaFileSystem 
-* URL:
-* Install: luarocks install luafilesystem
-* ]]
-local lfs = require "lfs";
-* Default templates for the html output.
-local html = {};
-html.doc = [[<html>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >
-	<title>muc_log</title>
-<script type="text/javascript"><!--
-function showHide(name) {
-	var eles = document.getElementsByName(name);
-	for (var i = 0; i < eles.length; i++) {
-		eles[i].style.display = eles[i].style.display != "none" ? "none" : "";
-	}
-<style type="text/css">
-<!-- { font: 12px Verdana; height: 17px; }
-.weekday { font: 10px Verdana; height: 17px; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; }
-.timestuff {color: #AAAAAA; text-decoration: none;}
-.muc_join {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
-.muc_leave {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
-.muc_statusChange {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
-.muc_title {color: #BBBBBB; font-size: 32px;}
-.muc_titleChange {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
-.muc_kick {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
-.muc_bann {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
-.muc_msg_nick {color: #0000AA;}
-.muc_msg_me {color: #0000AA;}
-.join_link {font-height: 9px;}
-window.captureEvents(Event.RESIZE | Event.LOAD);
-window.onresize = resize;
-window.onload = load;
-function load(e) {
-	resize(e);
-function resize(e) {
-	var ele = document.getElementById("main");
- = window.innerHeight - ele.offsetTop - 25;
-	var yearDivs = document.getElemetsByName("yearDiv");
-	if(yearDivs) {
-		for each (var year in yearDivs) {
- = window.innerWidth -;
-		}
-	}
-html.components = {};
-html.components.bit = [[<a href="###COMPONENT###/">###COMPONENT###</a><br />]]
-html.components.body = [[<h2>MUC hosts available on this server:</h2><hr /><p>
-</p><hr />]];
-html.rooms = {};
-html.rooms.bit = [[<a href="###ROOM###/">###ROOM###</a><br />]]
-html.rooms.body = [[<h2>Rooms hosted on MUC host: ###COMPONENT###</h2><hr /><p>
-</p><hr />]];
-html.days = {};
-html.days.bit = [[<a href="###BARE_DAY###/">###DAY###</a><br />]];
-html.days.body = [[<h2>available logged days of room: ###JID###</h2><hr /><div id="main" style="overflow: auto;">
-</div><hr />]];
- = {}; = [[Subject: <font class="muc_title">###TITLE###</font>]]; = [[<a name="###TIME###" href="####TIME###" class="timestuff">[###TIME###]</a> ]]; -- the one ####TIME### need to stay! it will evaluate to e.g. #09:10:56 which is an anker then = {}; = [[<div name="joinLeave" style="display: ###SHOWHIDE###;">###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_join"> *** ###NICK### joins the room</font><br /></div>]]; = [[<div name="joinLeave" style="display: ###SHOWHIDE###;">###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_leave"> *** ###NICK### leaves the room</font><br /></div>]]; = [[ and his status message is "###STATUS###"]]; = [[<div name="status" style="display: ###SHOWHIDE###;">###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_statusChange"> *** ###NICK### shows now as "###SHOW###"###STATUS_STUFF###</font><br /></div>]]; = [[###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_msg_nick">&lt;###NICK###&gt;</font> ###MSG###<br />]]; = [[###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_msg_me">*###NICK### ###MSG###</font><br />]]; = [[###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_titleChange"> *** ###NICK### changed the title to "###TITLE###"</font><br />]]; = [[, the reason was "###REASON###"]] = [[###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_kick"> *** ###VICTIM### got kicked###REASON_STUFF###</font><br />]]; = [[###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_bann"> *** ###VICTIM### got banned###REASON_STUFF###</font><br />]]; = [[<a href="../###DAY###/">###TEXT###</a>]] = [[<h2>Logs of room ###JID### of 20###YEAR###/###MONTH###/###DAY###</h2>
-<font class="join_link"><a href="" target="_blank">Join room now via!</a></font><br />
-###PREVIOUS_LINK###   ###NEXT_LINK###<br />
-<input type="checkbox" onclick="showHide('joinLeave')" ###JOIN_CHECKED###/>show/hide joins and Leaves</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-<input type="checkbox" onclick="showHide('status')" ###STATUS_CHECKED###/>show/hide status changes</button>
-<hr /><div id="main" style="overflow: auto;">
-</div><hr />
--- Calendar stuff
-html.year = {};
-html.year.title = [[<center><font style="font: bold 16px Verdana;"><a name="###YEAR###">###YEAR###</a></font></center>]];
-html.month = {};
-html.month.header = [[<table rules="groups" cellpadding="5">
-<thead><tr><td colspan="7"><center><H2><font size="2" face="Verdana">###TITLE###</font></H2></center></td></tr></thead>
-<tbody style="border: solid black 1px;">
-html.month.weekDay = [[    <th class="weekday" valign="middle" align="center">###DAY###</th>]];
-html.month.emptyDay = [[    <td class="day">&nbsp;</td>]]; = [[    <td class="day" valign="middle" align="center">###DAY###</td>]];
-html.month.footer = [[</tbody></table>]];
-local function checkDatastorePathExists(node, host, today, create)
-	create = create or false;
-	local path = data_getpath(node, host, datastore, "dat", true);
-	path = path:gsub("/[^/]*$", "");
-	-- check existance
-	local attributes, err = lfs.attributes(path);
-	if attributes == nil or attributes.mode ~= "directory" then
-		module:log("warn", "muc_log folder isn't a folder: %s", path);
-		return false;
-	end
-	attributes, err = lfs.attributes(path .. "/" .. today);
-	if attributes == nil then
-		if create then
-			return lfs.mkdir(path .. "/" .. today);
-		else
-			return false;
-		end
-	elseif attributes.mode == "directory" then
-		return true;
-	end
-	return false;
-function createDoc(body)
-	if body then
-		return html.doc:gsub("###BODY_STUFF###", body);
-	end
-local function htmlEscape(t)
-	t = t:gsub("<", "&lt;");
-	t = t:gsub(">", "&gt;");
-	t = t:gsub("(http://[%a%d@%.:/&%?=%-_#]+)", [[<a href="%1">%1</a>]]);
-	t = t:gsub("\n", "<br />");
-	return t;
-function splitUrl(url)
-	local tmp = url:sub(string.len("/muc_log/") + 1);
-	local day = nil;
-	local room = nil;
-	local component = nil;
-	local at = nil;
-	local slash = nil;
-	local slash2 = nil;
-	slash = tmp:find("/");
-	if slash then
-	 	component = tmp:sub(1, slash - 1);
-		if tmp:len() > slash then
-			room = tmp:sub(slash + 1);
-			slash = room:find("/");
-			if slash then
-				tmp = room;
-				room = tmp:sub(1, slash - 1);
-				if tmp:len() > slash then
-					day = tmp:sub(slash + 1);
-					slash = day:find("/");
-					if slash then
-						day = day:sub(1, slash - 1);
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	return room, component, day;
-local function generateComponentListSiteContent()
-	local components = "";
-	for component,muc_host in pairs(muc_hosts or {}) do
-		components = components .. html.components.bit:gsub("###COMPONENT###", component);
-	end
-	if components ~= "" then
-		return html.components.body:gsub("###COMPONENTS_STUFF###", components);
-	end
-local function generateRoomListSiteContent(component)
-	local rooms = "";
-	if prosody.hosts[component] and prosody.hosts[component].muc ~= nil then
-		for jid, room in pairs(prosody.hosts[component].muc.rooms) do
-			local node = splitJid(jid);
-			if not room._data.hidden and node then
-				rooms = rooms .. html.rooms.bit:gsub("###ROOM###", node):gsub("###COMPONENT###", component);
-			end
-		end
-		if rooms ~= "" then
-			return html.rooms.body:gsub("###ROOMS_STUFF###", rooms):gsub("###COMPONENT###", component);
-		end
-	end
--- Calendar stuff
-local function getDaysForMonth(month, year)
-    local daysCount = 30;
-    local leapyear = false;
-    if year%4 == 0 and year%100 == 0 then
-        if year%400 == 0 then
-            leapyear = true;
-        else
-            leapyear = false; -- turn of the century but not a leapyear
-        end
-    elseif year%4 == 0 then
-        leapyear = true;
-    end
-    if month == 2 and leapyear then
-        daysCount = 29;
-    elseif month == 2 and not leapyear then
-        daysCount = 28;
-    elseif  month < 8 and month%2 == 1 or
-            month >= 8 and month%2 == 0
-    then
-        daysCount = 31;
-    end
-    return daysCount;
-local function createMonth(month, year, dayCallback)
-    local htmlStr = html.month.header;
-    local days = getDaysForMonth(month, year);
-    local time = os_time{year=year, month=month, day=1};
-    local dow = tostring(os_date("%a", time))
-    local title = tostring(os_date("%B", time));
-    local weekDays = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"};
-    local weekDay = 0;
-    local weeks = 1;
-	local logAvailableForMinimumOneDay = false;
-    local weekDaysHtml = "";
-    for _, tmp in ipairs(weekDays) do
-        weekDaysHtml = weekDaysHtml .. html.month.weekDay:gsub("###DAY###", tmp) .. "\n";
-    end
-    htmlStr = htmlStr:gsub("###TITLE###", title):gsub("###WEEKDAYS###", weekDaysHtml);
-    for i = 1, 31 do
-        weekDay = weekDay + 1;
-        if weekDay == 1 then htmlStr = htmlStr .. "<tr>\n"; end
-        if i == 1 then
-            for _, tmp in ipairs(weekDays) do
-                if dow ~= tmp then
-                    htmlStr = htmlStr .. html.month.emptyDay .. "\n";
-                    weekDay = weekDay + 1;
-                else
-                    break;
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        if i < days + 1 then
-            local tmp = tostring("<font color='#DDDDDD'>"..tostring(i).."</font>");
-            if dayCallback ~= nil and dayCallback.callback ~= nil then
-                tmp = dayCallback.callback(dayCallback.path, i, month, year);
-            end
-			if tmp == nil then
-            	tmp = tostring("<font color='#DDDDDD'>"..tostring(i).."</font>");
-			else
-				logAvailableForMinimumOneDay = true;
-			end
-            htmlStr = htmlStr .."###DAY###", tmp) .. "\n";
-        end
-        if i >= days then
-            break;
-        end
-        if weekDay == 7 then
-            weekDay = 0;
-            weeks = weeks + 1;
-            htmlStr = htmlStr .. "</tr>\n";
-        end
-    end
-    if weekDay + 1 < 8 or weeks < 6 then
-        weekDay = weekDay + 1;
-        if weekDay > 7 then
-            weekDay = 1;
-        end
-        if weekDay == 1 then
-            weeks = weeks + 1;
-        end
-        for y = weeks, 6 do
-            if weekDay == 1 then
-                htmlStr = htmlStr .. "<tr>\n";
-            end
-            for i = weekDay, 7 do
-                htmlStr = htmlStr .. html.month.emptyDay .. "\n";
-            end
-            weekDay = 1
-            htmlStr = htmlStr .. "</tr>\n";
-        end
-    end
-    htmlStr = htmlStr .. html.month.footer;
-	if logAvailableForMinimumOneDay then
-    	return htmlStr;
-	end
-local function createYear(year, dayCallback)
-	local year = year;
-	local tmp;
-	if tonumber(year) <= 99 then
-		year = year + 2000;
-	end
-	local htmlStr = "<div name='yearDiv' style='padding: 40px; text-align: center;'>" .. html.year.title:gsub("###YEAR###", tostring(year));
-    for i=1, 12 do
-		tmp = createMonth(i, year, dayCallback);
-		if tmp then
-        	htmlStr = htmlStr .. "<div style='float: left; padding: 5px;'>\n" .. tmp .. "</div>\n";
-		end
-    end
-	return htmlStr .. "</div><br style='clear:both;'/> \n";
-local function perDayCallback(path, day, month, year)
-	local year = year;
-	if year > 2000 then
-		year = year - 2000;
-	end
-	local bareDay = str_format("%.02d%.02d%.02d", year, month, day);
-	local attributes, err = lfs.attributes(path.."/"..bareDay)
-	if attributes ~= nil and attributes.mode == "directory" then
-		local s = html.days.bit;
-		s = s:gsub("###BARE_DAY###", bareDay);
-		s = s:gsub("###DAY###", day);
-		return s;
-	end
-	return;
-local function generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bareRoomJid)
-	local days = "";
-	local arrDays = {};
-	local tmp;
-	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
-	local path = data_getpath(node, host, datastore);
-	local room = nil;
-	local attributes = nil;
-	path = path:gsub("/[^/]*$", "");
-	attributes = lfs.attributes(path);
-	if muc_hosts ~= nil and muc_hosts[host] and prosody.hosts[host] ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bareRoomJid] ~= nil then
-		room = prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bareRoomJid];
-		if room._data.hidden then
-			room = nil
-		end
-	end
-	if attributes ~= nil and room ~= nil then
-		local alreadyDoneYears = {};
-		for file in lfs.dir(path) do
-			local year, month, day = file:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
-			if year ~= nil and alreadyDoneYears[year] == nil then
-				days = days .. createYear(year, {callback=perDayCallback, path=path});
-				alreadyDoneYears[year] = true;
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if days ~= "" then
-		tmp = html.days.body:gsub("###DAYS_STUFF###", days);
-		return tmp:gsub("###JID###", bareRoomJid);
-	end
-local function parseIqStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick)
-	local text = nil;
-	local victim = nil;
-	if(stanza.attr.type == "set") then
-		for _,tag in ipairs(stanza) do
-			if tag.tag == "query" then
-				for _,item in ipairs(tag) do
-					if item.tag == "item" and item.attr.nick ~= nil and tostring(item.attr.role) == 'none' then
-						victim = item.attr.nick;
-						for _,reason in ipairs(item) do
-							if reason.tag == "reason" then
-								text = reason[1];
-								break;
-							end
-						end
-						break;
-					end 
-				end
-				break;
-			end
-		end
-		if victim ~= nil then
-			if text ~= nil then	
-				text ="###REASON###", htmlEscape(text));
-			else
-				text = "";
-			end	
-			return"###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###VICTIM###", victim):gsub("###REASON_STUFF###", text);
-		end
-	end
-	return;
-local function parsePresenceStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick)
-	local ret = "";
-	local showJoin = "block"
-	if config and not config.showJoin then
-		showJoin = "none";
-	end
-	if stanza.attr.type == nil then
-		local showStatus = "block"
-		if config and not config.showStatus then
-			showStatus = "none";
-		end
-		local show, status = nil, "";
-		local alreadyJoined = false;
-		for _, tag in ipairs(stanza) do
-			if tag.tag == "alreadyJoined" then
-				alreadyJoined = true;
-			elseif tag.tag == "show" then
-				show = tag[1];
-			elseif tag.tag == "status" then
-				status = tag[1];
-			end
-		end
-		if alreadyJoined == true then
-			if show == nil then
-				show = "online";
-			end
-			ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff);
-			if status ~= "" then
-				status ="###STATUS###", htmlEscape(status));
-			end
-			ret = ret:gsub("###SHOW###", show):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showStatus):gsub("###STATUS_STUFF###", status);
-		else
-			ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showJoin):gsub("###NICK###", nick);
-		end
-	elseif stanza.attr.type ~= nil and stanza.attr.type == "unavailable" then
-		ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showJoin):gsub("###NICK###", nick);
-	end
-	return ret;
-local function parseMessageStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick)
-	local body, title, ret = nil, nil, "";
-	for _,tag in ipairs(stanza) do
-		if tag.tag == "body" then
-			body = tag[1];
-			if nick ~= nil then
-				break;
-			end
-		elseif tag.tag == "nick" and nick == nil then
-			nick = htmlEscape(tag[1]);
-			if body ~= nil or title ~= nil then
-				break;
-			end
-		elseif tag.tag == "subject" then
-			title = tag[1];
-			if nick ~= nil then
-				break;
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	if nick ~= nil and body ~= nil then
-		body = htmlEscape(body);
-		local me = body:find("^/me");
-		local template = "";
-		if not me then			
-			template =;
-		else
-			template =;
-			body = body:gsub("^/me ", "");
-		end
-		ret = template:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###MSG###", body);
-	elseif nick ~= nil and title ~= nil then
-		title = htmlEscape(title);
-		ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###TITLE###", title);	
-	end
-	return ret;
-local function incrementDay(bare_day)
-	local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
-	local leapyear = false;
-	module:log("debug", tostring(day).."/"..tostring(month).."/"..tostring(year))
-	day = tonumber(day);
-	month = tonumber(month);
-	year = tonumber(year);
-	if year%4 == 0 and year%100 == 0 then
-		if year%400 == 0 then
-			leapyear = true;
-		else
-			leapyear = false; -- turn of the century but not a leapyear
-		end
-	elseif year%4 == 0 then
-		leapyear = true;
-	end	
-	if (month == 2 and leapyear and day + 1 > 29) or
-	   (month == 2 and not leapyear and day + 1 > 28) or
-	   (month < 8 and month%2 == 1 and day + 1 > 31) or
-	   (month < 8 and month%2 == 0 and day + 1 > 30) or
-	   (month >= 8 and month%2 == 0 and day + 1 > 31) or
-	   (month >= 8 and month%2 == 1 and day + 1 > 30)
-	then
-		if month + 1 > 12 then
-			year = year + 1;
-		else
-			month = month + 1;
-		end
-	else
-		day = day + 1;
-	end
-	return strformat("%.02d%.02d%.02d", year, month, day);
-local function findNextDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day)
-	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
-	local day = incrementDay(bare_day);
-	local max_trys = 7;
-	module:log("debug", day);	
-	while(not checkDatastorePathExists(node, host, day, false)) do
-		max_trys = max_trys - 1;
-		if max_trys == 0 then
-			break;
-		end
-		day = incrementDay(day);
-	end
-	if max_trys == 0 then
-		return nil;
-	else
-		return day;
-	end
-local function decrementDay(bare_day)
-	local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
-	module:log("debug", tostring(day).."/"..tostring(month).."/"..tostring(year))
-	day = tonumber(day);
-	month = tonumber(month);
-	year = tonumber(year);
-	if day - 1 == 0 then
-		if month - 1 == 0 then
-			year = year - 1;
-		else
-			month = month - 1;
-		end
-	else
-		day = day - 1;
-	end
-	return strformat("%.02d%.02d%.02d", year, month, day);
-local function findPreviousDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day)
-	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
-	local day = decrementDay(bare_day);
-	local max_trys = 7;
-	module:log("debug", day);
-	while(not checkDatastorePathExists(node, host, day, false)) do
-		max_trys = max_trys - 1;
-		if max_trys == 0 then
-			break;
-		end
-		day = decrementDay(day);
-	end
-	if max_trys == 0 then
-		return nil;
-	else
-		return day;
-	end
-local function parseDay(bareRoomJid, roomSubject, bare_day)
-	local ret = "";
-	local year;
-	local month;
-	local day;
-	local tmp;
-	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
-	local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
-	local previousDay = findPreviousDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day);
-	local nextDay = findNextDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day);
-	if bare_day ~= nil then
-		local data = data_load(node, host, datastore .. "/" .. bare_day);
-		if data ~= nil then
-			for i=1, #data, 1 do
-				local stanza = lom.parse(data[i]);
-				if stanza ~= nil and stanza.attr ~= nil and stanza.attr.time ~= nil then
-					local timeStuff ="###TIME###", stanza.attr.time);
-					if stanza[1] ~= nil then
-						local nick;
-						local tmp;
-						-- grep nick from "from" resource
-						if stanza[1].attr.from ~= nil then -- presence and messages
-							nick = htmlEscape(stanza[1].attr.from:match("/(.+)$"));
-						elseif stanza[1] ~= nil then -- iq
-							nick = htmlEscape(stanza[1]"/(.+)$"));
-						end
-						if stanza[1].tag == "presence" and nick ~= nil then
-							tmp = parsePresenceStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick);
-						elseif stanza[1].tag == "message" then
-							tmp = parseMessageStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick);
-						elseif stanza[1].tag == "iq" then
-							tmp = parseIqStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick);
-						else
-							module:log("info", "unknown stanza subtag in log found. room: %s; day: %s", bareRoomJid, year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day);
-						end
-						if tmp ~= nil then
-							ret = ret .. tmp
-							tmp = nil;
-						end
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-		if ret ~= "" then
-			if nextDay then
-				nextDay ="###DAY###", nextDay):gsub("###TEXT###", "next day &gt;&gt;")
-			end
-			if previousDay then
-				previousDay ="###DAY###", previousDay):gsub("###TEXT###", "&lt;&lt; previous day");
-			end
-			tmp ="###DAY_STUFF###", ret):gsub("###JID###", bareRoomJid);
-			tmp = tmp:gsub("###YEAR###", year):gsub("###MONTH###", month):gsub("###DAY###", day);
-			tmp = tmp:gsub("###TITLE_STUFF###","###TITLE###", roomSubject));
-			tmp = tmp:gsub("###STATUS_CHECKED###", config.showStatus and "checked='checked'" or "");
-			tmp = tmp:gsub("###JOIN_CHECKED###", config.showJoin and "checked='checked'" or "");
-			tmp = tmp:gsub("###NEXT_LINK###", nextDay or "");
-			tmp = tmp:gsub("###PREVIOUS_LINK###", previousDay or "");
-			return tmp;
-		end
-	end
-function handle_request(method, body, request)
-	local node, host, day = splitUrl(request.url.path);
-	if muc_hosts ~= nil then
-	 	if node ~= nil and host ~= nil then
-			local bare = node .. "@" .. host;
-			if prosody.hosts[host] ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil then
-				if prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare] ~= nil then
-					local room = prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare];
-					if day == nil then
-						return createDoc(generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bare));
-					else
-						local subject = ""
-						if room._data ~= nil and room._data.subject ~= nil then
-							subject = room._data.subject;
-						end
-						return createDoc(parseDay(bare, subject, day));
-					end
-				else
-					return createDoc(generateRoomListSiteContent(host));
-				end
-			else
-				return createDoc(generateComponentListSiteContent());
-			end
-		elseif host ~= nil then
-			return createDoc(generateRoomListSiteContent(host));
-		else
-			return createDoc(generateComponentListSiteContent());
-		end
-	end
-	return;
-function module.load()
-	config = config_get("*", "core", "muc_log_http") or {};
-	if config.showStatus == nil then
-		config.showStatus = true;
-	end
-	if config.showJoin == nil then
-		config.showJoin = true;
-	end
-	httpserver.new_from_config({ config.http_port or true }, handle_request, { base = urlBase, ssl = false, port = 5290 });
-	for jid, host in pairs(prosody.hosts) do
-		if host.muc then
-			local enabledModules = config_get(jid, "core", "modules_enabled");
-			if enabledModules then
-				for _,mod in ipairs(enabledModules) do
-					if(mod == "muc_log") then
-						module:log("debug", "component: %s", tostring(jid));
-						muc_hosts[jid] = true;
-						break;
-					end
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	module:log("debug", "loaded mod_muc_log_http");
-function module.unload()
-	muc_hosts = nil;
-	module:log("debug", "unloaded mod_muc_log_http");
-module:add_event_hook("component-activated", function(component, config)
-	if config.core and config.core.modules_enabled then
-		for _,mod in ipairs(config.core.modules_enabled) do
-			if(mod == "muc_log") then
-				module:log("debug", "component: %s", tostring(component));
-				muc_hosts[component] = true;
-				break;
-			end
-		end
-	end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/mod_muc_log_http.lua	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2009 Thilo Cestonaro
+-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
+-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
+local prosody = prosody;
+local tabSort = table.sort;
+local tonumber = _G.tonumber;
+local tostring = _G.tostring;
+local strformat = string.format;
+local splitJid = require "util.jid".split;
+local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get;
+local httpserver = require "net.httpserver";
+local datamanager = require "util.datamanager";
+local data_load, data_getpath = datamanager.load, datamanager.getpath;
+local datastore = "muc_log";
+local urlBase = "muc_log";
+local muc_hosts = {};
+local config = nil;
+local tostring = _G.tostring;
+local tonumber = _G.tonumber;
+local os_date, os_time =, os.time;
+local str_format = string.format;
+local io_open =;
+local themesParent = (CFG_PLUGINDIR or "./plugins/") .. "muc_log_http/themes";
+local lom = require "lxp.lom";
+--[[ LuaFileSystem 
+* URL:
+* Install: luarocks install luafilesystem
+* ]]
+local lfs = require "lfs";
+* Default templates for the html output.
+local html = {};
+local theme = "default";
+local function checkDatastorePathExists(node, host, today, create)
+	create = create or false;
+	local path = data_getpath(node, host, datastore, "dat", true);
+	path = path:gsub("/[^/]*$", "");
+	-- check existance
+	local attributes, err = lfs.attributes(path);
+	if attributes == nil or attributes.mode ~= "directory" then
+		module:log("warn", "muc_log folder isn't a folder: %s", path);
+		return false;
+	end
+	attributes, err = lfs.attributes(path .. "/" .. today);
+	if attributes == nil then
+		if create then
+			return lfs.mkdir(path .. "/" .. today);
+		else
+			return false;
+		end
+	elseif attributes.mode == "directory" then
+		return true;
+	end
+	return false;
+function createDoc(body)
+	if body then
+		return html.doc:gsub("###BODY_STUFF###", body);
+	end
+local function htmlEscape(t)
+	t = t:gsub("<", "&lt;");
+	t = t:gsub(">", "&gt;");
+	t = t:gsub("(http://[%a%d@%.:/&%?=%-_#]+)", [[<a href="%1">%1</a>]]);
+	t = t:gsub("\n", "<br />");
+	return t;
+function splitUrl(url)
+	local tmp = url:sub(string.len("/muc_log/") + 1);
+	local day = nil;
+	local room = nil;
+	local component = nil;
+	local at = nil;
+	local slash = nil;
+	local slash2 = nil;
+	slash = tmp:find("/");
+	if slash then
+	 	component = tmp:sub(1, slash - 1);
+		if tmp:len() > slash then
+			room = tmp:sub(slash + 1);
+			slash = room:find("/");
+			if slash then
+				tmp = room;
+				room = tmp:sub(1, slash - 1);
+				if tmp:len() > slash then
+					day = tmp:sub(slash + 1);
+					slash = day:find("/");
+					if slash then
+						day = day:sub(1, slash - 1);
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return room, component, day;
+local function generateComponentListSiteContent()
+	local components = "";
+	for component,muc_host in pairs(muc_hosts or {}) do
+		components = components .. html.components.bit:gsub("###COMPONENT###", component);
+	end
+	if components ~= "" then
+		return html.components.body:gsub("###COMPONENTS_STUFF###", components);
+	end
+local function generateRoomListSiteContent(component)
+	local rooms = "";
+	if prosody.hosts[component] and prosody.hosts[component].muc ~= nil then
+		for jid, room in pairs(prosody.hosts[component].muc.rooms) do
+			local node = splitJid(jid);
+			if not room._data.hidden and node then
+				rooms = rooms .. html.rooms.bit:gsub("###ROOM###", node):gsub("###COMPONENT###", component);
+			end
+		end
+		if rooms ~= "" then
+			return html.rooms.body:gsub("###ROOMS_STUFF###", rooms):gsub("###COMPONENT###", component);
+		end
+	end
+-- Calendar stuff
+local function getDaysForMonth(month, year)
+    local daysCount = 30;
+    local leapyear = false;
+    if year%4 == 0 and year%100 == 0 then
+        if year%400 == 0 then
+            leapyear = true;
+        else
+            leapyear = false; -- turn of the century but not a leapyear
+        end
+    elseif year%4 == 0 then
+        leapyear = true;
+    end
+    if month == 2 and leapyear then
+        daysCount = 29;
+    elseif month == 2 and not leapyear then
+        daysCount = 28;
+    elseif  month < 8 and month%2 == 1 or
+            month >= 8 and month%2 == 0
+    then
+        daysCount = 31;
+    end
+    return daysCount;
+local function createMonth(month, year, dayCallback)
+    local htmlStr = html.month.header;
+    local days = getDaysForMonth(month, year);
+    local time = os_time{year=year, month=month, day=1};
+    local dow = tostring(os_date("%a", time))
+    local title = tostring(os_date("%B", time));
+    local weekDays = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"};
+    local weekDay = 0;
+    local weeks = 1;
+	local logAvailableForMinimumOneDay = false;
+    local weekDaysHtml = "";
+    for _, tmp in ipairs(weekDays) do
+        weekDaysHtml = weekDaysHtml .. html.month.weekDay:gsub("###DAY###", tmp) .. "\n";
+    end
+    htmlStr = htmlStr:gsub("###TITLE###", title):gsub("###WEEKDAYS###", weekDaysHtml);
+    for i = 1, 31 do
+        weekDay = weekDay + 1;
+        if weekDay == 1 then htmlStr = htmlStr .. "<tr>\n"; end
+        if i == 1 then
+            for _, tmp in ipairs(weekDays) do
+                if dow ~= tmp then
+                    htmlStr = htmlStr .. html.month.emptyDay .. "\n";
+                    weekDay = weekDay + 1;
+                else
+                    break;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        if i < days + 1 then
+            local tmp = tostring("<font color='#DDDDDD'>"..tostring(i).."</font>");
+            if dayCallback ~= nil and dayCallback.callback ~= nil then
+                tmp = dayCallback.callback(dayCallback.path, i, month, year);
+            end
+			if tmp == nil then
+            	tmp = tostring("<font color='#DDDDDD'>"..tostring(i).."</font>");
+			else
+				logAvailableForMinimumOneDay = true;
+			end
+            htmlStr = htmlStr .."###DAY###", tmp) .. "\n";
+        end
+        if i >= days then
+            break;
+        end
+        if weekDay == 7 then
+            weekDay = 0;
+            weeks = weeks + 1;
+            htmlStr = htmlStr .. "</tr>\n";
+        end
+    end
+    if weekDay + 1 < 8 or weeks < 6 then
+        weekDay = weekDay + 1;
+        if weekDay > 7 then
+            weekDay = 1;
+        end
+        if weekDay == 1 then
+            weeks = weeks + 1;
+        end
+        for y = weeks, 6 do
+            if weekDay == 1 then
+                htmlStr = htmlStr .. "<tr>\n";
+            end
+            for i = weekDay, 7 do
+                htmlStr = htmlStr .. html.month.emptyDay .. "\n";
+            end
+            weekDay = 1
+            htmlStr = htmlStr .. "</tr>\n";
+        end
+    end
+    htmlStr = htmlStr .. html.month.footer;
+	if logAvailableForMinimumOneDay then
+    	return htmlStr;
+	end
+local function createYear(year, dayCallback)
+	local year = year;
+	local tmp;
+	if tonumber(year) <= 99 then
+		year = year + 2000;
+	end
+	local htmlStr = "<div name='yearDiv' style='padding: 40px; text-align: center;'>" .. html.year.title:gsub("###YEAR###", tostring(year));
+    for i=1, 12 do
+		tmp = createMonth(i, year, dayCallback);
+		if tmp then
+        	htmlStr = htmlStr .. "<div style='float: left; padding: 5px;'>\n" .. tmp .. "</div>\n";
+		end
+    end
+	return htmlStr .. "</div><br style='clear:both;'/> \n";
+local function perDayCallback(path, day, month, year)
+	local year = year;
+	if year > 2000 then
+		year = year - 2000;
+	end
+	local bareDay = str_format("%.02d%.02d%.02d", year, month, day);
+	local attributes, err = lfs.attributes(path.."/"..bareDay)
+	if attributes ~= nil and attributes.mode == "directory" then
+		local s = html.days.bit;
+		s = s:gsub("###BARE_DAY###", bareDay);
+		s = s:gsub("###DAY###", day);
+		return s;
+	end
+	return;
+local function generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bareRoomJid)
+	local days = "";
+	local arrDays = {};
+	local tmp;
+	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
+	local path = data_getpath(node, host, datastore);
+	local room = nil;
+	local attributes = nil;
+	path = path:gsub("/[^/]*$", "");
+	attributes = lfs.attributes(path);
+	if muc_hosts ~= nil and muc_hosts[host] and prosody.hosts[host] ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bareRoomJid] ~= nil then
+		room = prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bareRoomJid];
+		if room._data.hidden then
+			room = nil
+		end
+	end
+	if attributes ~= nil and room ~= nil then
+		local alreadyDoneYears = {};
+		for file in lfs.dir(path) do
+			local year, month, day = file:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
+			if year ~= nil and alreadyDoneYears[year] == nil then
+				days = days .. createYear(year, {callback=perDayCallback, path=path});
+				alreadyDoneYears[year] = true;
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if days ~= "" then
+		tmp = html.days.body:gsub("###DAYS_STUFF###", days);
+		return tmp:gsub("###JID###", bareRoomJid);
+	end
+local function parseIqStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick)
+	local text = nil;
+	local victim = nil;
+	if(stanza.attr.type == "set") then
+		for _,tag in ipairs(stanza) do
+			if tag.tag == "query" then
+				for _,item in ipairs(tag) do
+					if item.tag == "item" and item.attr.nick ~= nil and tostring(item.attr.role) == 'none' then
+						victim = item.attr.nick;
+						for _,reason in ipairs(item) do
+							if reason.tag == "reason" then
+								text = reason[1];
+								break;
+							end
+						end
+						break;
+					end 
+				end
+				break;
+			end
+		end
+		if victim ~= nil then
+			if text ~= nil then	
+				text ="###REASON###", htmlEscape(text));
+			else
+				text = "";
+			end	
+			return"###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###VICTIM###", victim):gsub("###REASON_STUFF###", text);
+		end
+	end
+	return;
+local function parsePresenceStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick)
+	local ret = "";
+	local showJoin = "block"
+	if config and not config.showJoin then
+		showJoin = "none";
+	end
+	if stanza.attr.type == nil then
+		local showStatus = "block"
+		if config and not config.showStatus then
+			showStatus = "none";
+		end
+		local show, status = nil, "";
+		local alreadyJoined = false;
+		for _, tag in ipairs(stanza) do
+			if tag.tag == "alreadyJoined" then
+				alreadyJoined = true;
+			elseif tag.tag == "show" then
+				show = tag[1];
+			elseif tag.tag == "status" then
+				status = tag[1];
+			end
+		end
+		if alreadyJoined == true then
+			if show == nil then
+				show = "online";
+			end
+			ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff);
+			if status ~= "" then
+				status ="###STATUS###", htmlEscape(status));
+			end
+			ret = ret:gsub("###SHOW###", show):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showStatus):gsub("###STATUS_STUFF###", status);
+		else
+			ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showJoin):gsub("###NICK###", nick);
+		end
+	elseif stanza.attr.type ~= nil and stanza.attr.type == "unavailable" then
+		ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showJoin):gsub("###NICK###", nick);
+	end
+	return ret;
+local function parseMessageStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick)
+	local body, title, ret = nil, nil, "";
+	for _,tag in ipairs(stanza) do
+		if tag.tag == "body" then
+			body = tag[1];
+			if nick ~= nil then
+				break;
+			end
+		elseif tag.tag == "nick" and nick == nil then
+			nick = htmlEscape(tag[1]);
+			if body ~= nil or title ~= nil then
+				break;
+			end
+		elseif tag.tag == "subject" then
+			title = tag[1];
+			if nick ~= nil then
+				break;
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if nick ~= nil and body ~= nil then
+		body = htmlEscape(body);
+		local me = body:find("^/me");
+		local template = "";
+		if not me then			
+			template =;
+		else
+			template =;
+			body = body:gsub("^/me ", "");
+		end
+		ret = template:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###MSG###", body);
+	elseif nick ~= nil and title ~= nil then
+		title = htmlEscape(title);
+		ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###TITLE###", title);	
+	end
+	return ret;
+local function incrementDay(bare_day)
+	local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
+	local leapyear = false;
+	module:log("debug", tostring(day).."/"..tostring(month).."/"..tostring(year))
+	day = tonumber(day);
+	month = tonumber(month);
+	year = tonumber(year);
+	if year%4 == 0 and year%100 == 0 then
+		if year%400 == 0 then
+			leapyear = true;
+		else
+			leapyear = false; -- turn of the century but not a leapyear
+		end
+	elseif year%4 == 0 then
+		leapyear = true;
+	end	
+	if (month == 2 and leapyear and day + 1 > 29) or
+	   (month == 2 and not leapyear and day + 1 > 28) or
+	   (month < 8 and month%2 == 1 and day + 1 > 31) or
+	   (month < 8 and month%2 == 0 and day + 1 > 30) or
+	   (month >= 8 and month%2 == 0 and day + 1 > 31) or
+	   (month >= 8 and month%2 == 1 and day + 1 > 30)
+	then
+		if month + 1 > 12 then
+			year = year + 1;
+		else
+			month = month + 1;
+		end
+	else
+		day = day + 1;
+	end
+	return strformat("%.02d%.02d%.02d", year, month, day);
+local function findNextDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day)
+	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
+	local day = incrementDay(bare_day);
+	local max_trys = 7;
+	module:log("debug", day);	
+	while(not checkDatastorePathExists(node, host, day, false)) do
+		max_trys = max_trys - 1;
+		if max_trys == 0 then
+			break;
+		end
+		day = incrementDay(day);
+	end
+	if max_trys == 0 then
+		return nil;
+	else
+		return day;
+	end
+local function decrementDay(bare_day)
+	local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
+	module:log("debug", tostring(day).."/"..tostring(month).."/"..tostring(year))
+	day = tonumber(day);
+	month = tonumber(month);
+	year = tonumber(year);
+	if day - 1 == 0 then
+		if month - 1 == 0 then
+			year = year - 1;
+		else
+			month = month - 1;
+		end
+	else
+		day = day - 1;
+	end
+	return strformat("%.02d%.02d%.02d", year, month, day);
+local function findPreviousDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day)
+	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
+	local day = decrementDay(bare_day);
+	local max_trys = 7;
+	module:log("debug", day);
+	while(not checkDatastorePathExists(node, host, day, false)) do
+		max_trys = max_trys - 1;
+		if max_trys == 0 then
+			break;
+		end
+		day = decrementDay(day);
+	end
+	if max_trys == 0 then
+		return nil;
+	else
+		return day;
+	end
+local function parseDay(bareRoomJid, roomSubject, bare_day)
+	local ret = "";
+	local year;
+	local month;
+	local day;
+	local tmp;
+	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
+	local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
+	local previousDay = findPreviousDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day);
+	local nextDay = findNextDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day);
+	if bare_day ~= nil then
+		local data = data_load(node, host, datastore .. "/" .. bare_day);
+		if data ~= nil then
+			for i=1, #data, 1 do
+				local stanza = lom.parse(data[i]);
+				if stanza ~= nil and stanza.attr ~= nil and stanza.attr.time ~= nil then
+					local timeStuff ="###TIME###", stanza.attr.time);
+					if stanza[1] ~= nil then
+						local nick;
+						local tmp;
+						-- grep nick from "from" resource
+						if stanza[1].attr.from ~= nil then -- presence and messages
+							nick = htmlEscape(stanza[1].attr.from:match("/(.+)$"));
+						elseif stanza[1] ~= nil then -- iq
+							nick = htmlEscape(stanza[1]"/(.+)$"));
+						end
+						if stanza[1].tag == "presence" and nick ~= nil then
+							tmp = parsePresenceStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick);
+						elseif stanza[1].tag == "message" then
+							tmp = parseMessageStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick);
+						elseif stanza[1].tag == "iq" then
+							tmp = parseIqStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick);
+						else
+							module:log("info", "unknown stanza subtag in log found. room: %s; day: %s", bareRoomJid, year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day);
+						end
+						if tmp ~= nil then
+							ret = ret .. tmp
+							tmp = nil;
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if ret ~= "" then
+			if nextDay then
+				nextDay ="###DAY###", nextDay):gsub("###TEXT###", "next day &gt;&gt;")
+			end
+			if previousDay then
+				previousDay ="###DAY###", previousDay):gsub("###TEXT###", "&lt;&lt; previous day");
+			end
+			tmp ="###DAY_STUFF###", ret):gsub("###JID###", bareRoomJid);
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###YEAR###", year):gsub("###MONTH###", month):gsub("###DAY###", day);
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###TITLE_STUFF###","###TITLE###", roomSubject));
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###STATUS_CHECKED###", config.showStatus and "checked='checked'" or "");
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###JOIN_CHECKED###", config.showJoin and "checked='checked'" or "");
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###NEXT_LINK###", nextDay or "");
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###PREVIOUS_LINK###", previousDay or "");
+			return tmp;
+		end
+	end
+function handle_request(method, body, request)
+	local node, host, day = splitUrl(request.url.path);
+	if muc_hosts ~= nil then
+	 	if node ~= nil and host ~= nil then
+			local bare = node .. "@" .. host;
+			if prosody.hosts[host] ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil then
+				if prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare] ~= nil then
+					local room = prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare];
+					if day == nil then
+						return createDoc(generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bare));
+					else
+						local subject = ""
+						if room._data ~= nil and room._data.subject ~= nil then
+							subject = room._data.subject;
+						end
+						return createDoc(parseDay(bare, subject, day));
+					end
+				else
+					return createDoc(generateRoomListSiteContent(host));
+				end
+			else
+				return createDoc(generateComponentListSiteContent());
+			end
+		elseif host ~= nil then
+			return createDoc(generateRoomListSiteContent(host));
+		else
+			return createDoc(generateComponentListSiteContent());
+		end
+	end
+	return;
+-- Compatibility: Lua-5.1
+function split(str, pat)
+   local t = {}  -- NOTE: use {n = 0} in Lua-5.0
+   local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat
+   local last_end = 1
+   local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1)
+   while s do
+      if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
+	 table.insert(t,cap)
+      end
+      last_end = e+1
+      s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end)
+   end
+   if last_end <= #str then
+      cap = str:sub(last_end)
+      table.insert(t, cap)
+   end
+   return t
+local function assign(arr, content)
+	local tmp = html;
+	local idx = nil;
+	for _,i in ipairs(arr) do
+		if idx ~= nil then
+			if tmp[idx] == nil then
+				tmp[idx] = {};
+			end
+			tmp = tmp[idx];
+		end
+		idx = i;
+	end
+	tmp[idx] = content;
+local function readFile(filepath)
+	local f = assert(io_open(filepath, "r"));
+	local t = f:read("*all");
+	f:close()
+	return t;
+local function loadTheme(path)
+	local iter = lfs.dir(path);
+    for file in iter do
+        if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then
+			module:log("debug", "opening theme file: " .. file);
+			local tmp = split(file:gsub("\.html$", ""), "_");
+			local content = readFile(path .. "/" .. file);
+			assign(tmp, content);
+		end
+	end
+	return true;
+function module.load()
+	config = config_get("*", "core", "muc_log_http") or {};
+	if config.showStatus == nil then
+		config.showStatus = true;
+	end
+	if config.showJoin == nil then
+		config.showJoin = true;
+	end
+	theme = config.theme or "default";
+	local themePath = themesParent .. "/" .. tostring(theme);
+	local attributes, err = lfs.attributes(themePath);
+	if attributes == nil or attributes.mode ~= "directory" then
+		module:log("error", "Theme folder of theme \"".. tostring(theme) .. "\" isn't existing. expected Path: " .. themePath);
+		return false;
+	end
+	-- module:log("debug", (require "util.serialization").serialize(html));
+	if(not loadTheme(themePath)) then
+		module:log("error", "Theme \"".. tostring(theme) .. "\" is missing something.");
+		return false;
+	end
+	-- module:log("debug", (require "util.serialization").serialize(html));
+	httpserver.new_from_config({ config.http_port or true }, handle_request, { base = urlBase, ssl = false, port = 5290 });
+	for jid, host in pairs(prosody.hosts) do
+		if host.muc then
+			local enabledModules = config_get(jid, "core", "modules_enabled");
+			if enabledModules then
+				for _,mod in ipairs(enabledModules) do
+					if(mod == "muc_log") then
+						module:log("debug", "component: %s", tostring(jid));
+						muc_hosts[jid] = true;
+						break;
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	module:log("debug", "loaded mod_muc_log_http");
+function module.unload()
+	muc_hosts = nil;
+	module:log("debug", "unloaded mod_muc_log_http");
+module:add_event_hook("component-activated", function(component, config)
+	if config.core and config.core.modules_enabled then
+		for _,mod in ipairs(config.core.modules_enabled) do
+			if(mod == "muc_log") then
+				module:log("debug", "component: %s", tostring(component));
+				muc_hosts[component] = true;
+				break;
+			end
+		end
+	end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/components_bit.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<a href="###COMPONENT###/">###COMPONENT###</a><br />
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/components_body.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<h2>MUC hosts available on this server:</h2><hr /><p>
+</p><hr />
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_bann.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_bann"> *** ###VICTIM### got banned###REASON_STUFF###</font><br />
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_body.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<h2>Logs of room ###JID### of 20###YEAR###/###MONTH###/###DAY###</h2>
+<font class="join_link"><a href="" target="_blank">Join room now via!</a></font><br />
+###PREVIOUS_LINK###   ###NEXT_LINK###<br />
+<input type="checkbox" onclick="showHide('joinLeave')" ###JOIN_CHECKED###/>show/hide joins and Leaves</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+<input type="checkbox" onclick="showHide('status')" ###STATUS_CHECKED###/>show/hide status changes</button>
+<hr /><div id="main" style="overflow: auto;">
+</div><hr />
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_dayLink.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<a href="../###DAY###/">###TEXT###</a>
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_kick.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_kick"> *** ###VICTIM### got kicked###REASON_STUFF###</font><br />
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_message.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_msg_nick">&lt;###NICK###&gt;</font> ###MSG###<br />
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_messageMe.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_msg_me">*###NICK### ###MSG###</font><br />
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_presence_join.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<div name="joinLeave" style="display: ###SHOWHIDE###;">###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_join"> *** ###NICK### joins the room</font><br /></div>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_presence_leave.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<div name="joinLeave" style="display: ###SHOWHIDE###;">###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_leave"> *** ###NICK### leaves the room</font><br /></div>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_presence_statusChange.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<div name="status" style="display: ###SHOWHIDE###;">###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_statusChange"> *** ###NICK### shows now as "###SHOW###"###STATUS_STUFF###</font><br /></div>
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_presence_statusText.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+ and his status message is "###STATUS###"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_reason.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+, the reason was "###REASON###"
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_time.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<a name="###TIME###" href="####TIME###" class="timestuff">[###TIME###]</a> 
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_title.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+Subject: <font class="muc_title">###TITLE###</font>
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/day_titleChange.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_titleChange"> *** ###NICK### changed the title to "###TITLE###"</font><br />
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/days_bit.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<a href="###BARE_DAY###/">###DAY###</a><br />
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/days_body.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<h2>available logged days of room: ###JID###</h2><hr /><div id="main" style="overflow: auto;">
+</div><hr />
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >
+	<title>muc_log</title>
+<script type="text/javascript"><!--
+function showHide(name) {
+	var eles = document.getElementsByName(name);
+	for (var i = 0; i < eles.length; i++) {
+		eles[i].style.display = eles[i].style.display != "none" ? "none" : "";
+	}
+<style type="text/css">
+<!-- { font: 12px Verdana; height: 17px; }
+.weekday { font: 10px Verdana; height: 17px; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; }
+.timestuff {color: #AAAAAA; text-decoration: none;}
+.muc_join {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_leave {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_statusChange {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_title {color: #BBBBBB; font-size: 32px;}
+.muc_titleChange {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_kick {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_bann {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_msg_nick {color: #0000AA;}
+.muc_msg_me {color: #0000AA;}
+.join_link {font-height: 9px;}
+window.captureEvents(Event.RESIZE | Event.LOAD);
+window.onresize = resize;
+window.onload = load;
+function load(e) {
+	resize(e);
+function resize(e) {
+	var ele = document.getElementById("main");
+ = window.innerHeight - ele.offsetTop - 25;
+	var yearDivs = document.getElemetsByName("yearDiv");
+	if(yearDivs) {
+		for each (var year in yearDivs) {
+ = window.innerWidth -;
+		}
+	}
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/month_day.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
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+    <td class="day" valign="middle" align="center">###DAY###</td>
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/month_emptyDay.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
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+    <td class="day">&nbsp;</td>
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/month_header.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<table rules="groups" cellpadding="5">
+<thead><tr><td colspan="7"><center><H2><font size="2" face="Verdana">###TITLE###</font></H2></center></td></tr></thead>
+<tbody style="border: solid black 1px;">
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/month_weekDay.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+    <th class="weekday" valign="middle" align="center">###DAY###</th>
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/rooms_bit.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<a href="###ROOM###/">###ROOM###</a><br />
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/rooms_body.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<h2>Rooms hosted on MUC host: ###COMPONENT###</h2><hr /><p>
+</p><hr />
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+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/themes/default/year_title.html	Tue Dec 08 21:12:40 2009 +0100
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+<center><font style="font: bold 16px Verdana;"><a name="###YEAR###">###YEAR###</a></font></center>
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