

Backed out changeset ffec70ddbffc
author Matthew Wild <>
date Sat, 04 Jan 2025 22:48:54 +0000
parents 6133:a0429c322454
children 6135:c42419d73737
files mod_anti_spam/mod_anti_spam.lua mod_flags/mod_flags.lua
diffstat 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 291 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/mod_anti_spam/mod_anti_spam.lua	Sat Jan 04 19:04:26 2025 +0100
+++ b/mod_anti_spam/mod_anti_spam.lua	Sat Jan 04 22:48:54 2025 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-local cache = require "util.cache";
 local ip = require "util.ip";
 local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare;
-local jid_host = require "util.jid".host;
 local jid_split = require "util.jid".split;
 local set = require "util.set";
 local sha256 = require "util.hashes".sha256;
@@ -13,26 +11,10 @@
 local new_rtbl_subscription = module:require("rtbl").new_rtbl_subscription;
 local trie = module:require("trie");
-local pset = module:require("pset");
--- { [service_jid] = set, ... }
-local spam_source_domains_by_service = {};
-local spam_source_ips_by_service = {};
-local spam_source_jids_by_service = {};
-local service_probabilities = {
-	-- if_present = probability the address is a spammer if they are on the list
-	-- if_absent (optional): probability the address is a spammer if they are not on the list
-	-- [service_jid] = { if_present = 0.9, if_absent = 0.5 };
--- These "probabilistic sets" combine the multiple lists according to their weights
-local p_spam_source_domains =, service_probabilities);
-local p_spam_source_ips =, service_probabilities);
-local p_spam_source_jids =, service_probabilities);
-local domain_local_report_threshold = module:get_option_number("anti_spam_local_report_threshold", 2);
+local spam_source_domains =;
+local spam_source_ips =;
+local spam_source_jids =;
 local count_spam_blocked = module:metric("counter", "anti_spam_blocked", "stanzas", "Stanzas blocked as spam", {"reason"});
@@ -85,20 +67,20 @@
 function is_spammy_server(session)
-	if p_spam_source_domains:contains(session.from_host) then
+	if spam_source_domains:contains(session.from_host) then
 		return true;
 	local raw_ip = session.ip;
 	local parsed_ip = raw_ip and ip.new_ip(session.ip);
 	-- Not every session has an ip - for example, stanzas sent from a
 	-- local host session
-	if parsed_ip and p_spam_source_ips:contains_ip(parsed_ip) then
+	if parsed_ip and spam_source_ips:contains_ip(parsed_ip) then
 		return true;
 function is_spammy_sender(sender_jid)
-	return p_spam_source_jids:contains(sha256(sender_jid, true));
+	return spam_source_jids:contains(sha256(sender_jid, true));
 local spammy_strings = module:get_option_array("anti_spam_block_strings");
@@ -133,16 +115,6 @@
 local anti_spam_services = module:get_option_array("anti_spam_services", {});
 for _, rtbl_service_jid in ipairs(anti_spam_services) do
-	service_probabilities[rtbl_service_jid] = { if_present = 0.95 };
-	local spam_source_domains =;
-	local spam_source_ips =;
-	local spam_source_jids =;
-	spam_source_domains_by_service[rtbl_service_jid] = spam_source_domains;
-	spam_source_ips_by_service[rtbl_service_jid] = spam_source_ips;
-	spam_source_jids_by_service[rtbl_service_jid] = spam_source_jids;
 	new_rtbl_subscription(rtbl_service_jid, "spam_source_domains", {
 		added = function (item)
@@ -177,68 +149,6 @@
--- And local reports...
-	local spam_source_domains =;
-	local spam_source_ips =;
-	local domain_counts =;
-	service_probabilities[] = { if_present = 0.6, if_absent = 0.4 };
-	module:hook("mod_spam_reporting/spam-report", function (event)
-		-- TODO: check for >= prosody:member
-		local reported_jid = event.jid;
-		local reported_domain = jid_host(reported_jid);
-		local report_count = (domain_counts:get(reported_domain) or 0) + 1;
-		domain_counts:set(reported_domain, report_count);
-		if report_count >= domain_local_report_threshold then
-			spam_source_domains:add(reported_domain);
-		end
-	end);
-	module:add_item("shell-command", {
-		section = "antispam";
-		section_desc = "Anti-spam management commands";
-		name = "filter_domain";
-		desc = "Restrict interactions from a remote domain to a virtual host";
-		args = {
-			{ name = "host", type = "string" };
-			{ name = "remote_domain", type = "string" };
-		};
-		host_selector = "host";
-		handler = function(self, host, remote_domain) --luacheck: ignore 212/self 212/host
-			spam_source_domains:add(remote_domain);
-			return true, "Remote domain now restricted: "..remote_domain;
-		end;
-	});
-	module:add_item("shell-command", {
-		section = "antispam";
-		section_desc = "Anti-spam management commands";
-		name = "filter_ip";
-		desc = "Restrict interactions from a remote IP/CIDR to a virtual host";
-		args = {
-			{ name = "host", type = "string" };
-			{ name = "remote_ip", type = "string" };
-		};
-		host_selector = "host";
-		handler = function(self, host, remote_ip) --luacheck: ignore 212/self 212/host
-			local subnet_ip, subnet_bits = ip.parse_cidr(remote_ip);
-			if not subnet_ip then
-				return false, subnet_bits; -- false, err
-			end
-			spam_source_ips:add_subnet(subnet_ip, subnet_bits);
-			return true, "Remote IP now restricted: "..remote_ip;
-		end;
-	});
 module:hook("message/bare", function (event)
 	local to_user, to_host = jid_split(;
@@ -290,4 +200,3 @@
 	module:log("debug", "Allowing subscription request through");
 end, 500);
--- a/mod_flags/mod_flags.lua	Sat Jan 04 19:04:26 2025 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
--- This module is only for 0.12, later versions have mod_flags bundled
---% conflicts: mod_flags
-local flags_map;
-if prosody.process_type ~= "prosodyctl" then
-	flags_map = module:open_store("account_flags", "map");
--- API
-function add_flag(username, flag, comment) -- luacheck: ignore 131/add_flag
-	local flag_data = {
-		when = os.time();
-		comment = comment;
-	};
-	local ok, err = flags_map:set(username, flag, flag_data);
-	if not ok then
-		return nil, err;
-	end
-	module:fire_event("user-flag-added/"..flag, {
-		user = username;
-		flag = flag;
-		data = flag_data;
-	});
-	return true;
-function remove_flag(username, flag) -- luacheck: ignore 131/remove_flag
-	local ok, err = flags_map:set(username, flag, nil);
-	if not ok then
-		return nil, err;
-	end
-	module:fire_event("user-flag-removed/"..flag, {
-		user = username;
-		flag = flag;
-	});
-	return true;
-function has_flag(username, flag) -- luacheck: ignore 131/has_flag
-	local ok, err = flags_map:get(username, flag);
-	if not ok and err then
-		error("Failed to check flags for user: "..err);
-	end
-	return not not ok;
-function get_flag_info(username, flag) -- luacheck: ignore 131/get_flag_info
-	return flags_map:get(username, flag);
--- Migration from mod_firewall marks
-local function migrate_marks(host)
-	local usermanager = require "core.usermanager";
-	local flag_storage = module:open_store("account_flags");
-	local mark_storage = module:open_store("firewall_marks");
-	local migration_comment = "Migrated from mod_firewall marks at ""%Y-%m-%d %R");
-	local migrated, empty, errors = 0, 0, 0;
-	for username in usermanager.users(host) do
-		local marks, err = mark_storage:get(username);
-		if marks then
-			local flags = {};
-			for mark_name, mark_timestamp in pairs(marks) do
-				flags[mark_name] = {
-					when = mark_timestamp;
-					comment = migration_comment;
-				};
-			end
-			local saved_ok, saved_err = flag_storage:set(username, flags);
-			if saved_ok then
-				prosody.log("error", "Failed to save flags for %s: %s", username, saved_err);
-				migrated = migrated + 1;
-			else
-				errors = errors + 1;
-			end
-		elseif err then
-			prosody.log("error", "Failed to load marks for %s: %s", username, err);
-			errors = errors + 1;
-		else
-			empty = empty + 1;
-		end
-	end
-	print(("Finished - %d migrated, %d users with no marks, %d errors"):format(migrated, empty, errors));
-function module.command(arg)
-	local storagemanager = require "core.storagemanager";
-	local usermanager = require "core.usermanager";
-	local jid = require "util.jid";
-	local warn = require"util.prosodyctl".show_warning;
-	local command = arg[1];
-	if not command then
-		warn("Valid subcommands: migrate_marks");
-		return 0;
-	end
-	table.remove(arg, 1);
-	local node, host = jid.prepped_split(arg[1]);
-	if not host then
-		warn("Please specify a host or JID after the command");
-		return 1;
-	elseif not prosody.hosts[host] then
-		warn("Unknown host: ";
-		return 1;
-	end
-	table.remove(arg, 1);
- = host; -- luacheck: ignore 122
-	storagemanager.initialize_host(host);
-	usermanager.initialize_host(host);
-	flags_map = module:open_store("account_flags", "map");
-	if command == "migrate_marks" then
-		migrate_marks(host);
-		return 0;
-	elseif command == "find" then
-		local flag = assert(arg[1], "expected argument: flag");
-		local flags = module:open_store("account_flags", "map");
-		local users_with_flag = flags:get_all(flag);
-		local c = 0;
-		for user, flag_data in pairs(users_with_flag) do
-			print(user,"%Y-%m-%d %R", flag_data.when), flag_data.comment or "");
-			c = c + 1;
-		end
-		print(("%d accounts listed"):format(c));
-		return 1;
-	elseif command == "add" then
-		local username = assert(node, "expected a user JID, got ";
-		local flag = assert(arg[1], "expected argument: flag");
-		local comment = arg[2];
-		local ok, err = add_flag(username, flag, comment);
-		if not ok then
-			print("Failed to add flag: "..err);
-			return 1;
-		end
-		print("Flag added");
-		return 1;
-	elseif command == "remove" then
-		local username = assert(node, "expected a user JID, got ";
-		local flag = assert(arg[1], "expected argument: flag");
-		local ok, err = remove_flag(username, flag);
-		if not ok then
-			print("Failed to remove flag: "..err);
-			return 1;
-		end
-		print("Flag removed");
-		return 1;
-	elseif command == "list" then
-		local username = assert(node, "expected a user JID, got ";
-		local c = 0;
-		local flags = module:open_store("account_flags");
-		local user_flags, err = flags:get(username);
-		if not user_flags and err then
-			print("Unable to list flags: "..err);
-			return 1;
-		end
-		if user_flags then
-			for flag_name, flag_data in pairs(user_flags) do
-				print(flag_name,"%Y-%m-%d %R", flag_data.when), flag_data.comment or "");
-				c = c + 1;
-			end
-		end
-		print(("%d flags listed"):format(c));
-		return 0;
-	else
-		warn("Unknown command: %s", command);
-		return 1;
-	end