

Adding vcard.lib.lua that is necessary for the module
author Luis G.F <>
date Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:59:36 +0000
parents 1345:c60e9943dcb9
children 1347:52b419885f0a
files mod_email_pass/vcard.lib.lua
diffstat 1 files changed, 464 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_email_pass/vcard.lib.lua	Thu Mar 13 14:59:36 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Kim Alvefur
+-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
+-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
+-- TODO
+-- Fix folding.
+local st = require "util.stanza";
+local t_insert, t_concat = table.insert, table.concat;
+local type = type;
+local next, pairs, ipairs = next, pairs, ipairs;
+local from_text, to_text, from_xep54, to_xep54;
+local line_sep = "\n";
+local vCard_dtd; -- See end of file
+local function fold_line()
+	error "Not implemented" --TODO
+local function unfold_line()
+	error "Not implemented"
+	-- gsub("\r?\n[ \t]([^\r\n])", "%1");
+local function vCard_esc(s)
+	return s:gsub("[,:;\\]", "\\%1"):gsub("\n","\\n");
+local function vCard_unesc(s)
+	return s:gsub("\\?[\\nt:;,]", {
+		["\\\\"] = "\\",
+		["\\n"] = "\n",
+		["\\r"] = "\r",
+		["\\t"] = "\t",
+		["\\:"] = ":", -- FIXME Shouldn't need to espace : in values, just params
+		["\\;"] = ";",
+		["\\,"] = ",",
+		[":"] = "\29",
+		[";"] = "\30",
+		[","] = "\31",
+	});
+local function item_to_xep54(item)
+	local t = st.stanza(, { xmlns = "vcard-temp" });
+	local prop_def = vCard_dtd[];
+	if prop_def == "text" then
+		t:text(item[1]);
+	elseif type(prop_def) == "table" then
+		if prop_def.types and item.TYPE then
+			if type(item.TYPE) == "table" then
+				for _,v in pairs(prop_def.types) do
+					for _,typ in pairs(item.TYPE) do
+						if typ:upper() == v then
+							t:tag(v):up();
+							break;
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			else
+				t:tag(item.TYPE:upper()):up();
+			end
+		end
+		if prop_def.props then
+			for _,v in pairs(prop_def.props) do
+				if item[v] then
+					t:tag(v):up();
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if prop_def.value then
+			t:tag(prop_def.value):text(item[1]):up();
+		elseif prop_def.values then
+			local prop_def_values = prop_def.values;
+			local repeat_last = prop_def_values.behaviour == "repeat-last" and prop_def_values[#prop_def_values];
+			for i=1,#item do
+				t:tag(prop_def.values[i] or repeat_last):text(item[i]):up();
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return t;
+local function vcard_to_xep54(vCard)
+	local t = st.stanza("vCard", { xmlns = "vcard-temp" });
+	for i=1,#vCard do
+		t:add_child(item_to_xep54(vCard[i]));
+	end
+	return t;
+function to_xep54(vCards)
+	if not vCards[1] or vCards[1].name then
+		return vcard_to_xep54(vCards)
+	else
+		local t = st.stanza("xCard", { xmlns = "vcard-temp" });
+		for i=1,#vCards do
+			t:add_child(vcard_to_xep54(vCards[i]));
+		end
+		return t;
+	end
+function from_text(data)
+	data = data -- unfold and remove empty lines
+		:gsub("\r\n","\n")
+		:gsub("\n ", "")
+		:gsub("\n\n+","\n");
+	local vCards = {};
+	local c; -- current item
+	for line in data:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
+		local line = vCard_unesc(line);
+		local name, params, value = line:match("^([-%a]+)(\30?[^\29]*)\29(.*)$");
+		value = value:gsub("\29",":");
+		if #params > 0 then
+			local _params = {};
+			for k,isval,v in params:gmatch("\30([^=]+)(=?)([^\30]*)") do
+				k = k:upper();
+				local _vt = {};
+				for _p in v:gmatch("[^\31]+") do
+					_vt[#_vt+1]=_p
+					_vt[_p]=true;
+				end
+				if isval == "=" then
+					_params[k]=_vt;
+				else
+					_params[k]=true;
+				end
+			end
+			params = _params;
+		end
+		if name == "BEGIN" and value == "VCARD" then
+			c = {};
+			vCards[#vCards+1] = c;
+		elseif name == "END" and value == "VCARD" then
+			c = nil;
+		elseif vCard_dtd[name] then
+			local dtd = vCard_dtd[name];
+			local p = { name = name };
+			c[#c+1]=p;
+			--c[name]=p;
+			local up = c;
+			c = p;
+			if dtd.types then
+				for _, t in ipairs(dtd.types) do
+					local t = t:lower();
+					if ( params.TYPE and params.TYPE[t] == true)
+							or params[t] == true then
+						c.TYPE=t;
+					end
+				end
+			end
+			if dtd.props then
+				for _, p in ipairs(dtd.props) do
+					if params[p] then
+						if params[p] == true then
+							c[p]=true;
+						else
+							for _, prop in ipairs(params[p]) do
+								c[p]=prop;
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+			if dtd == "text" or dtd.value then
+				t_insert(c, value);
+			elseif dtd.values then
+				local value = "\30"..value;
+				for p in value:gmatch("\30([^\30]*)") do
+					t_insert(c, p);
+				end
+			end
+			c = up;
+		end
+	end
+	return vCards;
+local function item_to_text(item)
+	local value = {};
+	for i=1,#item do
+		value[i] = vCard_esc(item[i]);
+	end
+	value = t_concat(value, ";");
+	local params = "";
+	for k,v in pairs(item) do
+		if type(k) == "string" and k ~= "name" then
+			params = params .. (";%s=%s"):format(k, type(v) == "table" and t_concat(v,",") or v);
+		end
+	end
+	return ("%s%s:%s"):format(, params, value)
+local function vcard_to_text(vcard)
+	local t={};
+	t_insert(t, "BEGIN:VCARD")
+	for i=1,#vcard do
+		t_insert(t, item_to_text(vcard[i]));
+	end
+	t_insert(t, "END:VCARD")
+	return t_concat(t, line_sep);
+function to_text(vCards)
+	if vCards[1] and vCards[1].name then
+		return vcard_to_text(vCards)
+	else
+		local t = {};
+		for i=1,#vCards do
+			t[i]=vcard_to_text(vCards[i]);
+		end
+		return t_concat(t, line_sep);
+	end
+local function from_xep54_item(item)
+	local prop_name =;
+	local prop_def = vCard_dtd[prop_name];
+	local prop = { name = prop_name };
+	if prop_def == "text" then
+		prop[1] = item:get_text();
+	elseif type(prop_def) == "table" then
+		if prop_def.value then --single item
+			prop[1] = item:get_child_text(prop_def.value) or "";
+		elseif prop_def.values then --array
+			local value_names = prop_def.values;
+			if value_names.behaviour == "repeat-last" then
+				for i=1,#item.tags do
+					t_insert(prop, item.tags[i]:get_text() or "");
+				end
+			else
+				for i=1,#value_names do
+					t_insert(prop, item:get_child_text(value_names[i]) or "");
+				end
+			end
+		elseif prop_def.names then
+			local names = prop_def.names;
+			for i=1,#names do
+				if item:get_child(names[i]) then
+					prop[1] = names[i];
+					break;
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if prop_def.props_verbatim then
+			for k,v in pairs(prop_def.props_verbatim) do
+				prop[k] = v;
+			end
+		end
+		if prop_def.types then
+			local types = prop_def.types;
+			prop.TYPE = {};
+			for i=1,#types do
+				if item:get_child(types[i]) then
+					t_insert(prop.TYPE, types[i]:lower());
+				end
+			end
+			if #prop.TYPE == 0 then
+				prop.TYPE = nil;
+			end
+		end
+		-- A key-value pair, within a key-value pair?
+		if prop_def.props then
+			local params = prop_def.props;
+			for i=1,#params do
+				local name = params[i]
+				local data = item:get_child_text(name);
+				if data then
+					prop[name] = prop[name] or {};
+					t_insert(prop[name], data);
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		return nil
+	end
+	return prop;
+local function from_xep54_vCard(vCard)
+	local tags = vCard.tags;
+	local t = {};
+	for i=1,#tags do
+		t_insert(t, from_xep54_item(tags[i]));
+	end
+	return t
+function from_xep54(vCard)
+	if vCard.attr.xmlns ~= "vcard-temp" then
+		return nil, "wrong-xmlns";
+	end
+	if == "xCard" then -- A collection of vCards
+		local t = {};
+		local vCards = vCard.tags;
+		for i=1,#vCards do
+			t[i] = from_xep54_vCard(vCards[i]);
+		end
+		return t
+	elseif == "vCard" then -- A single vCard
+		return from_xep54_vCard(vCard)
+	end
+-- This was adapted from
+vCard_dtd = {
+	VERSION = "text", --MUST be 3.0, so parsing is redundant
+	FN = "text",
+	N = {
+		values = {
+			"FAMILY",
+			"GIVEN",
+			"MIDDLE",
+			"PREFIX",
+			"SUFFIX",
+		},
+	},
+	NICKNAME = "text",
+	PHOTO = {
+		props_verbatim = { ENCODING = { "b" } },
+		props = { "TYPE" },
+		value = "BINVAL", --{ "EXTVAL", },
+	},
+	BDAY = "text",
+	ADR = {
+		types = {
+			"HOME",
+			"WORK", 
+			"POSTAL", 
+			"PARCEL", 
+			"DOM",
+			"INTL",
+			"PREF", 
+		},
+		values = {
+			"POBOX",
+			"EXTADD",
+			"STREET",
+			"REGION",
+			"PCODE",
+			"CTRY",
+		}
+	},
+	LABEL = {
+		types = {
+			"HOME", 
+			"WORK", 
+			"POSTAL", 
+			"PARCEL", 
+			"DOM",
+			"INTL", 
+			"PREF", 
+		},
+		value = "LINE",
+	},
+	TEL = {
+		types = {
+			"HOME", 
+			"WORK", 
+			"VOICE", 
+			"FAX", 
+			"PAGER", 
+			"MSG", 
+			"CELL", 
+			"VIDEO", 
+			"BBS", 
+			"MODEM", 
+			"ISDN", 
+			"PCS", 
+			"PREF", 
+		},
+		value = "NUMBER",
+	},
+	EMAIL = {
+		types = {
+			"HOME", 
+			"WORK", 
+			"INTERNET", 
+			"PREF", 
+			"X400", 
+		},
+		value = "USERID",
+	},
+	JABBERID = "text",
+	MAILER = "text",
+	TZ = "text",
+	GEO = {
+		values = {
+			"LAT",
+			"LON",
+		},
+	},
+	TITLE = "text",
+	ROLE = "text",
+	LOGO = "copy of PHOTO",
+	AGENT = "text",
+	ORG = {
+		values = {
+			behaviour = "repeat-last",
+			"ORGNAME",
+			"ORGUNIT",
+		}
+	},
+		values = "KEYWORD",
+	},
+	NOTE = "text",
+	PRODID = "text",
+	REV = "text",
+	SORTSTRING = "text",
+	SOUND = "copy of PHOTO",
+	UID = "text",
+	URL = "text",
+	CLASS = {
+		names = { -- The is the value if it's one of these.
+			"PUBLIC",
+			"PRIVATE",
+		},
+	},
+	KEY = {
+		props = { "TYPE" },
+		value = "CRED",
+	},
+	DESC = "text",
+vCard_dtd.LOGO = vCard_dtd.PHOTO;
+vCard_dtd.SOUND = vCard_dtd.PHOTO;
+return {
+	from_text = from_text;
+	to_text = to_text;
+	from_xep54 = from_xep54;
+	to_xep54 = to_xep54;
+	-- COMPAT:
+	lua_to_text = to_text;
+	lua_to_xep54 = to_xep54;
+	text_to_lua = from_text;
+	text_to_xep54 = function (...) return to_xep54(from_text(...)); end;
+	xep54_to_lua = from_xep54;
+	xep54_to_text = function (...) return to_text(from_xep54(...)) end;