Software /
code /
mod_statistics/top.lib.lua @ 6199:fe8222112cf4
mod_conversejs: Serve base app at /
This makes things slightly less awkward for the browser to figure out which
URLs belong to a PWA. The app's "start URL" was previously without the '/' and
therefore was not considered within the scope of the PWA. Now the canonical
app URL will always have a '/'.
Prosody/mod_http should take care of redirecting existing links without the
trailing / to the new URL.
If you have an installation at https://prosody/conversejs then it is now at
https://prosody/conversejs/ (the first URL will now redirect to the second
URL if you use it).
The alternative would be to make the PWA scope include the parent, i.e.
the whole of https://prosody/ in this case. This might get messy if other
PWAs are provided by the same site or Prosody installation, however.
author | Matthew Wild <> |
date | Tue, 11 Feb 2025 13:18:38 +0000 |
parent | 3414:66bda434d476 |
line wrap: on
line source
local array = require "util.array"; local it = require "util.iterators"; local curses = require "curses"; local stats = module:require "stats".stats; local time = require "socket".gettime; local sessions_idle_after = 60; local stanza_names = {"message", "presence", "iq"}; local top = {}; top.__index = top; local status_lines = { "Prosody $version - $time up $up_since, $total_users users, $cpu busy"; "Connections: $total_c2s c2s, $total_s2sout s2sout, $total_s2sin s2sin, $total_component component"; "Memory: $memory_lua lua, $memory_allocated process ($memory_used in use)"; "Stanzas in: $message_in_per_second message/s, $presence_in_per_second presence/s, $iq_in_per_second iq/s"; "Stanzas out: $message_out_per_second message/s, $presence_out_per_second presence/s, $iq_out_per_second iq/s"; }; function top:draw() self:draw_status(); self:draw_column_titles(); self:draw_conn_list(); self.statuswin:refresh(); self.listwin:refresh(); --self.infowin:refresh() self.stdscr:move(#status_lines,0) end -- Width specified as cols or % of unused space, defaults to -- title width if not specified local conn_list_columns = { { title = "ID", key = "id", width = "8" }; { title = "JID", key = "jid", width = "100%" }; { title = "STANZAS IN>", key = "total_stanzas_in", align = "right" }; { title = "MSG", key = "message_in", align = "right", width = "4" }; { title = "PRES", key = "presence_in", align = "right", width = "4" }; { title = "IQ", key = "iq_in", align = "right", width = "4" }; { title = "STANZAS OUT>", key = "total_stanzas_out", align = "right" }; { title = "MSG", key = "message_out", align = "right", width = "4" }; { title = "PRES", key = "presence_out", align = "right", width = "4" }; { title = "IQ", key = "iq_out", align = "right", width = "4" }; { title = "BYTES IN", key = "bytes_in", align = "right" }; { title = "BYTES OUT", key = "bytes_out", align = "right" }; }; function top:draw_status() for row, line in ipairs(status_lines) do self.statuswin:mvaddstr(row-1, 0, (line:gsub("%$([%w_]+)",; self.statuswin:clrtoeol(); end -- Clear stanza counts for _, stanza_type in ipairs(stanza_names) do self.prosody[stanza_type.."_in_per_second"] = 0; self.prosody[stanza_type.."_out_per_second"] = 0; end end local function padright(s, width) return s..string.rep(" ", width-#s); end local function padleft(s, width) return string.rep(" ", width-#s)..s; end function top:resized() self:recalc_column_widths(); --self.stdscr:clear(); self:draw(); end function top:recalc_column_widths() local widths = {}; self.column_widths = widths; local total_width = curses.cols()-4; local free_width = total_width; for i = 1, #conn_list_columns do local width = conn_list_columns[i].width or "0"; if not(type(width) == "string" and width:sub(-1) == "%") then width = math.max(tonumber(width), #conn_list_columns[i].title+1); widths[i] = width; free_width = free_width - width; end end for i = 1, #conn_list_columns do if not widths[i] then local pc_width = tonumber((conn_list_columns[i].width:gsub("%%$", ""))); widths[i] = math.floor(free_width*(pc_width/100)); end end return widths; end function top:draw_column_titles() local widths = self.column_widths; self.listwin:attron(curses.A_REVERSE); self.listwin:mvaddstr(0, 0, " "); for i, column in ipairs(conn_list_columns) do self.listwin:addstr(padright(column.title, widths[i])); end self.listwin:addstr(" "); self.listwin:attroff(curses.A_REVERSE); end local function session_compare(session1, session2) local stats1, stats2 = session1.stats, session2.stats; return (stats1.total_stanzas_in + stats1.total_stanzas_out) > (stats2.total_stanzas_in + stats2.total_stanzas_out); end function top:draw_conn_list() local rows = curses.lines()-(#status_lines+2)-5; local cutoff_time = time() - sessions_idle_after; local widths = self.column_widths; local top_sessions = array.collect(it.values(self.active_sessions)):sort(session_compare); for index = 1, rows do local session = top_sessions[index]; if session then if session.last_update < cutoff_time then self.active_sessions[] = nil; else local row = {}; for i, column in ipairs(conn_list_columns) do local width = widths[i]; local v = tostring(session[column.key] or ""):sub(1, width); if #v < width then if column.align == "right" then v = padleft(v, width-1).." "; else v = padright(v, width); end end table.insert(row, v); end if session.updated then self.listwin:attron(curses.A_BOLD); end self.listwin:mvaddstr(index, 0, " "..table.concat(row)); if session.updated then session.updated = false; self.listwin:attroff(curses.A_BOLD); end end else -- FIXME: How to clear a line? It's 5am and I don't feel like reading docs. self.listwin:move(index, 0); self.listwin:clrtoeol(); end end end function top:update_stat(name, value) self.prosody[name] = value; end function top:update_session(id, jid, stats) self.active_sessions[id] = stats;, stats.jid, stats.stats = id, jid, stats; stats.total_bytes = stats.bytes_in + stats.bytes_out; for _, stanza_type in ipairs(stanza_names) do self.prosody[stanza_type.."_in_per_second"] = (self.prosody[stanza_type.."_in_per_second"] or 0) + stats[stanza_type.."_in"]; self.prosody[stanza_type.."_out_per_second"] = (self.prosody[stanza_type.."_out_per_second"] or 0) + stats[stanza_type.."_out"]; end stats.total_stanzas_in = stats.message_in + stats.presence_in + stats.iq_in; stats.total_stanzas_out = stats.message_out + stats.presence_out + stats.iq_out; stats.last_update = time(); stats.updated = true; end local function new(base) setmetatable(base, top); = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (t, k) local stat = stats[k]; if stat and stat.tostring then if type(stat.tostring) == "function" then return stat.tostring(base.prosody[k]); elseif type(stat.tostring) == "string" then local v = base.prosody[k]; if v == nil then return "?"; end return (stat.tostring):format(v); end end return base.prosody[k]; end; }); base.active_sessions = {}; base.statuswin = curses.newwin(#status_lines, 0, 0, 0); base.promptwin = curses.newwin(1, 0, #status_lines, 0); base.promptwin:addstr(""); base.promptwin:refresh(); base.listwin = curses.newwin(curses.lines()-(#status_lines+2)-5, 0, #status_lines+1, 0); base.listwin:syncok(); base.infowin = curses.newwin(5, 0, curses.lines()-5, 0); base.infowin:mvaddstr(1, 1, "Hello world"); base.infowin:border(0,0,0,0); base.infowin:syncok(); base.infowin:refresh(); base:resized(); return base; end return { new = new };