Software /
code /
mod_http_muc_log/mod_http_muc_log.lua @ 1611:770236ea9678
mod_auth_ldap: Fix use of ldap_search, and generalize it to support password modification as well.
author | Waqas Hussain <> |
date | Fri, 13 Feb 2015 11:06:06 -0500 |
parent | 1606:2c8b985ebde5 |
child | 1625:c427de617ada |
line wrap: on
line source
local st = require "util.stanza"; local mt = require"util.multitable"; local datetime = require"util.datetime"; local jid_split = require"util.jid".split; local nodeprep = require"util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep; local uuid = require"util.uuid".generate; local it = require"util.iterators"; local gettime = require"socket".gettime; local url = require"socket.url"; local xml_escape = st.xml_escape; local t_concat = table.concat; local os_time, os_date = os.time,; local archive = module:open_store("muc_log", "archive"); -- Support both old and new MUC code local mod_muc = module:depends"muc"; local rooms = rawget(mod_muc, "rooms"); local each_room = rawget(mod_muc, "each_room") or function() return it.values(rooms); end; local new_muc = not rooms; if new_muc then rooms = module:shared"muc/rooms"; end local get_room_from_jid = rawget(mod_muc, "get_room_from_jid") or function (jid) return rooms[jid]; end local function get_room(name) local jid = name .. '@' ..; return get_room_from_jid(jid); end module:depends"http"; local function render(template, values) --[[ DOC {name} is substituted for values["name"] and is XML escaped {name!} is substituted without XML escaping {name?} is optional and is replaced with an empty string if no value exists {name# sub-template } renders a sub-template using an array of values ]] return (template:gsub("%b{}", function (block) local name, opt, e = block:sub(2, -2):match("([%a_][%w_]*)(%p?)()"); local value = values[name]; if opt == '#' then if not value or not value[1] then return ""; end local out, subtpl = {}, block:sub(e+1, -2); for i=1, #value do out[i] = render(subtpl, value[i]); end return t_concat(out); end if value ~= nil then if type(value) ~= "string" then value = tostring(value); end if opt ~= '!' then return xml_escape(value); end return value; elseif opt == '?' then return block:sub(e+1, -2); end end)); end local template = "Could not load template" do local template_file = module:get_option_string( .. "_template", .. ".html"); template_file = assert(module:load_resource(template_file)); template = template_file:read("*a"); template_file:close(); end local base_url = module:http_url() .. '/'; local get_link do local link, path = { path = '/' }, { "", "", is_directory = true }; function get_link(room, date) path[1], path[2] = room, date; path.is_directory = not date; link.path = url.build_path(path); return; end end local function public_room(room) if type(room) == "string" then room = get_room(room); end return (room and not (room.get_hidden or room.is_hidden)(room) and not (room.get_members_only or room.is_members_only)(room) and room._data.logging == true); end local function sort_Y(a,b) return a.year > b.year end local function sort_m(a,b) return a.n > b.n end local t_diff = os_time(os_date("*t")) - os_time(os_date("!*t")); local function time(t) return os_time(t) + t_diff; end local function years_page(event, path) local request, response = event.request, event.response; local room = nodeprep(path:match("^(.*)/$")); if not room or not public_room(room) then return end local dates =; module:log("debug", "Find all dates with messages"); local next_day, t; repeat local iter = archive:find(room, { start = next_day; limit = 1; with = "message<groupchat"; }) if not iter then break end next_day = nil; for key, message, when in iter do t = os_date("!*t", when); dates:set(t.year, t.month,, when ); next_day = when + (86400 - (when % 86400)); break; end until not next_day; local year, years; local month, months; local week, weeks; local days; local tmp, n; years = {}; for Y, m in pairs( do t = { year = Y, month = 1, day = 1 }; months = { }; year = { year = Y, months = months }; years[#years+1] = year; for m, d in pairs(m) do = 1; t.month = m; tmp = os_date("!*t", time(t)); days = {}; week = { days = days } weeks = { week }; month = { year = year.year, month = os_date("!%B", time(t)), n = m, weeks = weeks }; months[#months+1] = month; n = 1; for i=1, (tmp.wday+5)%7 do days[n], n = {}, n+1; end for i = 1, 31 do = i; tmp = os_date("!*t", time(t)); if tmp.month ~= m then break end if i > 1 and tmp.wday == 2 then days = {}; weeks[#weeks+1] = { days = days }; n = 1; end if d[i] then days[n], n = { wday = tmp.wday, links = {{ href =[i]), day = i }} }, n+1; else days[n], n = { wday = tmp.wday, plain = i }, n+1; end end end table.sort(year, sort_m); end table.sort(years, sort_Y); response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; return render(template, { title = get_room(room):get_name(); jid = get_room(room).jid; years = years; links = { { href = "../", rel = "up", text = "Back to room list" }, }; }); end local function logs_page(event, path) local request, response = event.request, event.response; local room, date = path:match("^(.-)/(%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d)$"); room = nodeprep(room); if not room then return years_page(event, path); end if not public_room(room) then return end local logs, i = {}, 1; local iter, err = archive:find(room, { ["start"] = datetime.parse(date.."T00:00:00Z"); ["end"] = datetime.parse(date.."T23:59:59Z"); -- with = "message<groupchat"; }); if not iter then return 500; end local first, last; local verb, subject, body; for key, item, when in iter do body = item:get_child_text("body"); subject = item:get_child_text("subject"); verb = nil; if subject then verb, body = "set the topic to", subject; elseif body and body:sub(1,4) == "/me " then verb, body = body:sub(5), nil; elseif == "presence" then verb = item.attr.type == "unavailable" and "has left" or "has joined"; end if body or verb then logs[i], i = { key = key; datetime = datetime.datetime(when); time = datetime.time(when); verb = verb; body = body; nick = select(3, jid_split(item.attr.from)); st_name =; st_type = item.attr.type; }, i + 1; end first = first or key; last = key; end if i == 1 then return end -- No items local next_when = ""; local prev_when = ""; module:log("debug", "Find next date with messages"); for key, message, when in archive:find(room, { after = last; limit = 1; }) do next_when =; module:log("debug", "Next message: %s", datetime.datetime(when)); end module:log("debug", "Find prev date with messages"); for key, message, when in archive:find(room, { before = first; limit = 1; reverse = true; }) do prev_when =; module:log("debug", "Previous message: %s", datetime.datetime(when)); end response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; return render(template, { title = ("%s - %s"):format(get_room(room):get_name(), date); jid = get_room(room).jid; lines = logs; links = { { href = "./", rel = "up", text = "Back to calendar" }, { href = prev_when, rel = "prev", text = prev_when}, { href = next_when, rel = "next", text = next_when}, }; }); end local function list_rooms(event) local request, response = event.request, event.response; local room_list, i = {}, 1; for room in each_room() do if public_room(room) then room_list[i], i = { href = get_link(jid_split(room.jid), nil); name = room:get_name(); description = room:get_description(); }, i + 1; end end response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; return render(template, { title = module:get_option_string("name", "Prosody Chatrooms"); jid =; rooms = room_list; }); end local cache = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'v'}); local function with_cache(f) return function (event, path) local request, response = event.request, event.response; local ckey = path or ""; local cached = cache[ckey]; if cached then local etag = cached.etag; local if_none_match = request.headers.if_none_match; if etag == if_none_match then module:log("debug", "Client cache hit"); return 304; end module:log("debug", "Server cache hit"); response.headers.etag = etag; response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; return cached[1]; end local start = gettime(); local render = f(event, path); module:log("debug", "Rendering took %dms", math.floor( (gettime() - start) * 1000 + 0.5)); if type(render) == "string" then local etag = uuid(); cached = { render, etag = etag, date = }; response.headers.etag = etag; cache[ckey] = cached; end response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; return render; end end -- How is cache invalidation a hard problem? ;) module:hook("muc-broadcast-message", function (event) local room =; local room_name = jid_split(room.jid); local today =; cache[get_link(room_name)] = nil; cache[get_link(room_name, today)] = nil; end); module:provides("http", { route = { ["GET /"] = list_rooms; ["GET /*"] = with_cache(logs_page); }; });