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mod_checkcerts/mod_checkcerts.lua @ 6055:23c4c61a1068
mod_muc_gateway_optimize: New module to optimize muc presence to remote gateways
Some gateways are happy to receive presence for each participant
in MUCs that they are in only once, to any one of their joined JIDs.
author | Stephen Paul Weber <> |
date | Sun, 17 Nov 2024 22:32:52 -0500 |
parent | 4607:c8ccaac78f64 |
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local config = require "core.configmanager"; local ssl = require"ssl"; local datetime_parse = require"util.datetime".parse; local load_cert = ssl.loadcertificate; local st = require"util.stanza" -- These are in days. local nag_time = module:get_option_number("checkcerts_notify", 7) * 86400; if not load_cert then module:log("error", "This version of LuaSec (%s) does not support certificate checking", ssl._VERSION); return end local pat = "^([JFMAONSD][ceupao][glptbvyncr]) ?(%d%d?) (%d%d):(%d%d):(%d%d) (%d%d%d%d) GMT$"; local months = {Jan=1,Feb=2,Mar=3,Apr=4,May=5,Jun=6,Jul=7,Aug=8,Sep=9,Oct=10,Nov=11,Dec=12}; local function parse_x509_datetime(s) local month, day, hour, min, sec, year = s:match(pat); month = months[month]; return datetime_parse(("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ"):format(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)); end local timeunits = {"minute",60,"hour",3600,"day",86400,"week",604800,"month",2629746,"year",31556952,}; local function humantime(timediff) local ret = {}; for i=#timeunits,2,-2 do if timeunits[i] < timediff then local n = math.floor(timediff / timeunits[i]); if n > 0 and #ret < 2 then ret[#ret+1] = ("%d %s%s"):format(n, timeunits[i-1], n ~= 1 and "s" or ""); timediff = timediff - n*timeunits[i]; end end end return table.concat(ret, " and ") end local function check_certs_validity() local now = os.time(); -- First, let's find out what certificate this host uses. local ssl_config = config.rawget(, "ssl"); if not ssl_config or not ssl_config.certificate then ssl_config = config.get("%.(.*)"), "ssl"); end if not ssl_config or not ssl_config.certificate then ssl_config = config.get("*", "ssl"); end if not ssl_config or not ssl_config.certificate then module:log("warn", "Could not find a certificate to check"); return; end local certfile = ssl_config.certificate; local fh, ferr =; -- Load the file. if not fh then module:log("warn", "Could not open certificate %s", ferr); return; end local cert, lerr = load_cert(fh:read("*a")); -- And parse fh:close(); if not cert then module:log("warn", "Could not parse certificate %s: %s", certfile, lerr or ""); return; end local expires_at = parse_x509_datetime(cert:notafter()); local expires_in = os.difftime(expires_at, now); local fmt = "Certificate %s expires in %s" local nag_admin = expires_in < nag_time; local log_warn = expires_in < nag_time * 2; local timediff = expires_in; if expires_in < 0 then fmt = "Certificate %s expired %s ago"; timediff = -timediff; end timediff = humantime(timediff); module:log(log_warn and "warn" or "info", fmt, certfile, timediff); if nag_admin then local body = fmt:format("for host ".., timediff); for admin in module:get_option_inherited_set("admins", {}) do module:send(st.message({ from =, to = admin, type = "chat" }, body)); end end return math.max(86400, expires_in / 3); end module:add_timer(1, check_certs_validity);