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mod_pubsub_post/mod_pubsub_post.lua @ 5270:7acf73d2ebb5
mod_http_oauth2: Use <fieldset> in templates because it looks nice
Removes some CSS as well
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:19:09 +0100 |
parent | 4552:c87181a98f29 |
line wrap: on
line source
module:depends("http"); local st = require "util.stanza"; local json = require "util.json"; local xml = require "util.xml"; local http = require "net.http"; local uuid_generate = require "util.uuid".generate; local timestamp_generate = require "util.datetime".datetime; local hashes = require "util.hashes"; local from_hex = require "util.hex".from; local hmacs = { sha1 = hashes.hmac_sha1; sha256 = hashes.hmac_sha256; sha384 = hashes.hmac_sha384; sha512 = hashes.hmac_sha512; }; local pubsub_service = module:depends("pubsub").service; local mappings = module:get_option("pubsub_post_mappings", nil); local datamapper; if type(mappings) == "table" then datamapper = require "util.datamapper"; for node, f in pairs(mappings) do if type(f) == "string" then local fh = assert(module:load_resource(f)); mappings[node] = assert(json.parse(fh:read("*a"))); fh:close() end end end local function wrap(node, parsed, raw) if mappings and mappings[node] then return datamapper.unparse(mappings[node], parsed) end return st.stanza("json", { xmlns="urn:xmpp:json:0" }):text(raw); end local error_mapping = { ["forbidden"] = 403; ["item-not-found"] = 404; ["internal-server-error"] = 500; ["conflict"] = 409; }; local function publish_payload(node, actor, item_id, payload) local post_item = st.stanza("item", { xmlns = "", id = item_id, }) :add_child(payload); local ok, err = pubsub_service:publish(node, actor, item_id, post_item); module:log("debug", ":publish(%q, true, %q, %s) -> %q", node, item_id, payload:top_tag(), err or ""); if not ok then return error_mapping[err] or 500; end return 202; end local function handle_json(node, actor, data) local parsed, err = json.decode(data); if not parsed then return { status_code = 400; body = tostring(err); } end if type(parsed) ~= "table" then return { status_code = 400; body = "object or array expected"; }; end local payload = wrap(node, parsed, data) local item_id = "current"; if payload.attr["\1id"] then item_id = payload.attr["\1id"]; payload.attr["\1id"] = nil; elseif type( == "string" then item_id =; end return publish_payload(node, actor, item_id, payload); end local function publish_atom(node, actor, feed) for entry in feed:childtags("entry") do local item_id = entry:get_child_text("id"); if not item_id then item_id = uuid_generate(); entry:tag("id"):text(item_id):up(); end if not entry:get_child_text("published") then entry:tag("published"):text(timestamp_generate()):up(); end local resp = publish_payload(node, actor, item_id, entry); if resp ~= 202 then return resp; end end return 202; end local function handle_xml(node, actor, payload) local xmlpayload, err = xml.parse(payload); if not xmlpayload then module:log("debug", "XML parse error: %s\n%q", err, payload); return { status_code = 400, body = tostring(err) }; end if xmlpayload.attr.xmlns == "" and == "feed" then return publish_atom(node, actor, xmlpayload); else return publish_payload(node, actor, "current", xmlpayload); end end local function handle_urlencoded(node, actor, data) local parsed = http.formdecode(data); if type(parsed) ~= "table" then return {status_code = 400; body = "invalid payload"}; end for i = 1, #parsed do parsed[i] = nil; end local payload = wrap(node, parsed, json.encode(parsed)); local item_id = "current"; if payload.attr["\1id"] then item_id = payload.attr["\1id"]; payload.attr["\1id"] = nil; elseif type( == "string" then item_id =; end return publish_payload(node, actor, item_id, payload); end local actor_source = module:get_option_string("pubsub_post_actor"); -- COMPAT local default_secret = module:get_option_string("pubsub_post_default_secret"); local actor_secrets = module:get_option("pubsub_post_secrets"); local actors = module:get_option("pubsub_post_actors"); local default_actor = module:get_option_string("pubsub_post_default_actor"); if not default_actor and actor_source == "superuser" then default_actor = true; end local function verify_signature(secret, body, signature) if not signature then return false; end local algo, digest = signature:match("^([^=]+)=(%x+)"); if not algo then return false; end local hmac = hmacs[algo]; if not algo then return false; end return hmac(secret, body) == from_hex(digest); end function handle_POST(event, path) local request = event.request; local content_type = request.headers.content_type or "application/octet-stream"; local actor = actors and actors[path] or default_actor or request.ip; local secret = actor_secrets and actor_secrets[path] or default_secret; module:log("debug", "Handling POST to node %q by %q with %q: \n%s\n", path, actor, content_type, request.body); if secret and not verify_signature(secret, request.body, request.headers.x_hub_signature) then module:log("debug", "Signature validation failed"); return 401; end if not actor then return 401; end if content_type == "application/xml" or content_type:sub(-4) == "+xml" then return handle_xml(path, actor, request.body); elseif content_type == "application/json" or content_type:sub(-5) == "+json" then return handle_json(path, actor, request.body); elseif content_type == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" then return handle_urlencoded(path, actor, request.body); end module:log("debug", "Unsupported content-type: %q", content_type); return 415; end module:provides("http", { route = { ["POST /*"] = handle_POST; }; }); function module.load() module:log("debug", "Loaded at %s", module:http_url()); end