
mod_pubsub_summary/mod_pubsub_summary.lua @ 5491:7842502c1157

mod_http_debug: Log some extended info about requests If you point something external at this module, you don't get the response body back, hence it can be useful to see some details in the log as well.
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Fri, 26 May 2023 15:37:15 +0200
parent 5135:35085e0d52ad
line wrap: on
line source

-- No, not trying to parse HTML here. It's an illusion. Just trying to read RSS feeds.
-- Compose a textual representation of Atom payloads
module:hook("pubsub-summary/", function (event)
	local payload = event.payload;
	local title = payload:get_child_text("title");
	if title then title = title:gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", ""); end
	-- Note: This prefers content over summary, it was made for a news feed where
	-- the interesting stuff was in the content and the summary was .. meh.
	local content_tag = payload:get_child("content") or payload:get_child("summary");
	local content = content_tag and content_tag:get_text();
	if content and content_tag.attr.type == "html" then
		content = content:gsub("\n*<p[^>]*>\n*(.-)\n*</p>\n*", "%1\n\n");
		content = content:gsub("<li>(.-)</li>\n", "* %1\n");
		content = content:gsub("<a[^>]*href=[\"'](.-)[\"'][^>]*>(.-)</a>", "\1%1\2%2\3");
		content = content:gsub("<b>(.-)</b>", "*%1*");
		content = content:gsub("<strong>(.-)</strong>", "*%1*");
		content = content:gsub("<em>(.-)</em>", "_%1_");
		content = content:gsub("<i>(.-)</i>", "_%1_");
		content = content:gsub("<img[^>]*src=[\"'](.-)[\"'][^>]*>", " %1 "); -- TODO alt= would have been nice to grab
		content = content:gsub("<br[^>]*>", "\n");
		content = content:gsub("<[^>]+>", "");
		content = content:gsub("\1(.-)\2(.-)\3", "%2 <%1>");
		content = content:gsub("^%s*", ""):gsub("%s*$", "");
		content = content:gsub("\n\n\n+", "\n\n");
		content = content:gsub("&(%w+);", {
				apos = "'";
				quot = '"';
				lt = "<";
				gt = ">";
				amp = "&";
				nbsp = "\194\160"; -- U+00A0
	local summary;
	if title and content and content:sub(1, #title) ~= title then
		summary = "*" .. title .. "*\n\n" .. content;
	elseif title or content then
		summary = content or title;
	for link in payload:childtags("link") do
		if link and link.attr.href and link.attr.href ~= content then
			summary = (summary and summary .. "\n" or "") .. link.attr.href;
			if link.attr.rel and link.attr.rel ~= "alternate" then summary = summary .. " [" .. link.attr.rel .. "]" end
	for area in payload:childtags("area", "urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.2") do
		local pos = area:get_child_text("circle");
		if pos then
			summary = summary .. "\n" .. "geo:"..pos:match("[%d.,]+");
	return summary;
end, 1);