
mod_csi_battery_saver/mod_csi_battery_saver.lua @ 6120:bd3ff802d883

mod_anti_spam: Fix another traceback for origin sessions without an IP This is likely to be the case for stanzas originating from local hosts, for example (so not true s2s). It should be safe to bypass the IP check for those.
author Matthew Wild <>
date Sat, 28 Dec 2024 21:02:08 +0000
parent 5918:423163b65bb1
line wrap: on
line source

-- Copyright (C) 2016 Kim Alvefur
-- Copyright (C) 2017 Thilo Molitor

local filter_muc = module:get_option_boolean("csi_battery_saver_filter_muc", false);
local queue_size = module:get_option_number("csi_battery_saver_queue_size", 256);

if filter_muc then module:depends"track_muc_joins"; end		-- only depend on this module if we actually use it
local s_match = string.match;
local s_sub = string.sub;
local jid = require "util.jid";
local new_queue = require "util.queue".new;
local datetime = require "util.datetime";
local st = require "util.stanza";

local xmlns_delay = "urn:xmpp:delay";

-- a log id for this module instance
local id = s_sub(require "util.hashes".sha256(datetime.datetime(), true), 1, 4);

-- Returns a forwarded message, and either "in" or "out" depending on the direction
-- Returns nil if the message is not a carbon
local function extract_carbon(stanza)
	local carbon = stanza:child_with_ns("urn:xmpp:carbons:2") or stanza:child_with_ns("urn:xmpp:carbons:1");
	if not carbon then return; end
	local direction = == "sent" and "out" or "in";
	local forward = carbon:get_child("forwarded", "urn:xmpp:forward:0");
	local message = forward and forward:child_with_name("message") or nil;
	if not message then return; end
	return message, direction;

local function new_pump(session, output, ...)
	-- luacheck: ignore 212/self
	local q = new_queue(...);
	local flush = true;
	function q:pause()
		flush = false;
	function q:resume()
		flush = true;
		return q:flush();
	local push = q.push;
	function q:push(item)
		local ok = push(self, item);
		if not ok then
			session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Queue full (%d items), forcing flush...", id, q:count());
			output(item, self);
		elseif flush then
			return q:flush();
		return true;
	function q:flush(alternative_output)
		local out = alternative_output or output;
		local item = self:pop();
		while item do
			out(item, self);
			item = self:pop();
		return true;
	return q;

local function is_stamp_needed(stanza, session)
	local st_name = stanza and or nil;
	if st_name == "presence" then
		return true;
	elseif st_name == "message" then
		if stanza:get_child("delay", xmlns_delay) then return false; end
		if stanza.attr.type == "chat" or stanza.attr.type == "groupchat" then return true; end
	return false;

local function add_stamp(stanza, session)
	local bare_jid = jid.bare(session.full_jid or;
	stanza = stanza:tag("delay", { xmlns = xmlns_delay, from = bare_jid, stamp = datetime.datetime()});
	return stanza;

local function is_important(stanza, session)
	-- some special handlings
	if stanza == " " then						-- whitespace keepalive
		return true;
	elseif type(stanza) == "string" then		-- raw data
		return true;
	elseif not st.is_stanza(stanza) then		-- this should probably never happen
		return true;
	if stanza.attr.xmlns ~= nil then			-- nonzas (stream errors, stream management etc.)
		return true;
	local st_name = stanza and or nil;
	if not st_name then return true; end	-- nonzas are always important
	if st_name == "presence" then
		local st_type = stanza.attr.type;
		-- subscription requests are important
		if st_type == "subscribe" then return true; end
		-- muc status codes are important, too
		local muc_x = stanza:get_child("x", "")
		local muc_status = muc_x and muc_x:get_child("status") or nil
		if muc_status and muc_status.attr.code then return true; end
		return false;
	elseif st_name == "message" then
		-- unpack carbon copies
		local carbon, stanza_direction = extract_carbon(stanza);
		--session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): stanza_direction = %s, carbon = %s, stanza = %s", id, stanza_direction, carbon and "true" or "false", tostring(stanza));
		if carbon then stanza = carbon; end

		local st_type = stanza.attr.type;

		-- errors are always important
		if st_type == "error" then return true; end;

		-- headline message are always not important, with some exceptions
		if st_type == "headline" then
			-- allow headline pushes of mds updates (XEP-0490)
			if stanza:find("{}event/items@node") == "urn:xmpp:mds:displayed:0" then return true; end;
			return false

		-- mediated muc invites
		if stanza:find("{}x/invite") then return true; end;
		if stanza:get_child("x", "jabber:x:conference") then return true; end;

		-- chat markers (XEP-0333) are important, too, because some clients use them to update their notifications
		if stanza:child_with_ns("urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0") then return true; end;

		-- XEP-0353: Jingle Message Initiation incoming call messages
		if stanza:child_with_ns("urn:xmpp:jingle-message:0") then return true; end
		if stanza:child_with_ns("urn:xmpp:jingle-message:1") then return true; end

		-- carbon copied outgoing messages are important (some clients update their notifications upon receiving those) --> don't return false here
		--if carbon and stanza_direction == "out" then return false; end

		-- We can't check for body contents in encrypted messages, so let's treat them as important
		-- Some clients don't even set a body or an empty body for encrypted messages

		-- check omemo
		if stanza:get_child("encrypted", "eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl") or stanza:get_child("encrypted", "urn:xmpp:omemo:0") then return true; end

		-- check xep27 pgp
		if stanza:get_child("x", "jabber:x:encrypted") then return true; end

		-- check xep373 pgp (OX)
		if stanza:get_child("openpgp", "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0") then return true; end

		-- check eme
		if stanza:get_child("encryption", "urn:xmpp:eme:0") then return true; end

		local body = stanza:get_child_text("body");
		if st_type == "groupchat" then
			if stanza:get_child_text("subject") then return true; end
			if body == nil or body == "" then return false; end
			-- body contains text, let's see if we want to process it further
			if not filter_muc then		-- default case
				local stanza_important = module:fire_event("csi-is-stanza-important", { stanza = stanza, session = session });
				if stanza_important ~= nil then return stanza_important; end
				return true;		-- deemed unknown/high priority by mod_csi_muc_priorities or some other module
				if body:find(session.username, 1, true) then return true; end
				local rooms = session.rooms_joined;
				if not rooms then return false; end
				local room_nick = rooms[jid.bare(stanza_direction == "in" and stanza.attr.from or];
				if room_nick and body:find(room_nick, 1, true) then return true; end
				return false;
		return body ~= nil and body ~= "";
	return true;

module:hook("csi-client-inactive", function (event)
	local session = event.origin;
	if not session.resource then
		session.log("warn", "Ignoring csi if no resource is bound!");
	if session.pump then
		session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Client is inactive, buffering unimportant outgoing stanzas", id);
		session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Client is inactive the first time, initializing module for this session", id);
		local pump = new_pump(session, session.send, queue_size);
		session.pump = pump;
		session._pump_orig_send = session.send;
		function session.send(stanza)
			session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Got outgoing stanza: <%s>", id, tostring( or stanza));
			local important = is_important(stanza, session);
			-- clone stanzas before adding delay stamp and putting them into the queue
			if st.is_stanza(stanza) then stanza = st.clone(stanza); end
			-- add delay stamp to unimportant (buffered) stanzas that can/need be stamped
			if not important and is_stamp_needed(stanza, session) then stanza = add_stamp(stanza, session); end
			-- add stanza to outgoing queue and flush the buffer if needed
			if important then
				session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Encountered important stanza, flushing buffer: <%s>", id, tostring( or stanza));
			return true;

module:hook("csi-client-active", function (event)
	local session = event.origin;
	if not session.resource then
		session.log("warn", "Ignoring csi if no resource is bound!");
	if session.pump then
		session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Client is active, resuming direct delivery", id);

-- clean up this session on hibernation end
-- but don't change resumed.send(), it is already overwritten with session.send() by the smacks module
module:hook("smacks-hibernation-end", function (event)
	local session = event.resumed;
	if session.pump then
		session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Hibernation ended, flushing buffer and afterwards disabling for this session", id);
		session.pump:flush(session.send);		-- use the fresh session.send() introduced by the smacks resume
		-- don't reset session.send() because this is not the send previously overwritten by this module, but a fresh one
		-- session.send = session._pump_orig_send;
		session.pump = nil;
		session._pump_orig_send = nil;
end, 1000);		-- high priority to prevent message reordering on resumption (we want to flush our buffers *first*)

function module.unload()
	module:log("info", "%s: Unloading module, flushing all buffers", id);
	local host_sessions = prosody.hosts[].sessions;
	for _, user in pairs(host_sessions) do
		for _, session in pairs(user.sessions) do
			if session.pump then
				session.log("debug", "mod_csi_battery_saver(%s): Flushing buffer and restoring to original session.send()", id);
				session.send = session._pump_orig_send;
				session.pump = nil;
				session._pump_orig_send = nil;

module:log("info", "%s: Successfully loaded module", id);