
mod_pep_plus/util_pubsub.lib.lua @ 2801:cb2342cf3f3c

mod_pep_plus: Snapshot from Prosody trunk 910d3c3f60a6 including dependencies
author Kim Alvefur <zash@zash.se>
date Wed, 18 Oct 2017 09:56:29 +0200
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_pep_plus/util_pubsub.lib.lua	Wed Oct 18 09:56:29 2017 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+local events = require "util.events";
+local cache = require "util.cache";
+local service = {};
+local service_mt = { __index = service };
+local default_config = { __index = {
+	itemstore = function (config, _) return cache.new(config["max_items"]) end;
+	broadcaster = function () end;
+	get_affiliation = function () end;
+	capabilities = {};
+} };
+local default_node_config = { __index = {
+	["persist_items"] = false;
+	["max_items"] = 20;
+} };
+local function new(config)
+	config = config or {};
+	return setmetatable({
+		config = setmetatable(config, default_config);
+		node_defaults = setmetatable(config.node_defaults or {}, default_node_config);
+		affiliations = {};
+		subscriptions = {};
+		nodes = {};
+		data = {};
+		events = events.new();
+	}, service_mt);
+function service:jids_equal(jid1, jid2)
+	local normalize = self.config.normalize_jid;
+	return normalize(jid1) == normalize(jid2);
+function service:may(node, actor, action)
+	if actor == true then return true; end
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	local node_aff = node_obj and node_obj.affiliations[actor];
+	local service_aff = self.affiliations[actor]
+	                 or self.config.get_affiliation(actor, node, action)
+	                 or "none";
+	-- Check if node allows/forbids it
+	local node_capabilities = node_obj and node_obj.capabilities;
+	if node_capabilities then
+		local caps = node_capabilities[node_aff or service_aff];
+		if caps then
+			local can = caps[action];
+			if can ~= nil then
+				return can;
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Check service-wide capabilities instead
+	local service_capabilities = self.config.capabilities;
+	local caps = service_capabilities[node_aff or service_aff];
+	if caps then
+		local can = caps[action];
+		if can ~= nil then
+			return can;
+		end
+	end
+	return false;
+function service:set_affiliation(node, actor, jid, affiliation)
+	-- Access checking
+	if not self:may(node, actor, "set_affiliation") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	if not node_obj then
+		return false, "item-not-found";
+	end
+	node_obj.affiliations[jid] = affiliation;
+	local _, jid_sub = self:get_subscription(node, true, jid);
+	if not jid_sub and not self:may(node, jid, "be_unsubscribed") then
+		local ok, err = self:add_subscription(node, true, jid);
+		if not ok then
+			return ok, err;
+		end
+	elseif jid_sub and not self:may(node, jid, "be_subscribed") then
+		local ok, err = self:add_subscription(node, true, jid);
+		if not ok then
+			return ok, err;
+		end
+	end
+	return true;
+function service:add_subscription(node, actor, jid, options)
+	-- Access checking
+	local cap;
+	if actor == true or jid == actor or self:jids_equal(actor, jid) then
+		cap = "subscribe";
+	else
+		cap = "subscribe_other";
+	end
+	if not self:may(node, actor, cap) then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	if not self:may(node, jid, "be_subscribed") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	if not node_obj then
+		if not self.config.autocreate_on_subscribe then
+			return false, "item-not-found";
+		else
+			local ok, err = self:create(node, true);
+			if not ok then
+				return ok, err;
+			end
+			node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+		end
+	end
+	node_obj.subscribers[jid] = options or true;
+	local normal_jid = self.config.normalize_jid(jid);
+	local subs = self.subscriptions[normal_jid];
+	if subs then
+		if not subs[jid] then
+			subs[jid] = { [node] = true };
+		else
+			subs[jid][node] = true;
+		end
+	else
+		self.subscriptions[normal_jid] = { [jid] = { [node] = true } };
+	end
+	self.events.fire_event("subscription-added", { node = node, jid = jid, normalized_jid = normal_jid, options = options });
+	return true;
+function service:remove_subscription(node, actor, jid)
+	-- Access checking
+	local cap;
+	if actor == true or jid == actor or self:jids_equal(actor, jid) then
+		cap = "unsubscribe";
+	else
+		cap = "unsubscribe_other";
+	end
+	if not self:may(node, actor, cap) then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	if not self:may(node, jid, "be_unsubscribed") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	if not node_obj then
+		return false, "item-not-found";
+	end
+	if not node_obj.subscribers[jid] then
+		return false, "not-subscribed";
+	end
+	node_obj.subscribers[jid] = nil;
+	local normal_jid = self.config.normalize_jid(jid);
+	local subs = self.subscriptions[normal_jid];
+	if subs then
+		local jid_subs = subs[jid];
+		if jid_subs then
+			jid_subs[node] = nil;
+			if next(jid_subs) == nil then
+				subs[jid] = nil;
+			end
+		end
+		if next(subs) == nil then
+			self.subscriptions[normal_jid] = nil;
+		end
+	end
+	self.events.fire_event("subscription-removed", { node = node, jid = jid, normalized_jid = normal_jid });
+	return true;
+function service:remove_all_subscriptions(actor, jid)
+	local normal_jid = self.config.normalize_jid(jid);
+	local subs = self.subscriptions[normal_jid]
+	subs = subs and subs[jid];
+	if subs then
+		for node in pairs(subs) do
+			self:remove_subscription(node, true, jid);
+		end
+	end
+	return true;
+function service:get_subscription(node, actor, jid)
+	-- Access checking
+	local cap;
+	if actor == true or jid == actor or self:jids_equal(actor, jid) then
+		cap = "get_subscription";
+	else
+		cap = "get_subscription_other";
+	end
+	if not self:may(node, actor, cap) then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	if not node_obj then
+		return false, "item-not-found";
+	end
+	return true, node_obj.subscribers[jid];
+function service:create(node, actor, options)
+	-- Access checking
+	if not self:may(node, actor, "create") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	if self.nodes[node] then
+		return false, "conflict";
+	end
+	self.nodes[node] = {
+		name = node;
+		subscribers = {};
+		config = setmetatable(options or {}, {__index=self.node_defaults});
+		affiliations = {};
+	};
+	self.data[node] = self.config.itemstore(self.nodes[node].config, node);
+	self.events.fire_event("node-created", { node = node, actor = actor });
+	local ok, err = self:set_affiliation(node, true, actor, "owner");
+	if not ok then
+		self.nodes[node] = nil;
+		self.data[node] = nil;
+	end
+	return ok, err;
+function service:delete(node, actor)
+	-- Access checking
+	if not self:may(node, actor, "delete") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	if not node_obj then
+		return false, "item-not-found";
+	end
+	self.nodes[node] = nil;
+	if self.data[node] and self.data[node].clear then
+		self.data[node]:clear();
+	end
+	self.data[node] = nil;
+	self.events.fire_event("node-deleted", { node = node, actor = actor });
+	self.config.broadcaster("delete", node, node_obj.subscribers);
+	return true;
+function service:publish(node, actor, id, item)
+	-- Access checking
+	if not self:may(node, actor, "publish") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	if not node_obj then
+		if not self.config.autocreate_on_publish then
+			return false, "item-not-found";
+		end
+		local ok, err = self:create(node, true);
+		if not ok then
+			return ok, err;
+		end
+		node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	end
+	local node_data = self.data[node];
+	local ok = node_data:set(id, item);
+	if not ok then
+		return nil, "internal-server-error";
+	end
+	if type(ok) == "string" then id = ok; end
+	self.events.fire_event("item-published", { node = node, actor = actor, id = id, item = item });
+	self.config.broadcaster("items", node, node_obj.subscribers, item, actor);
+	return true;
+function service:retract(node, actor, id, retract)
+	-- Access checking
+	if not self:may(node, actor, "retract") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	if (not node_obj) or (not self.data[node]:get(id)) then
+		return false, "item-not-found";
+	end
+	local ok = self.data[node]:set(id, nil);
+	if not ok then
+		return nil, "internal-server-error";
+	end
+	self.events.fire_event("item-retracted", { node = node, actor = actor, id = id });
+	if retract then
+		self.config.broadcaster("items", node, node_obj.subscribers, retract);
+	end
+	return true
+function service:purge(node, actor, notify)
+	-- Access checking
+	if not self:may(node, actor, "retract") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	if not node_obj then
+		return false, "item-not-found";
+	end
+	if self.data[node] and self.data[node].clear then
+		self.data[node]:clear()
+	else
+		self.data[node] = self.config.itemstore(self.nodes[node].config, node);
+	end
+	self.events.fire_event("node-purged", { node = node, actor = actor });
+	if notify then
+		self.config.broadcaster("purge", node, node_obj.subscribers);
+	end
+	return true
+function service:get_items(node, actor, id)
+	-- Access checking
+	if not self:may(node, actor, "get_items") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	if not node_obj then
+		return false, "item-not-found";
+	end
+	if id then -- Restrict results to a single specific item
+		local with_id = self.data[node]:get(id);
+		if not with_id then
+			return false, "item-not-found";
+		end
+		return true, { id, [id] = with_id };
+	else
+		local data = {}
+		for key, value in self.data[node]:items() do
+			data[#data+1] = key;
+			data[key] = value;
+		end
+		return true, data;
+	end
+function service:get_nodes(actor)
+	-- Access checking
+	if not self:may(nil, actor, "get_nodes") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	return true, self.nodes;
+function service:get_subscriptions(node, actor, jid)
+	-- Access checking
+	local cap;
+	if actor == true or jid == actor or self:jids_equal(actor, jid) then
+		cap = "get_subscriptions";
+	else
+		cap = "get_subscriptions_other";
+	end
+	if not self:may(node, actor, cap) then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	local node_obj;
+	if node then
+		node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+		if not node_obj then
+			return false, "item-not-found";
+		end
+	end
+	local normal_jid = self.config.normalize_jid(jid);
+	local subs = self.subscriptions[normal_jid];
+	-- We return the subscription object from the node to save
+	-- a get_subscription() call for each node.
+	local ret = {};
+	if subs then
+		for subscribed_jid, subscribed_nodes in pairs(subs) do
+			if node then -- Return only subscriptions to this node
+				if subscribed_nodes[node] then
+					ret[#ret+1] = {
+						node = node;
+						jid = subscribed_jid;
+						subscription = node_obj.subscribers[subscribed_jid];
+					};
+				end
+			else -- Return subscriptions to all nodes
+				local nodes = self.nodes;
+				for subscribed_node in pairs(subscribed_nodes) do
+					ret[#ret+1] = {
+						node = subscribed_node;
+						jid = subscribed_jid;
+						subscription = nodes[subscribed_node].subscribers[subscribed_jid];
+					};
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return true, ret;
+-- Access models only affect 'none' affiliation caps, service/default access level...
+function service:set_node_capabilities(node, actor, capabilities)
+	-- Access checking
+	if not self:may(node, actor, "configure") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	--
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	if not node_obj then
+		return false, "item-not-found";
+	end
+	node_obj.capabilities = capabilities;
+	return true;
+function service:set_node_config(node, actor, new_config)
+	if not self:may(node, actor, "configure") then
+		return false, "forbidden";
+	end
+	local node_obj = self.nodes[node];
+	if not node_obj then
+		return false, "item-not-found";
+	end
+	for k,v in pairs(new_config) do
+		node_obj.config[k] = v;
+	end
+	local new_data = self.config.itemstore(self.nodes[node].config, node);
+	for key, value in self.data[node]:items() do
+		new_data:set(key, value);
+	end
+	self.data[node] = new_data;
+	return true;
+return {
+	new = new;