Software /
code /
mod_firewall/conditions.lib.lua @ 2494:d300ae5dba87
mod_smacks: Fix some bugs with smacks-ack-delayed event triggering.
The old code had several flaws which are addressed here.
First of all this fixes the if statement guarding the event generation
There where some timing glitches addressed by this commit as well.
author | tmolitor <> |
date | Sun, 12 Feb 2017 21:23:22 +0100 |
parent | 2465:bd69ffe071e6 |
child | 2519:d4bc434a60a4 |
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line source
--luacheck: globals meta idsafe local condition_handlers = {}; local jid = require "util.jid"; -- Helper to convert user-input strings (yes/true//no/false) to a bool local function string_to_boolean(s) s = s:lower(); return s == "yes" or s == "true"; end -- Return a code string for a condition that checks whether the contents -- of variable with the name 'name' matches any of the values in the -- comma/space/pipe delimited list 'values'. local function compile_comparison_list(name, values) local conditions = {}; for value in values:gmatch("[^%s,|]+") do table.insert(conditions, ("%s == %q"):format(name, value)); end return table.concat(conditions, " or "); end function condition_handlers.KIND(kind) return compile_comparison_list("name", kind), { "name" }; end local wildcard_equivs = { ["*"] = ".*", ["?"] = "." }; local function compile_jid_match_part(part, match) if not match then return part.." == nil"; end local pattern = match:match("^<(.*)>$"); if pattern then if pattern == "*" then return part; end if pattern:find("^<.*>$") then pattern = pattern:match("^<(.*)>$"); else pattern = pattern:gsub("%p", "%%%0"):gsub("%%(%p)", wildcard_equivs); end return ("(%s and %s:find(%q))"):format(part, part, "^"..pattern.."$"); else return ("%s == %q"):format(part, match); end end local function compile_jid_match(which, match_jid) local match_node, match_host, match_resource = jid.split(match_jid); local conditions = {}; conditions[#conditions+1] = compile_jid_match_part(which.."_node", match_node); conditions[#conditions+1] = compile_jid_match_part(which.."_host", match_host); if match_resource then conditions[#conditions+1] = compile_jid_match_part(which.."_resource", match_resource); end return table.concat(conditions, " and "); end function condition_handlers.TO(to) return compile_jid_match("to", to), { "split_to" }; end function condition_handlers.FROM(from) return compile_jid_match("from", from), { "split_from" }; end function condition_handlers.FROM_EXACTLY(from) return ("from == %q"):format(from), { "from" }; end function condition_handlers.TO_EXACTLY(to) return ("to == %q"):format(to), { "to" }; end function condition_handlers.TO_SELF() return ("to == nil"); end function condition_handlers.TYPE(type) return compile_comparison_list("(type or (name == 'message' and 'normal') or (name == 'presence' and 'available'))", type), { "type", "name" }; end local function zone_check(zone, which) local which_not = which == "from" and "to" or "from"; return ("(zone_%s[%s_host] or zone_%s[%s] or zone_%s[bare_%s]) " .."and not(zone_%s[%s_host] or zone_%s[%s] or zone_%s[bare_%s])" ) :format(zone, which, zone, which, zone, which, zone, which_not, zone, which_not, zone, which_not), { "split_to", "split_from", "bare_to", "bare_from", "zone:" }; end function condition_handlers.ENTERING(zone) return zone_check(zone, "to"); end function condition_handlers.LEAVING(zone) return zone_check(zone, "from"); end function condition_handlers.IN_ROSTER(yes_no) local in_roster_requirement = string_to_boolean(yes_no); return "not "..(in_roster_requirement and "not" or "").." roster_entry", { "roster_entry" }; end function condition_handlers.IN_ROSTER_GROUP(group) return ("not not (roster_entry and roster_entry.groups[%q])"):format(group), { "roster_entry" }; end function condition_handlers.SUBSCRIBED() return "rostermanager.is_contact_subscribed(to_node, to_host, bare_from)", { "rostermanager", "split_to", "bare_from" }; end function condition_handlers.PAYLOAD(payload_ns) return ("stanza:get_child(nil, %q)"):format(payload_ns); end function condition_handlers.INSPECT(path) if path:find("=") then local query, match_type, value = path:match("(.-)([~/$]*)=(.*)"); if not(query:match("#$") or query:match("@[^/]+")) then error("Stanza path does not return a string (append # for text content or @name for value of named attribute)", 0); end local quoted_value = ("%q"):format(value); if match_type:find("$", 1, true) then match_type = match_type:gsub("%$", ""); quoted_value = meta(quoted_value); end if match_type == "~" then -- Lua pattern match return ("(stanza:find(%q) or ''):match(%s)"):format(query, quoted_value); elseif match_type == "/" then -- find literal substring return ("(stanza:find(%q) or ''):find(%s, 1, true)"):format(query, quoted_value); elseif match_type == "" then -- exact match return ("stanza:find(%q) == %s"):format(query, quoted_value); else error("Unrecognised comparison '"..match_type.."='", 0); end end return ("stanza:find(%q)"):format(path); end function condition_handlers.FROM_GROUP(group_name) return ("group_contains(%q, bare_from)"):format(group_name), { "group_contains", "bare_from" }; end function condition_handlers.TO_GROUP(group_name) return ("group_contains(%q, bare_to)"):format(group_name), { "group_contains", "bare_to" }; end function condition_handlers.FROM_ADMIN_OF(host) return ("is_admin(bare_from, %s)"):format(host ~= "*" and host or nil), { "is_admin", "bare_from" }; end function condition_handlers.TO_ADMIN_OF(host) return ("is_admin(bare_to, %s)"):format(host ~= "*" and host or nil), { "is_admin", "bare_to" }; end local day_numbers = { sun = 0, mon = 2, tue = 3, wed = 4, thu = 5, fri = 6, sat = 7 }; local function current_time_check(op, hour, minute) hour, minute = tonumber(hour), tonumber(minute); local adj_op = op == "<" and "<" or ">="; -- Start time inclusive, end time exclusive if minute == 0 then return "(current_hour"..adj_op..hour..")"; else return "((current_hour"..op..hour..") or (current_hour == "..hour.." and current_minute"..adj_op..minute.."))"; end end local function resolve_day_number(day_name) return assert(day_numbers[day_name:sub(1,3):lower()], "Unknown day name: "..day_name); end function condition_handlers.DAY(days) local conditions = {}; for day_range in days:gmatch("[^,]+") do local day_start, day_end = day_range:match("(%a+)%s*%-%s*(%a+)"); if day_start and day_end then local day_start_num, day_end_num = resolve_day_number(day_start), resolve_day_number(day_end); local op = "and"; if day_end_num < day_start_num then op = "or"; end table.insert(conditions, ("current_day >= %d %s current_day <= %d"):format(day_start_num, op, day_end_num)); elseif day_range:find("%a") then local day = resolve_day_number(day_range:match("%a+")); table.insert(conditions, "current_day == "; else error("Unable to parse day/day range: "..day_range); end end assert(#conditions>0, "Expected a list of days or day ranges"); return "("..table.concat(conditions, ") or (")..")", { "time:day" }; end function condition_handlers.TIME(ranges) local conditions = {}; for range in ranges:gmatch("([^,]+)") do local clause = {}; range = range:lower() :gsub("(%d+):?(%d*) *am", function (h, m) return tostring(tonumber(h)%12)..":"..(tonumber(m) or "00"); end) :gsub("(%d+):?(%d*) *pm", function (h, m) return tostring(tonumber(h)%12+12)..":"..(tonumber(m) or "00"); end); local start_hour, start_minute = range:match("(%d+):(%d+) *%-"); local end_hour, end_minute = range:match("%- *(%d+):(%d+)"); local op = tonumber(start_hour) > tonumber(end_hour) and " or " or " and "; if start_hour and end_hour then table.insert(clause, current_time_check(">", start_hour, start_minute)); table.insert(clause, current_time_check("<", end_hour, end_minute)); end if #clause == 0 then error("Unable to parse time range: "..range); end table.insert(conditions, "("..table.concat(clause, " "..op.." ")..")"); end return table.concat(conditions, " or "), { "time:hour,min" }; end function condition_handlers.LIMIT(spec) local name, param = spec:match("^(%w+) on (.+)$"); if not name then name = spec:match("^%w+$"); if not name then error("Unable to parse LIMIT specification"); end else param = meta(("%q"):format(param)); end if not param then return ("not global_throttle_%s:poll(1)"):format(name), { "globalthrottle:" }; end return ("not multi_throttle_%s:poll_on(%s, 1)"):format(name, param), { "multithrottle:" }; end function condition_handlers.ORIGIN_MARKED(name_and_time) local name, time = name_and_time:match("^%s*([%w_]+)%s+%(([^)]+)s%)%s*$"); if not name then name = name_and_time:match("^%s*([%w_]+)%s*$"); end if not name then error("Error parsing mark name, see documentation for usage examples"); end if time then return ("(current_timestamp - (session.firewall_marked_%s or 0)) < %d"):format(idsafe(name), tonumber(time)), { "timestamp" }; end return ("not not session.firewall_marked_"..idsafe(name)); end return condition_handlers;