
mod_pubsub_alertmanager/mod_pubsub_alertmanager.lua @ 4651:8231774f5bfd

mod_cloud_notify_encrypted: Ensure body substring remains valid UTF-8 The `body:sub()` call risks splitting the string in the middle of a multi-byte UTF-8 sequence. This should have been caught by util.stanza validation, but that would have caused some havoc, at the very least causing the notification to not be sent. There have been no reports of this happening. Likely because this module isn't widely deployed among users with languages that use many longer UTF-8 sequences. The util.encodings.utf8.valid() function is O(n) where only the last sequence really needs to be checked, but it's in C and expected to be fast.
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Sun, 22 Aug 2021 13:22:59 +0200
parent 4627:adda872fa9e1
child 5485:67190744b1eb
line wrap: on
line source

local st = require "util.stanza";
local json = require "util.json";
local filters = { --[[ TODO what's useful? ]] };
local render = require "util.interpolation".new("%b{}", tostring, filters);
local uuid_generate = require "util.uuid".generate;

-- TODO alertmanager supports inclusion of HTTP auth and OAuth, worth looking
-- into for using instead of request IP


local pubsub_service = module:depends("pubsub").service;

local error_mapping = {
	["forbidden"] = 403;
	["item-not-found"] = 404;
	["internal-server-error"] = 500;
	["conflict"] = 409;

local function publish_payload(node, actor, item_id, payload)
	local post_item = st.stanza("item", { xmlns = "", id = item_id, })
	local ok, err = pubsub_service:publish(node, actor, item_id, post_item);
	module:log("debug", ":publish(%q, true, %q, %s) -> %q", node, item_id, payload:top_tag(), err or "");
	if not ok then
		return error_mapping[err] or 500;
	return 202;

local node_template = module:get_option_string("alertmanager_node_template", "{path?alerts}");

function handle_POST(event, path)
	local request = event.request;

	local payload = json.decode(event.request.body);
	if type(payload) ~= "table" then return 400; end
	if payload.version ~= "4" then return 501; end

	for _, alert in ipairs(payload.alerts) do
		local item = st.stanza("alerts", {xmlns = "urn:uuid:e3bec775-c607-4e9b-9a3f-94de1316d861:v4", status=alert.status});
		for k, v in pairs(alert.annotations) do
			item:text_tag("annotation", v, { name=k });
		for k, v in pairs(alert.labels) do
			item:text_tag("label", v, { name=k });
		item:tag("starts", { at = alert.startsAt}):up();
		if alert.endsAt and alert.status == "resolved" then
			item:tag("ends", { at = alert.endsAt }):up();
		if alert.generatorURL then
			item:tag("link", { href=alert.generatorURL }):up();

		local node = render(node_template, {alert = alert, path = path, payload = payload, request = request});
		local ret = publish_payload(node, request.ip, uuid_generate(), item);
		if ret ~= 202 then
			return ret
	return 202;

local template = module:get_option_string("alertmanager_body_template", [[
Status: {status}
Starts at: {startsAt}{endsAt&
Ends at: {endsAt}}
Labels: {labels%
  {idx}: {item}}
Annotations: {annotations%
  {idx}: {item}}

module:hook("pubsub-summary/urn:uuid:e3bec775-c607-4e9b-9a3f-94de1316d861:v4", function(event)
	local payload = event.payload;

	local data = {
		status = payload.attr.status,
		firing = "firing" == payload.attr.status,
		resolved = "resolved" == payload.attr.status,
		annotations = {},
		labels = {},
		endsAt = payload:find("ends/@at"),
		startsAt = payload:find("starts/@at"),
	for label in payload:childtags("label") do
		data.labels[tostring(] = label:get_text();
	for annotation in payload:childtags("annotation") do
		data.annotations[tostring(] = annotation:get_text();

	return render(template, data);

module:provides("http", {
	route = {
		["POST /*"] = handle_POST;
		["POST"] = handle_POST;