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mod_pubsub_serverinfo/mod_pubsub_serverinfo.lua @ 6120:bd3ff802d883
mod_anti_spam: Fix another traceback for origin sessions without an IP
This is likely to be the case for stanzas originating from local hosts, for
example (so not true s2s). It should be safe to bypass the IP check for those.
author | Matthew Wild <> |
date | Sat, 28 Dec 2024 21:02:08 +0000 |
parent | 6059:25b091cbb471 |
line wrap: on
line source
local http = require "net.http"; local json = require "util.json"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local new_id = require"".medium; local local_domain = module:get_host(); local service = module:get_option_string( .. "_service"); local node = module:get_option_string( .. "_node", "serverinfo"); local actor = .. "/modules/" ..; local publication_interval = module:get_option_number( .. "_publication_interval", 300); local cache_ttl = module:get_option_number( .. "_cache_ttl", 3600); local public_providers_url = module:get_option_string("_public_providers_url", ""); local delete_node_on_unload = module:get_option_boolean("_delete_node_on_unload", false); local persist_items = module:get_option_boolean("_persist_items", true); local include_user_count = module:get_option_boolean("_publish_user_count", false); if not service and prosody.hosts["pubsub."] then service = "pubsub."; end if not service then module:log_status("warn", "No pubsub service specified - module not activated"); return; end local metric_registry = require "core.statsmanager".get_metric_registry(); if include_user_count then module:depends("measure_active_users"); end local xmlns_pubsub = ""; -- Needed to publish server-info-fields module:depends("server_info"); function module.load() discover_node():next( function(exists) if not exists then create_node() end end ):catch( function(error) module:log("warn", "Error prevented discovery or creation of pub/sub node at %s: %s", service, error) end ) module:add_feature("urn:xmpp:serverinfo:0"); module:add_item("server-info-fields", { { name = "serverinfo-pubsub-node", type = "text-single", value = ("xmpp:%s?;node=%s"):format(service, node) }; }); if cache_ttl < publication_interval then module:log("warn", "It is recommended to have a cache interval higher than the publication interval"); end cache_warm_up() module:add_timer(10, publish_serverinfo); end function module.unload() -- This removes all subscribers, which may or may not be desirable, depending on the reason for the unload. if delete_node_on_unload then delete_node(); end end -- Returns a promise of a boolean function discover_node() local request ={ type = "get", to = service, from = actor, id = new_id() }) :tag("query", { xmlns = "" }) module:log("debug", "Sending request to discover existence of pub/sub node '%s' at %s", node, service) return module:send_iq(request):next( function(response) if response.stanza == nil or response.stanza.attr.type ~= "result" then module:log("warn", "Unexpected response to service discovery items request at %s: %s", service, response.stanza) return false end local query = response.stanza:get_child("query", "") if query ~= nil then for item in query:childtags("item") do if item.attr.jid == service and item.attr.node == node then module:log("debug", "pub/sub node '%s' at %s does exist.", node, service) return true end end end module:log("debug", "pub/sub node '%s' at %s does not exist.", node, service) return false; end ); end -- Returns a promise of a boolean function create_node() local request ={ type = "set", to = service, from = actor, id = new_id() }) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("create", { node = node, xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }):up() :tag("configure", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("x", { xmlns = "jabber:x:data", type = "submit" }) :tag("field", { var = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden"}) :text_tag("value", "") :up() :tag("field", { var = "pubsub#max_items" }) :text_tag("value", "1") :up() :tag("field", { var = "pubsub#persist_items" }) :text_tag("value", persist_items and "1" or "0") module:log("debug", "Sending request to create pub/sub node '%s' at %s", node, service) return module:send_iq(request):next( function(response) if response.stanza == nil or response.stanza.attr.type ~= "result" then module:log("warn", "Unexpected response to pub/sub node '%s' creation request at %s: %s", node, service, response.stanza) return false else module:log("debug", "Successfully created pub/sub node '%s' at %s", node, service) return true end end ) end -- Returns a promise of a boolean function delete_node() local request ={ type = "set", to = service, from = actor, id = new_id() }) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("delete", { node = node, xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }); module:log("debug", "Sending request to delete pub/sub node '%s' at %s", node, service) return module:send_iq(request):next( function(response) if response.stanza == nil or response.stanza.attr.type ~= "result" then module:log("warn", "Unexpected response to pub/sub node '%s' deletion request at %s: %s", node, service, response.stanza) return false else module:log("debug", "Successfully deleted pub/sub node '%s' at %s", node, service) return true end end ) end function get_remote_domain_names() -- Iterate over s2s sessions, adding them to a multimap, where the key is the local domain name, -- mapped to a collection of remote domain names. De-duplicate all remote domain names by using -- them as an index in a table. local domains_by_host = {} for session, _ in pairs(prosody.incoming_s2s) do if session ~= nil and session.from_host ~= nil and local_domain == session.to_host then module:log("debug", "Local host '%s' has remote '%s' (inbound)", session.to_host, session.from_host); local sessions = domains_by_host[session.to_host] if sessions == nil then sessions = {} end; -- instantiate a new entry if none existed sessions[session.from_host] = true domains_by_host[session.to_host] = sessions end end -- At an earlier stage, the code iterated over all prosody.hosts, trying to generate one pubsub item for all local hosts. That turned out to be -- to noisy. Instead, this code now creates an item that includes the local vhost only. It is assumed that this module will also be loaded for -- other vhosts. Their data should then be published to distinct pub/sub services and nodes. -- for host, data in pairs(prosody.hosts) do local host = local_domain local data = prosody.hosts[host] if data ~= nil then local sessions = domains_by_host[host] if sessions == nil then sessions = {} end; -- instantiate a new entry if none existed if data.s2sout ~= nil then for _, session in pairs(data.s2sout) do if session.to_host ~= nil then module:log("debug", "Local host '%s' has remote '%s' (outbound)", host, session.to_host); sessions[session.to_host] = true domains_by_host[host] = sessions end end end -- When the instance of Prosody hosts more than one host, the other hosts can be thought of as having a 'permanent' s2s connection. for host_name, host_info in pairs(prosody.hosts) do if host ~= host_name and host_info.type ~= "component" then module:log("debug", "Local host '%s' has remote '%s' (vhost)", host, host_name); sessions[host_name] = true; domains_by_host[host] = sessions end end end return domains_by_host end local function get_gauge_metric(name) return (metric_registry.families[name].data:get( or {}).value; end function publish_serverinfo() module:log("debug", "Publishing server info..."); local domains_by_host = get_remote_domain_names() -- Build the publication stanza. local request ={ type = "set", to = service, from = actor, id = new_id() }) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("publish", { node = node, xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("item", { id = "current", xmlns = xmlns_pubsub }) :tag("serverinfo", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:serverinfo:0" }) request:tag("domain", { name = local_domain }) :tag("federation") local remotes = domains_by_host[local_domain] if remotes ~= nil then for remote, _ in pairs(remotes) do -- include a domain name for remote domains, but only if they advertise support. if does_opt_in(remote) then request:tag("remote-domain", { name = remote }):up() else request:tag("remote-domain"):up() end end end request:up(); if include_user_count then local mau = get_gauge_metric("prosody_mod_measure_active_users/active_users_30d"); request:tag("users", { xmlns = "" }); if mau then request:text_tag("active", ("%d"):format(mau)); end request:up(); end request:up() module:send_iq(request):next( function(response) if response.stanza == nil or response.stanza.attr.type ~= "result" then module:log("warn", "Unexpected response to item publication at pub/sub node '%s' on %s: %s", node, service, response.stanza) return false else module:log("debug", "Successfully published item on pub/sub node '%s' at %s", node, service) return true end end, function(error) module:log("warn", "Error prevented publication of item on pub/sub node at %s: %s", service, error) end ) return publication_interval; end local opt_in_cache = {} -- Public providers are already public, so we fetch the list of providers -- registered on so we don't have to disco them individually local function update_public_providers() return http.request(public_providers_url) :next(function (response) assert( response.headers["content-type"] == "application/json", "invalid mimetype: "..tostring(response.headers["content-type"]) ); return json.decode(response.body); end) :next(function (public_server_domains) module:log("debug", "Retrieved list of %d public providers", #public_server_domains); for _, domain in ipairs(public_server_domains) do opt_in_cache[domain] = { opt_in = true; expires = os.time() + (86400 * 1.5); }; end end, function (err) module:log("warn", "Failed to fetch/decode provider list: %s", err); end); end module:daily("update public provider list", update_public_providers); function cache_warm_up() module:log("debug", "Warming up opt-in cache") update_public_providers():finally(function () module:log("debug", "Querying known domains for opt-in cache..."); local domains_by_host = get_remote_domain_names() local remotes = domains_by_host[local_domain] if remotes ~= nil then for remote in pairs(remotes) do does_opt_in(remote) end end end); end function does_opt_in(remoteDomain) -- try to read answer from cache. local cached_value = opt_in_cache[remoteDomain] local ttl = cached_value and os.difftime(cached_value.expires, os.time()); if cached_value and ttl > (publication_interval + 60) then module:log("debug", "Opt-in status (from cache) for '%s': %s", remoteDomain, cached_value.opt_in) return cached_value.opt_in; end -- We don't have a cached value, or it is nearing expiration - refresh it now -- TODO worry about not having multiple requests in flight to the same domain.cached_value module:log("debug", "%s: performing disco/info to determine opt-in", remoteDomain) local discoRequest ={ type = "get", to = remoteDomain, from = actor, id = new_id() }) :tag("query", { xmlns = "" }) module:send_iq(discoRequest):next( function(response) if response.stanza ~= nil and response.stanza.attr.type == "result" then local query = response.stanza:get_child("query", "") if query ~= nil then for feature in query:childtags("feature") do --module:log("debug", "Disco/info feature for '%s': %s", remoteDomain, feature) if feature.attr.var == 'urn:xmpp:serverinfo:0' then module:log("debug", "Disco/info response included opt-in for '%s'", remoteDomain) opt_in_cache[remoteDomain] = { opt_in = true; expires = os.time() + cache_ttl; } return; -- prevent 'false' to be cached, down below. end end end end module:log("debug", "Disco/info response did not include opt-in for '%s'", remoteDomain) opt_in_cache[remoteDomain] = { opt_in = false; expires = os.time() + cache_ttl; } end, function(response) module:log("debug", "An error occurred while performing a disco/info request to determine opt-in for '%s'", remoteDomain, response) opt_in_cache[remoteDomain] = { opt_in = false; expires = os.time() + cache_ttl; } end ); if ttl and ttl <= 0 then -- Cache entry expired, remove it and assume not opted in opt_in_cache[remoteDomain] = nil; return false; end return cached_value and cached_value.opt_in; end