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mod_storage_xmlarchive/mod_storage_xmlarchive.lua @ 3236:73906187f964
mod_default_bookmarks: Add support for trunk’s mod_pep.
author | Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <> |
date | Sat, 18 Aug 2018 17:36:50 +0100 |
parent | 2938:f000ba14d531 |
child | 3435:26a549513f02 |
line wrap: on
line source
-- mod_storage_xmlarchive -- Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Kim Alvefur -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. -- -- luacheck: ignore unused self local lfs = require "lfs"; local dm = require "core.storagemanager".olddm; local hmac_sha256 = require"util.hashes".hmac_sha256; local st = require"util.stanza"; local dt = require"util.datetime"; local new_stream = require "util.xmppstream".new; local empty = {}; if not dm.append_raw then module:require"datamanager_append_raw"; end local archive = {}; local archive_mt = { __index = archive }; local is_stanza = st.is_stanza or function (s) return getmetatable(s) == st.stanza_mt; end function archive:append(username, _, data, when, with) if type(when) ~= "number" then when, with, data = data, when, with; end if not is_stanza(data) then module:log("error", "Attempt to store non-stanza object, traceback: %s", debug.traceback()); return nil, "unsupported-datatype"; end username = username or "@"; data = tostring(data) .. "\n"; local day =; local ok, err = dm.append_raw(username.."@",,, "xml", data); if not ok then return nil, err; end -- If the day-file is missing then we need to add it to the list of days local first_of_day = not lfs.attributes(dm.getpath(username .. "@" .. day,,, "list")); local offset = ok and err or 0; local id = day .. "-" .. hmac_sha256(username.."@""+"..offset, data, true):sub(-16); ok, err = dm.list_append(username.."@",,, { id = id, when = dt.datetime(when), with = with, offset = offset, length = #data }); if ok and first_of_day then ok, err = dm.list_append(username,,, day); end if not ok then return nil, err; end return id; end function archive:_get_idx(username, id, dates) module:log("debug", "Looking for item with id %q", id); dates = dates or self:dates(username) or empty; local date = id:sub(1, 10); for d = 1, #dates do if date == dates[d] then module:log("debug", "Loading index for %s", dates[d]); local items = dm.list_load(username .. "@" .. dates[d],, or empty; for i = 1, #items do if items[i].id == id then return d, i, items; end end return; -- Assuming no duplicates elseif date < dates[d] then return; -- List is assumed to be sorted end end end function archive:find(username, query) username = username or "@"; query = query or empty; local result; local function cb(_, stanza) assert(not result, "Multiple items in chunk"); result = stanza; end local stream_session = { notopen = true }; local stream_callbacks = { handlestanza = cb, stream_ns = "jabber:client", default_ns = "jabber:client" }; local stream = new_stream(stream_session, stream_callbacks); local dates = self:dates(username) or empty; local function reset_stream() stream:reset(); stream_session.notopen = true; stream:feed(st.stanza("stream", { xmlns = "jabber:client" }):top_tag()); stream_session.notopen = nil; end reset_stream(); local limit = query.limit; local start_day, step, last_day = 1, 1, #dates; local count = 0; local rev = query.reverse; if query.start then local d =; for i = 1, #dates do if dates[i] == d then start_day = i; break; end end end if query["end"] then local d =["end"]); for i = #dates, 1, -1 do if dates[i] == d then last_day = i; break; end end end local items; local first_item, last_item; if rev then start_day, step, last_day = last_day, -step, start_day; if query.before then local before_day, before_item, items_ = self:_get_idx(username, query.before, dates); if before_day and before_day <= start_day then if before_item then first_item = before_item - 1; else first_item = #items_; end last_item = 1; start_day = before_day; items = items_; end end elseif query.after then local after_day, after_item, items_ = self:_get_idx(username, query.after, dates); if after_day and after_day >= start_day then if after_item then first_item = after_item + 1; else first_item = 1; end last_item = #items_; start_day = after_day; items = items_; end end local date_open, xmlfile; local function read_xml(date, offset, length) if xmlfile and date ~= date_open then module:log("debug", "Closing XML file for %s", date_open); xmlfile:close(); xmlfile = nil; end if not xmlfile then date_open = date; local filename = dm.getpath(username .. "@" .. date,,, "xml"); local ferr; xmlfile, ferr =; if not xmlfile then module:log("error", "Error: %s", ferr); return nil, ferr; end module:log("debug", "Opened XML file %s", filename); end local pos, err = xmlfile:seek("set", offset); if pos ~= offset then return nil, err or "seek-failed"; end return xmlfile:read(length); end return function () if limit and count >= limit then if xmlfile then xmlfile:close() end return; end for d = start_day, last_day, step do local date = dates[d]; if not items then module:log("debug", "Loading index for %s", date); start_day = d; items = dm.list_load(username .. "@" .. date,, or empty; if not rev then first_item, last_item = 1, #items; else first_item, last_item = #items, 1; end end local q_with, q_start, q_end = query.with, query.start, query["end"]; for i = first_item, last_item, step do local item = items[i]; if not item then module:log("warn", "data[%q][%d] is nil", date, i); break; end local i_when, i_with = item.when, item.with; if type(i_when) == "string" then i_when = dt.parse(i_when); end if type(i_when) ~= "number" then module:log("warn", "data[%q][%d].when is invalid", date, i); break; end if (not q_with or i_with == q_with) and (not q_start or i_when >= q_start) and (not q_end or i_when <= q_end) then count = count + 1; first_item = i + step; local data = read_xml(date, item.offset, item.length); if not data then return end local ok, err = stream:feed(data); if not ok then module:log("warn", "Parse error in %s@%s/%s/%q[%d]: %s", username,,, i, err); reset_stream(); end if result then local stanza = result; result = nil; return, stanza, i_when, i_with; end end end items = nil; if xmlfile then xmlfile:close(); xmlfile = nil; end end end end function archive:delete(username, query) username = username or "@"; query = query or empty; if query.with or query.start or query.after then return nil, "not-implemented"; -- Only trimming the oldest messages end local before = query.before or query["end"] or "9999-12-31"; if type(before) == "number" then before =; else before = before:sub(1, 10); end local dates, err = self:dates(username); if not dates or next(dates) == nil then if not err then return true end -- already empty return dates, err; end if dates[1] > before then return true; end -- Nothing to delete local remaining_dates = {}; for d = 1, #dates do if dates[d] >= before then table.insert(remaining_dates, dates[d]); end end table.sort(remaining_dates); local ok, err = dm.list_store(username,,, remaining_dates); if not ok then return ok, err; end for d = 1, #dates do if dates[d] < before then os.remove(dm.getpath(username .. "@" .. dates[d],,, "list")); os.remove(dm.getpath(username .. "@" .. dates[d],,, "xml")); end end return true; end function archive:dates(username) module:log("debug", "Loading root index for %s", username); local dates, err = dm.list_load(username,,; if not dates then return dates, err; end assert(type(dates[1]) == "string" and type(dates[#dates]) == "string", "Archive does not appear to be in xmlarchive format"); return dates; end local provider = {}; function provider:open(store, typ) if typ ~= "archive" then return nil, "unsupported-store"; end return setmetatable({ host =, store = store }, archive_mt); end function provider:purge(username) local encoded_username = dm.path_encode((username or "@") .. "@"); local basepath = .. "/" .. dm.path_encode(; for store in lfs.dir(basepath) do store = basepath .. "/" .. dm.path_encode(store); if lfs.attributes(store, "mode") == "directory" then for file in lfs.dir(store) do if file:sub(1, #encoded_username) == encoded_username then if file:sub(-4) == ".xml" or file:sub(-5) == ".list" then os.remove(store .. "/" .. file); end end end return true; end end end module:provides("storage", provider); function module.command(arg) local jid = require "util.jid"; if arg[1] == "convert" and (arg[2] == "to" or arg[2] == "from") and arg[4] then local convert; if arg[2] == "to" then local xml = require "util.xml"; function convert(user, host, store) local dates, err = archive.dates({ host = host, store = store }, user); if not dates then assert(not err, err); return end assert(dm.list_store(user, host, store, nil)); for _, date in ipairs(dates) do print(date); local items = assert(dm.list_load(user .. "@" .. date, host, store)); local xmlfile = assert( .. "@" .. date, host, store, "xml"))); for _, item in ipairs(items) do assert(xmlfile:seek("set", item.offset)); local data = assert(xmlfile:read(item.length)); assert(#data == item.length, "short read"); data = assert(xml.parse(data)); data = st.preserialize(data); data.key =; data.with = item.with; data.when = tonumber(item.when) or dt.parse(item.when); data.attr.stamp = item.when; data.attr.stamp_legacy = dt.legacy(data.when); assert(dm.list_append(user, host, store, data)); end end end else -- convert from internal function convert(user, host, store) local items, err = dm.list_load(user, host, store); if not items then assert(not err, err); return end local dates = {}; local dayitems, date, xmlfile; for _, item in ipairs(items) do local meta = { id = item.key; with = item.with; when = item.when or dt.parse(item.attr.stamp); }; local current_date =; if current_date ~= date then if xmlfile then assert(xmlfile:close()); end if dayitems then assert(dm.list_store(user .. "@" .. date, host, store, dayitems)); end print(current_date); dayitems = {}; date = current_date; table.insert(dates, date); xmlfile = assert( .. "@" .. date, host, store, "xml"), "w")); end item.attr.stamp, item.attr.stamp_legacy = nil, nil; local stanza = tostring(st.deserialize(item)) .. "\n"; meta.offset, meta.length = xmlfile:seek(), #stanza; assert(xmlfile:write(stanza)); table.insert(dayitems, meta); end assert(xmlfile:close()); assert(dm.list_store(user .. "@" .. date, host, store, dayitems)); assert(dm.list_store(user, host, store, dates)); end end local store = arg[4]; if arg[3] == "internal" then for i = 5, #arg do local user, host = jid.prepped_split(arg[i]); if not user then print(string.format("Argument #%d (%q) is an invalid JID, aborting", i, arg[i])); os.exit(1); end convert(user, host, store); end print("Done"); return 0; else print("Currently only conversion to/from mod_storage_internal is supported"); print("Check out"); end end print("prosodyctl mod_storage_xmlarchive convert (from|to) internal (archive|archive2|muc_log) user@host"); end