Software /
code /
mod_cloud_notify/mod_cloud_notify.lua @ 5902:13094c707414
mod_client_management: Prevent exception on missing client info
> attempt to index a nil value (local 'legacy_info')
Unsure how exactly this happens, perhaps by mixing SASL2/BIND2 with
legacy equivalents?
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Sat, 06 Apr 2024 13:04:35 +0200 (11 months ago) |
parent | 5215:fd6cb4365438 |
line wrap: on
line source
-- XEP-0357: Push (aka: My mobile OS vendor won't let me have persistent TCP connections) -- Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Kim Alvefur -- Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Thilo Molitor -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. local os_time = os.time; local st = require"util.stanza"; local jid = require"util.jid"; local dataform = require"util.dataforms".new; local hashes = require"util.hashes"; local random = require"util.random"; local cache = require"util.cache"; local watchdog = require "util.watchdog"; local xmlns_push = "urn:xmpp:push:0"; -- configuration local include_body = module:get_option_boolean("push_notification_with_body", false); local include_sender = module:get_option_boolean("push_notification_with_sender", false); local max_push_errors = module:get_option_number("push_max_errors", 16); local max_push_devices = module:get_option_number("push_max_devices", 5); local dummy_body = module:get_option_string("push_notification_important_body", "New Message!"); local extended_hibernation_timeout = module:get_option_number("push_max_hibernation_timeout", 72*3600); -- use same timeout like ejabberd local host_sessions = prosody.hosts[].sessions; local push_errors = module:shared("push_errors"); local id2node = {}; local id2identifier = {}; if _VERSION:match("5%.1") then module:log("warn", "This module may behave incorrectly on Lua 5.1. It is recommended to upgrade to a newer Lua version."); end -- For keeping state across reloads while caching reads -- This uses util.cache for caching the most recent devices and removing all old devices when max_push_devices is reached local push_store = (function() local store = module:open_store(); local push_services = {}; local api = {}; --luacheck: ignore 212/self function api:get(user) if not push_services[user] then local loaded, err = store:get(user); if not loaded and err then module:log("warn", "Error reading push notification storage for user '%s': %s", user, tostring(err)); push_services[user] =; return push_services[user], false; end if loaded then push_services[user] =; -- copy over plain table loaded from disk into our cache for k, v in pairs(loaded) do push_services[user][k] = v; end else push_services[user] =; end end return push_services[user], true; end function api:flush_to_disk(user) local plain_table = {}; for k, v in pairs(push_services[user]) do plain_table[k] = v; end local ok, err = store:set(user, plain_table); if not ok then module:log("error", "Error writing push notification storage for user '%s': %s", user, tostring(err)); return false; end return true; end function api:set_identifier(user, push_identifier, data) local services = self:get(user); services[push_identifier] = data; end return api; end)(); -- Forward declarations, as both functions need to reference each other local handle_push_success, handle_push_error; function handle_push_error(event) local stanza = event.stanza; local error_type, condition, error_text = stanza:get_error(); local node = id2node[]; local identifier = id2identifier[]; if node == nil then module:log("warn", "Received push error with unrecognised id: %s",; return false; -- unknown stanza? Ignore for now! end local from = stanza.attr.from; local user_push_services = push_store:get(node); local found, changed = false, false; for push_identifier, _ in pairs(user_push_services) do if push_identifier == identifier then found = true; if user_push_services[push_identifier] and user_push_services[push_identifier].jid == from and error_type ~= "wait" then push_errors[push_identifier] = push_errors[push_identifier] + 1; module:log("info", "Got error <%s:%s:%s> for identifier '%s': " .."error count for this identifier is now at %s", error_type, condition, error_text or "", push_identifier, tostring(push_errors[push_identifier])); if push_errors[push_identifier] >= max_push_errors then module:log("warn", "Disabling push notifications for identifier '%s'", push_identifier); -- remove push settings from sessions if host_sessions[node] then for _, session in pairs(host_sessions[node].sessions) do if session.push_identifier == push_identifier then session.push_identifier = nil; session.push_settings = nil; session.first_hibernated_push = nil; -- check for prosody 0.12 mod_smacks if session.hibernating_watchdog and session.original_smacks_callback and session.original_smacks_timeout then -- restore old smacks watchdog session.hibernating_watchdog:cancel(); session.hibernating_watchdog =, session.original_smacks_callback); end end end end -- save changed global config changed = true; user_push_services[push_identifier] = nil push_errors[push_identifier] = nil; -- unhook iq handlers for this identifier (if possible) module:unhook("iq-error/host/", handle_push_error); module:unhook("iq-result/host/", handle_push_success); id2node[] = nil; id2identifier[] = nil; end elseif user_push_services[push_identifier] and user_push_services[push_identifier].jid == from and error_type == "wait" then module:log("debug", "Got error <%s:%s:%s> for identifier '%s': " .."NOT increasing error count for this identifier", error_type, condition, error_text or "", push_identifier); else module:log("debug", "Unhandled push error <%s:%s:%s> from %s for identifier '%s'", error_type, condition, error_text or "", from, push_identifier ); end end end if changed then push_store:flush_to_disk(node); elseif not found then module:log("warn", "Unable to find matching registration for push error <%s:%s:%s> from %s", error_type, condition, error_text or "", from); end return true; end function handle_push_success(event) local stanza = event.stanza; local node = id2node[]; local identifier = id2identifier[]; if node == nil then return false; end -- unknown stanza? Ignore for now! local from = stanza.attr.from; local user_push_services = push_store:get(node); for push_identifier, _ in pairs(user_push_services) do if push_identifier == identifier then if user_push_services[push_identifier] and user_push_services[push_identifier].jid == from and push_errors[push_identifier] > 0 then push_errors[push_identifier] = 0; -- unhook iq handlers for this identifier (if possible) module:unhook("iq-error/host/", handle_push_error); module:unhook("iq-result/host/", handle_push_success); id2node[] = nil; id2identifier[] = nil; module:log("debug", "Push succeeded, error count for identifier '%s' is now at %s again", push_identifier, tostring(push_errors[push_identifier]) ); end end end return true; end -- local function account_dico_info(event) (event.reply or event.stanza):tag("feature", {var=xmlns_push}):up(); end module:hook("account-disco-info", account_dico_info); -- local function push_enable(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local enable = stanza.tags[1]; origin.log("debug", "Attempting to enable push notifications"); -- MUST contain a 'jid' attribute of the XMPP Push Service being enabled local push_jid = enable.attr.jid; -- SHOULD contain a 'node' attribute local push_node = enable.attr.node; -- CAN contain a 'include_payload' attribute local include_payload = enable.attr.include_payload; if not push_jid then origin.log("debug", "Push notification enable request missing the 'jid' field"); origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Missing jid")); return true; end if push_jid == stanza.attr.from then origin.log("debug", "Push notification enable request 'jid' field identical to our own"); origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "JID must be different from ours")); return true; end local publish_options = enable:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data"); if not publish_options then -- Could be intentional origin.log("debug", "No publish options in request"); end local push_identifier = push_jid .. "<" .. (push_node or ""); local push_service = { jid = push_jid; node = push_node; include_payload = include_payload; options = publish_options and st.preserialize(publish_options); timestamp = os_time(); client_id = origin.client_id; resource = not origin.client_id and origin.resource or nil; language = stanza.attr["xml:lang"]; }; local allow_registration = module:fire_event("cloud_notify/registration", { origin = origin, stanza = stanza, push_info = push_service; }); if allow_registration == false then return true; -- Assume error reply already sent end push_store:set_identifier(origin.username, push_identifier, push_service); local ok = push_store:flush_to_disk(origin.username); if not ok then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "wait", "internal-server-error")); else origin.push_identifier = push_identifier; origin.push_settings = push_service; origin.first_hibernated_push = nil; origin.log("info", "Push notifications enabled for %s (%s)", tostring(stanza.attr.from), tostring(origin.push_identifier)); origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); end return true; end module:hook("iq-set/self/"..xmlns_push..":enable", push_enable); -- local function push_disable(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local push_jid = stanza.tags[1].attr.jid; -- MUST include a 'jid' attribute local push_node = stanza.tags[1].attr.node; -- A 'node' attribute MAY be included if not push_jid then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Missing jid")); return true; end local user_push_services = push_store:get(origin.username); for key, push_info in pairs(user_push_services) do if push_info.jid == push_jid and (not push_node or push_info.node == push_node) then origin.log("info", "Push notifications disabled (%s)", tostring(key)); if origin.push_identifier == key then origin.push_identifier = nil; origin.push_settings = nil; origin.first_hibernated_push = nil; -- check for prosody 0.12 mod_smacks if origin.hibernating_watchdog and origin.original_smacks_callback and origin.original_smacks_timeout then -- restore old smacks watchdog origin.hibernating_watchdog:cancel(); origin.hibernating_watchdog =, origin.original_smacks_callback); end end user_push_services[key] = nil; push_errors[key] = nil; for stanza_id, identifier in pairs(id2identifier) do if identifier == key then module:unhook("iq-error/host/"..stanza_id, handle_push_error); module:unhook("iq-result/host/"..stanza_id, handle_push_success); id2node[stanza_id] = nil; id2identifier[stanza_id] = nil; end end end end local ok = push_store:flush_to_disk(origin.username); if not ok then origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "wait", "internal-server-error")); else origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); end return true; end module:hook("iq-set/self/"..xmlns_push..":disable", push_disable); -- urgent stanzas should be delivered without delay local function is_urgent(stanza) -- TODO if == "message" then if stanza:get_child("propose", "urn:xmpp:jingle-message:0") then return true, "jingle call"; end end end -- is this push a high priority one (this is needed for ios apps not using voip pushes) local function is_important(stanza) local st_name = stanza and or nil; if not st_name then return false; end -- nonzas are never important here if st_name == "presence" then return false; -- same for presences elseif st_name == "message" then -- unpack carbon copied message stanzas local carbon = stanza:find("{urn:xmpp:carbons:2}/{urn:xmpp:forward:0}/{jabber:client}message"); local stanza_direction = carbon and stanza:child_with_name("sent") and "out" or "in"; if carbon then stanza = carbon; end local st_type = stanza.attr.type; -- headline message are always not important if st_type == "headline" then return false; end -- carbon copied outgoing messages are not important if carbon and stanza_direction == "out" then return false; end -- We can't check for body contents in encrypted messages, so let's treat them as important -- Some clients don't even set a body or an empty body for encrypted messages -- check omemo if stanza:get_child("encrypted", "eu.siacs.conversations.axolotl") or stanza:get_child("encrypted", "urn:xmpp:omemo:0") then return true; end -- check xep27 pgp if stanza:get_child("x", "jabber:x:encrypted") then return true; end -- check xep373 pgp (OX) if stanza:get_child("openpgp", "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0") then return true; end -- XEP-0353: Jingle Message Initiation (incoming call request) if stanza:get_child("propose", "urn:xmpp:jingle-message:0") then return true; end local body = stanza:get_child_text("body"); -- groupchat subjects are not important here if st_type == "groupchat" and stanza:get_child_text("subject") then return false; end -- empty bodies are not important return body ~= nil and body ~= ""; end return false; -- this stanza wasn't one of the above cases --> it is not important, too end local push_form = dataform { { name = "FORM_TYPE"; type = "hidden"; value = "urn:xmpp:push:summary"; }; { name = "message-count"; type = "text-single"; }; { name = "pending-subscription-count"; type = "text-single"; }; { name = "last-message-sender"; type = "jid-single"; }; { name = "last-message-body"; type = "text-single"; }; }; -- local function handle_notify_request(stanza, node, user_push_services, log_push_decline) local pushes = 0; if not #user_push_services then return pushes end for push_identifier, push_info in pairs(user_push_services) do local send_push = true; -- only send push to this node when not already done for this stanza or if no stanza is given at all if stanza then if not stanza._push_notify then stanza._push_notify = {}; end if stanza._push_notify[push_identifier] then if log_push_decline then module:log("debug", "Already sent push notification for %s@%s to %s (%s)", node,, push_info.jid, tostring(push_info.node)); end send_push = false; end stanza._push_notify[push_identifier] = true; end if send_push then -- construct push stanza local stanza_id = hashes.sha256(random.bytes(8), true); local push_notification_payload = st.stanza("notification", { xmlns = xmlns_push }); local form_data = { -- hardcode to 1 because other numbers are just meaningless (the XEP does not specify *what exactly* to count) ["message-count"] = "1"; }; if stanza and include_sender then form_data["last-message-sender"] = stanza.attr.from; end if stanza and include_body then form_data["last-message-body"] = stanza:get_child_text("body"); elseif stanza and dummy_body and is_important(stanza) then form_data["last-message-body"] = tostring(dummy_body); end push_notification_payload:add_child(push_form:form(form_data)); local push_publish ={ to = push_info.jid, from =, type = "set", id = stanza_id }) :tag("pubsub", { xmlns = "" }) :tag("publish", { node = push_info.node }) :tag("item") :add_child(push_notification_payload) :up() :up(); if push_info.options then push_publish:tag("publish-options"):add_child(st.deserialize(push_info.options)); end -- send out push module:log("debug", "Sending %s push notification for %s@%s to %s (%s)", form_data["last-message-body"] and "important" or "unimportant", node,, push_info.jid, tostring(push_info.node) ); -- module:log("debug", "PUSH STANZA: %s", tostring(push_publish)); local push_event = { notification_stanza = push_publish; notification_payload = push_notification_payload; original_stanza = stanza; username = node; push_info = push_info; push_summary = form_data; important = not not form_data["last-message-body"]; }; if module:fire_event("cloud_notify/push", push_event) then module:log("debug", "Push was blocked by event handler: %s", push_event.reason or "Unknown reason"); else -- handle push errors for this node if push_errors[push_identifier] == nil then push_errors[push_identifier] = 0; end module:hook("iq-error/host/"..stanza_id, handle_push_error); module:hook("iq-result/host/"..stanza_id, handle_push_success); id2node[stanza_id] = node; id2identifier[stanza_id] = push_identifier; module:send(push_publish); pushes = pushes + 1; end end end return pushes; end -- small helper function to extract relevant push settings local function get_push_settings(stanza, session) local to =; local node = to and jid.split(to) or session.username; local user_push_services = push_store:get(node); return node, user_push_services; end -- publish on offline message module:hook("message/offline/handle", function(event) local node, user_push_services = get_push_settings(event.stanza, event.origin); module:log("debug", "Invoking cloud handle_notify_request() for offline stanza"); handle_notify_request(event.stanza, node, user_push_services, true); end, 1); -- publish on bare groupchat -- this picks up MUC messages when there are no devices connected module:hook("message/bare/groupchat", function(event) module:log("debug", "Invoking cloud handle_notify_request() for bare groupchat stanza"); local node, user_push_services = get_push_settings(event.stanza, event.origin); handle_notify_request(event.stanza, node, user_push_services, true); end, 1); local function process_stanza_queue(queue, session, queue_type) if not session.push_identifier then return; end local user_push_services = {[session.push_identifier] = session.push_settings}; local notified = { unimportant = false; important = false } for i=1, #queue do local stanza = queue[i]; -- fast ignore of already pushed stanzas if stanza and not (stanza._push_notify and stanza._push_notify[session.push_identifier]) then local node = get_push_settings(stanza, session); local stanza_type = "unimportant"; if dummy_body and is_important(stanza) then stanza_type = "important"; end if not notified[stanza_type] then -- only notify if we didn't try to push for this stanza type already -- session.log("debug", "Invoking cloud handle_notify_request() for smacks queued stanza: %d", i); if handle_notify_request(stanza, node, user_push_services, false) ~= 0 then if session.hibernating and not session.first_hibernated_push then -- if important stanzas are treated differently (pushed with last-message-body field set to dummy string) -- if the message was important (e.g. had a last-message-body field) OR if we treat all pushes equally, -- then record the time of first push in the session for the smack module which will extend its hibernation -- timeout based on the value of session.first_hibernated_push if not dummy_body or (dummy_body and is_important(stanza)) then session.first_hibernated_push = os_time(); -- check for prosody 0.12 mod_smacks if session.hibernating_watchdog and session.original_smacks_callback and session.original_smacks_timeout then -- restore old smacks watchdog (--> the start of our original timeout will be delayed until first push) session.hibernating_watchdog:cancel(); session.hibernating_watchdog =, session.original_smacks_callback); end end end session.log("debug", "Cloud handle_notify_request() > 0, not notifying for other %s queued stanzas of type %s", queue_type, stanza_type); notified[stanza_type] = true end end end if notified.unimportant and notified.important then break; end -- stop processing the queue if all push types are exhausted end end -- publish on unacked smacks message (use timer to send out push for all stanzas submitted in a row only once) local function process_stanza(session, stanza) if session.push_identifier then session.log("debug", "adding new stanza to push_queue"); if not session.push_queue then session.push_queue = {}; end local queue = session.push_queue; queue[#queue+1] = st.clone(stanza); if not session.awaiting_push_timer then -- timer not already running --> start new timer session.log("debug", "Invoking cloud handle_notify_request() for newly smacks queued stanza (in a moment)"); session.awaiting_push_timer = module:add_timer(1.0, function () session.log("debug", "Invoking cloud handle_notify_request() for newly smacks queued stanzas (now in timer)"); process_stanza_queue(session.push_queue, session, "push"); session.push_queue = {}; -- clean up queue after push session.awaiting_push_timer = nil; end); end end return stanza; end local function process_smacks_stanza(event) local session = event.origin; local stanza = event.stanza; if not session.push_identifier then session.log("debug", "NOT invoking cloud handle_notify_request() for newly smacks queued stanza (session.push_identifier is not set: %s)", session.push_identifier ); else process_stanza(session, stanza) end end -- smacks hibernation is started local function hibernate_session(event) local session = event.origin; local queue = event.queue; session.first_hibernated_push = nil; if session.push_identifier and session.hibernating_watchdog then -- check for prosody 0.12 mod_smacks -- save old watchdog callback and timeout session.original_smacks_callback = session.hibernating_watchdog.callback; session.original_smacks_timeout = session.hibernating_watchdog.timeout; -- cancel old watchdog and create a new watchdog with extended timeout session.hibernating_watchdog:cancel(); session.hibernating_watchdog =, function() session.log("debug", "Push-extended smacks watchdog triggered"); if session.original_smacks_callback then session.log("debug", "Calling original smacks watchdog handler"); session.original_smacks_callback(); end end); end -- process unacked stanzas process_stanza_queue(queue, session, "smacks"); end -- smacks hibernation is ended local function restore_session(event) local session = event.resumed; if session then -- older smacks module versions send only the "intermediate" session in event.session and no session.resumed one if session.awaiting_push_timer then session.awaiting_push_timer:stop(); session.awaiting_push_timer = nil; end session.first_hibernated_push = nil; -- the extended smacks watchdog will be canceled by the smacks module, no need to anything here end end -- smacks ack is delayed local function ack_delayed(event) local session = event.origin; local queue = event.queue; local stanza = event.stanza; if not session.push_identifier then return; end if stanza then process_stanza(session, stanza); return; end -- don't iterate through smacks queue if we know which stanza triggered this for i=1, #queue do local queued_stanza = queue[i]; -- process unacked stanzas (handle_notify_request() will only send push requests for new stanzas) process_stanza(session, queued_stanza); end end -- archive message added local function archive_message_added(event) -- event is: { origin = origin, stanza = stanza, for_user = store_user, id = id } -- only notify for new mam messages when at least one device is online if not event.for_user or not host_sessions[event.for_user] then return; end local stanza = event.stanza; local user_session = host_sessions[event.for_user].sessions; local to =; to = to and jid.split(to) or event.origin.username; -- only notify if the stanza destination is the mam user we store it for if event.for_user == to then local user_push_services = push_store:get(to); -- Urgent stanzas are time-sensitive (e.g. calls) and should -- be pushed immediately to avoid getting stuck in the smacks -- queue in case of dead connections, for example local is_urgent_stanza, urgent_reason = is_urgent(event.stanza); local notify_push_services; if is_urgent_stanza then module:log("debug", "Urgent push for %s (%s)", to, urgent_reason); notify_push_services = user_push_services; else -- only notify nodes with no active sessions (smacks is counted as active and handled separate) notify_push_services = {}; for identifier, push_info in pairs(user_push_services) do local identifier_found = nil; for _, session in pairs(user_session) do if session.push_identifier == identifier then identifier_found = session; break; end end if identifier_found then identifier_found.log("debug", "Not cloud notifying '%s' of new MAM stanza (session still alive)", identifier); else notify_push_services[identifier] = push_info; end end end handle_notify_request(event.stanza, to, notify_push_services, true); end end module:hook("smacks-hibernation-start", hibernate_session); module:hook("smacks-hibernation-end", restore_session); module:hook("smacks-ack-delayed", ack_delayed); module:hook("smacks-hibernation-stanza-queued", process_smacks_stanza); module:hook("archive-message-added", archive_message_added); local function send_ping(event) local user = event.user; local push_services = event.push_services or push_store:get(user); module:log("debug", "Handling event 'cloud-notify-ping' for user '%s'", user); local retval = handle_notify_request(nil, user, push_services, true); module:log("debug", "handle_notify_request() returned %s", tostring(retval)); end -- can be used by other modules to ping one or more (or all) push endpoints module:hook("cloud-notify-ping", send_ping); module:log("info", "Module loaded"); function module.unload() module:log("info", "Unloading module"); -- cleanup some settings, reloading this module can cause process_smacks_stanza() to stop working otherwise for user, _ in pairs(host_sessions) do for _, session in pairs(host_sessions[user].sessions) do if session.awaiting_push_timer then session.awaiting_push_timer:stop(); end session.awaiting_push_timer = nil; session.push_queue = nil; session.first_hibernated_push = nil; -- check for prosody 0.12 mod_smacks if session.hibernating_watchdog and session.original_smacks_callback and session.original_smacks_timeout then -- restore old smacks watchdog session.hibernating_watchdog:cancel(); session.hibernating_watchdog =, session.original_smacks_callback); end end end module:log("info", "Module unloaded"); end