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mod_storage_xmlarchive/mod_storage_xmlarchive.lua @ 6057:cc665f343690
mod_firewall: SUBSCRIBED: Flip subscription check to match documentation
The documentation claims that this condition checks whether the recipient is
subscribed to the sender.
However, it was using the wrong method, and actually checking whether the
sender was subscribed to the recipient.
A quick poll of folk suggested that the documentation's approach is the right
one, so this should fix the code to match the documentation.
This should also fix the bundled anti-spam rules from blocking presence from
JIDs that you subscribe do (but don't have a mutual subscription with).
author | Matthew Wild <> |
date | Fri, 22 Nov 2024 13:50:48 +0000 |
parent | 5765:645de410dbca |
line wrap: on
line source
-- mod_storage_xmlarchive -- Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Kim Alvefur -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. -- -- luacheck: ignore unused self local lfs = require "lfs"; local dm = require "core.storagemanager".olddm; local hmac_sha256 = require"util.hashes".hmac_sha256; local st = require"util.stanza"; local dt = require"util.datetime"; local new_stream = require "util.xmppstream".new; local xml = require "util.xml"; local async = require "util.async"; local it = require "util.iterators"; local empty = {}; if not dm.append_raw then module:require"datamanager_append_raw"; end local archive = {}; local archive_mt = { __index = archive }; archive.caps = { total = false, quota = nil, full_id_range = true; ids = true; }; local is_stanza = st.is_stanza or function (s) return getmetatable(s) == st.stanza_mt; end function archive:append(username, id, data, when, with) if not is_stanza(data) then module:log("error", "Attempt to store non-stanza object, traceback: %s", debug.traceback()); return nil, "unsupported-datatype"; end username = username or "@"; data = tostring(data) .. "\n"; local day =; local ok, err = dm.append_raw(username.."@",,, "xml", data); if not ok then -- append_raw, unlike list_append, does not log anything on failure atm, so we do so here module:log("error", "Unable to write to %s storage ('%s') for user: %s@%s",, err, username, return nil, err; end -- If the day-file is missing then we need to add it to the list of days local first_of_day = not lfs.attributes(dm.getpath(username .. "@" .. day,,, "list")); local offset = ok and err or 0; id = id or day .. "-" .. hmac_sha256(username.."@""+"..offset, data, true):sub(-16); ok, err = dm.list_append(username.."@",,, { id = id, when = dt.datetime(when), with = with, offset = offset, length = #data }); if ok and first_of_day then ok, err = dm.list_append(username,,, day); end if not ok then return nil, err; end return id; end function archive:get(username, id) local dates = self:dates(username) or empty; local day_idx, item_idx, items = self:_get_idx(username, id, dates); if not day_idx then return nil, "item-not-found"; end module:log("debug", ":_get_idx(%q, %q) --> %q, %q", username, id, dates[day_idx], items[item_idx]); local day = dates[day_idx]; local item = items[item_idx]; module:log("debug", "item = %q", item); local filename = dm.getpath(username.."@",,, "xml"); local xmlfile, ferr =, "r"); if not xmlfile then return nil, ferr; end local p,err = xmlfile:seek("set", item.offset); if p ~= item.offset or err ~= nil then return nil, err; end local data = xmlfile:read(item.length); local parsed, perr = xml.parse(data); if not parsed then return nil, perr; end return parsed, tonumber(item.when) or dt.parse(item.when), item.with; end local overwrite = module:get_option("xmlarchive_overwrite", false); function archive:set(username, id, data, new_when, new_with) if not is_stanza(data) then module:log("error", "Attempt to store non-stanza object, traceback: %s", debug.traceback()); return nil, "unsupported-datatype"; end username = username or "@"; data = tostring(data) .. "\n"; local dates = self:dates(username) or empty; local day_idx, item_idx, items = self:_get_idx(username, id, dates); if not day_idx then return nil, "item-not-found"; end local day = dates[day_idx]; local item = items[item_idx]; local filename = dm.getpath(username.."@",,, "xml"); local replaced, err = dm.append_raw(username.."@",,, "xml", data); if not replaced then return nil, err; end local new_offset = err; -- default yes or no? if overwrite then local xmlfile, ferr =, "r+"); if not xmlfile then return nil, ferr; end local p,err = xmlfile:seek("set", item.offset); if p ~= item.offset or err ~= nil then return nil, err; end local _,err = xmlfile:write((" "):rep(item.length)); if err ~= nil then return nil, err; end local _,err = xmlfile:close(); if err ~= nil then return nil, err; end end items[item_idx] = { id = id, when = new_when or item.when, with = new_with or item.with, offset = new_offset, length = #data, replaces = item, }; local ok, err = dm.list_store(username.."@",,, items); return ok, err; end local function get_nexttick() -- COMPAT util.async under Lua 5.1 runs into problems trying to yield across -- pcall barriers. Workaround for #1646 if _VERSION ~= "Lua 5.1" and async.ready() then return function () -- slow down local wait, done = async.waiter(); module:add_timer(0, done); wait(); end else -- no async, no-op return function () end end end function archive:_get_idx(username, id, dates) module:log("debug", "Looking for item with id %q", id); dates = dates or self:dates(username) or empty; local date = id:match("^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d"); local tick = get_nexttick(); for d = 1, #dates do if not date or date == dates[d] then module:log("debug", "Loading index for %s", dates[d]); local items = dm.list_load(username .. "@" .. dates[d],, or empty; for i = 1, #items do if items[i].id == id then module:log("debug", "Found item!"); return d, i, items; end end if date then return; -- Assuming no duplicates end elseif date and date < dates[d] then module:log("debug", "Skipping remaining dates after %s", date); return; -- List is assumed to be sorted end -- insert pauses to allow other processing if d % 14 == 0 then tick(); end end module:log("debug", "Item not found"); end function archive:find(username, query) username = username or "@"; query = query or empty; local result; local function cb(_, stanza) assert(not result, "Multiple items in chunk"); result = stanza; end local stream_session = { notopen = true }; local stream_callbacks = { handlestanza = cb, stream_ns = "jabber:client", default_ns = "jabber:client" }; local stream = new_stream(stream_session, stream_callbacks); local dates = self:dates(username) or empty; local function reset_stream() stream:reset(); stream_session.notopen = true; stream:feed(st.stanza("stream", { xmlns = "jabber:client" }):top_tag()); stream_session.notopen = nil; end reset_stream(); local filtered_ids = false; local filtered_dates = false; if query.ids then filtered_ids = {}; filtered_dates = {}; for _, id in ipairs(query.ids) do filtered_ids[id] = true; if filtered_dates then local date = id:match("^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d"); if date then filtered_dates[date] = true; else -- if any id diverges from the standard then the item could be from any date filtered_dates = nil; end end end end if filtered_dates then for i = #dates, 1, -1 do if not filtered_dates[ dates[i] ] then table.remove(dates, i); end end end local limit = query.limit; local start_day, step, last_day = 1, 1, #dates; local count = 0; local rev = query.reverse; if query.start then local d =; for i = start_day, last_day, step do if dates[i] < d then start_day = i + 1; elseif dates[i] >= d then start_day = i; break; end end end if query["end"] then local d =["end"]); for i = last_day, start_day, -step do if dates[i] > d then last_day = i - 1; elseif dates[i] <= d then last_day = i; break; end end end local items; local first_item, last_item; local stop_at_id; if rev then start_day, step, last_day = last_day, -step, start_day; if query.before then local before_day, before_item, items_ = self:_get_idx(username, query.before, dates); if not before_day then return nil, "item-not-found"; elseif before_day <= start_day then if before_item then first_item = before_item - 1; else first_item = #items_; end last_item = 1; start_day = before_day; items = items_; end end if query.after then stop_at_id = query.after; end elseif query.after then local after_day, after_item, items_ = self:_get_idx(username, query.after, dates); if not after_day then return nil, "item-not-found"; elseif after_day >= start_day then if after_item then first_item = after_item + 1; else first_item = 1; end last_item = #items_; start_day = after_day; items = items_; end if query.before then stop_at_id = query.before; end elseif query.before then stop_at_id = query.before; end local date_open, xmlfile; local function read_xml(date, offset, length) if xmlfile and date ~= date_open then module:log("debug", "Closing XML file for %s", date_open); xmlfile:close(); xmlfile = nil; end if not xmlfile then date_open = date; local filename = dm.getpath(username .. "@" .. date,,, "xml"); local ferr; xmlfile, ferr =; if not xmlfile then module:log("error", "Error: %s", ferr); return nil, ferr; end module:log("debug", "Opened XML file %s", filename); end local pos, err = xmlfile:seek("set", offset); if pos ~= offset then return nil, err or "seek-failed"; end return xmlfile:read(length); end local tick = get_nexttick(); return function () if limit and count >= limit then if xmlfile then xmlfile:close() end return; end for d = start_day, last_day, step do local date = dates[d]; if not items then module:log("debug", "Loading index for %s", date); start_day = d; items = dm.list_load(username .. "@" .. date,, or empty; if not rev then first_item, last_item = 1, #items; else first_item, last_item = #items, 1; end end local q_with, q_start, q_end = query.with, query.start, query["end"]; for i = first_item, last_item, step do local item = items[i]; if not item then module:log("warn", "data[%q][%d] is nil", date, i); break; end local i_when, i_with = item.when, item.with; if type(i_when) == "string" then i_when = dt.parse(i_when); end if type(i_when) ~= "number" then module:log("warn", "data[%q][%d].when is invalid", date, i); break; end if stop_at_id and stop_at_id == then if xmlfile then xmlfile:close(); end return; end if (not q_with or i_with == q_with) and (not q_start or i_when >= q_start) and (not q_end or i_when <= q_end) and (not filtered_ids or filtered_ids[]) then count = count + 1; first_item = i + step; local data = read_xml(date, item.offset, item.length); if not data then return end local ok, err = stream:feed(data); if not ok then module:log("warn", "Parse error in %s@%s/%s/%q[%d]: %s", username,,, i, err); reset_stream(); end if result then local stanza = result; result = nil; return, stanza, i_when, i_with; end end end items = nil; if xmlfile then xmlfile:close(); xmlfile = nil; end -- If we're running through a lot of day-files then lets allow for other processing between each day tick(); end end end function archive:delete(username, query) username = username or "@"; query = query or empty; if query.with or query.start or query.after then return nil, "not-implemented"; -- Only trimming the oldest messages end local before = query.before or query["end"] or "9999-12-31"; if type(before) == "number" then before =; else before = before:sub(1, 10); end local dates, err = self:dates(username); if not dates or next(dates) == nil then if not err then return true end -- already empty return dates, err; end if dates[1] > before then return true; end -- Nothing to delete local remaining_dates = {}; for d = 1, #dates do if dates[d] >= before then table.insert(remaining_dates, dates[d]); end end table.sort(remaining_dates); local ok, err = dm.list_store(username,,, remaining_dates); if not ok then return ok, err; end for d = 1, #dates do if dates[d] < before then os.remove(dm.getpath(username .. "@" .. dates[d],,, "list")); os.remove(dm.getpath(username .. "@" .. dates[d],,, "xml")); end end return true; end function archive:dates(username) module:log("debug", "Loading root index for %s", username); local dates, err = dm.list_load(username,,; if not dates then return dates, err; end assert(type(dates[1]) == "string" and type(dates[#dates]) == "string", "Archive does not appear to be in xmlarchive format"); return dates; end -- filter out the 'user@yyyy-mm-dd' stores local function skip_at_date(item) return not item:find("@"); end function archive:users() return it.filter(skip_at_date, dm.users(,, "list")); end local provider = {}; function provider:open(store, typ) if typ ~= "archive" then return nil, "unsupported-store"; end return setmetatable({ host =, store = store }, archive_mt); end function provider:purge(username) local encoded_username = dm.path_encode((username or "@") .. "@"); local basepath = .. "/" .. dm.path_encode(; for store in lfs.dir(basepath) do store = basepath .. "/" .. dm.path_encode(store); if lfs.attributes(store, "mode") == "directory" then for file in lfs.dir(store) do if file:sub(1, #encoded_username) == encoded_username then if file:sub(-4) == ".xml" or file:sub(-5) == ".list" then os.remove(store .. "/" .. file); end end end return true; end end end module:provides("storage", provider); function module.command(arg) local jid = require "util.jid"; if arg[1] == "convert" and (arg[2] == "to" or arg[2] == "from") and arg[4] then local convert; if arg[2] == "to" then function convert(user, host, store) local dates, err = archive.dates({ host = host, store = store }, user); if not dates then assert(not err, err); return end assert(dm.list_store(user, host, store, nil)); for _, date in ipairs(dates) do print(date); local items = assert(dm.list_load(user .. "@" .. date, host, store)); local xmlfile = assert( .. "@" .. date, host, store, "xml"))); for _, item in ipairs(items) do assert(xmlfile:seek("set", item.offset)); local data = assert(xmlfile:read(item.length)); assert(#data == item.length, "short read"); data = assert(xml.parse(data)); data = st.preserialize(data); data.key =; data.with = item.with; data.when = tonumber(item.when) or dt.parse(item.when); data.attr.stamp = item.when; assert(dm.list_append(user, host, store, data)); end assert(os.remove(dm.getpath(user .. "@" .. date, host, store, "list"))); assert(os.remove(dm.getpath(user .. "@" .. date, host, store, "xml"))); end end else -- convert from internal function convert(user, host, store) local items, err = dm.list_load(user, host, store); if not items then assert(not err, err); return end local dates = {}; local dayitems, date, xmlfile; for _, item in ipairs(items) do local meta = { id = item.key; with = item.with; when = item.when or dt.parse(item.attr.stamp); }; local current_date =; if current_date ~= date then if xmlfile then assert(xmlfile:close()); end if dayitems then assert(dm.list_store(user .. "@" .. date, host, store, dayitems)); end print(current_date); dayitems = {}; date = current_date; table.insert(dates, date); xmlfile = assert( .. "@" .. date, host, store, "xml"), "w")); end -- The property 'stamp_legacy' originally came from mod_offline and -- was inherited into the mod_storage_internal archive format for -- compat. It should not be needed since Prosody 0.10.0 but could -- exist in older data. item.attr.stamp, item.attr.stamp_legacy = nil, nil; local stanza = tostring(st.deserialize(item)) .. "\n"; meta.offset, meta.length = xmlfile:seek(), #stanza; assert(xmlfile:write(stanza)); table.insert(dayitems, meta); end assert(xmlfile:close()); assert(dm.list_store(user .. "@" .. date, host, store, dayitems)); assert(dm.list_store(user, host, store, dates)); end end local store = arg[4]; if arg[3] == "internal" then for i = 5, #arg do local user, host = jid.prepped_split(arg[i]); if user then print(arg[i]); convert(user, host, store); else -- luacheck: ignore 421/user for user in archive.users({ host = host; store = store }) do print(user.."@"; convert(user, host, store); end end end print("Done"); return 0; else print("Currently only conversion to/from mod_storage_internal is supported"); print("Check out"); end end print("prosodyctl mod_storage_xmlarchive convert (from|to) internal (archive|archive2|muc_log) [user@host]"); end