
mod_captcha_registration/modules/mod_register.lua @ 1373:985bfc6e8cad

mod_captcha_registration: initial commit
author mrDoctorWho <>
date Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:56:24 +0700
child 2728:11fdfd73a527
equal deleted inserted replaced
1372:a573d64968e9 1373:985bfc6e8cad
1 -- Prosody IM
2 -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild
3 -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain
4 -- Modifications copyright (C) 2014 mrDoctorWho
5 --
6 -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
7 -- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
8 --
11 local st = require "util.stanza";
12 local dataform_new = require "util.dataforms".new;
13 local usermanager_user_exists = require "core.usermanager".user_exists;
14 local usermanager_create_user = require "core.usermanager".create_user;
15 local usermanager_set_password = require "core.usermanager".set_password;
16 local usermanager_delete_user = require "core.usermanager".delete_user;
17 local os_time = os.time;
18 local nodeprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep;
19 local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare;
20 local timer = require "util.timer";
23 local math = require "math";
24 local captcha = require "captcha";
28 local base64 = require "util.encodings".base64.encode;
29 local sha1 = require "util.hashes".sha1;
32 local captcha_ids = {};
34 local config = module:get_option("captcha_config") or {};
37 local compat = module:get_option_boolean("registration_compat", true);
38 local allow_registration = module:get_option_boolean("allow_registration", false);
39 local additional_fields = module:get_option("additional_registration_fields", {});
41 local account_details = module:open_store("account_details");
43 local field_map = {
44 username = { name = "username", type = "text-single", label = "Username", required = true };
45 password = { name = "password", type = "text-private", label = "Password", required = true };
46 nick = { name = "nick", type = "text-single", label = "Nickname" };
47 name = { name = "name", type = "text-single", label = "Full Name" };
48 first = { name = "first", type = "text-single", label = "Given Name" };
49 last = { name = "last", type = "text-single", label = "Family Name" };
50 email = { name = "email", type = "text-single", label = "Email" };
51 address = { name = "address", type = "text-single", label = "Street" };
52 city = { name = "city", type = "text-single", label = "City" };
53 state = { name = "state", type = "text-single", label = "State" };
54 zip = { name = "zip", type = "text-single", label = "Postal code" };
55 phone = { name = "phone", type = "text-single", label = "Telephone number" };
56 url = { name = "url", type = "text-single", label = "Webpage" };
57 date = { name = "date", type = "text-single", label = "Birth date" };
59 -- something new
60 formtype = { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden"};
61 captcha_text = { name = "captcha_text", type = "fixed", label = "Warning: "};
62 captcha_psi = { name = "captchahidden", type = "hidden" }; -- Don't know exactly why, but it exists in ejabberd register form
63 captcha_url = { name = "url", type = "text-single", label = "Captcha url"};
64 from = { name = "from", type = "hidden" };
65 captcha_challenge = { name = "challenge", type = "hidden" };
66 sid = { name = "sid", type = "hidden" };
67 ocr = { name = "ocr", label = "Enter shown text", required = true, type = "media" }
68 };
70 local registration_form = dataform_new{
72 field_map.formtype;
73 field_map.username;
74 field_map.password;
75 field_map.captcha_text;
76 -- field_map.captcha_psi; -- Maybe later, i really have no idea why it used in ejabberd reg form
77 field_map.captcha_url;
78 field_map.from;
79 field_map.captcha_challenge;
80 field_map.sid;
81 field_map.ocr;
82 };
85 function delete_captcha(cid)
86 os.remove(string.format("%s/%s.png", config.dir, cid))
87 captcha_ids[cid] = nil;
88 end
90 for _, field in ipairs(additional_fields) do
91 if type(field) == "table" then
92 registration_form[#registration_form + 1] = field;
93 else
94 if field:match("%+$") then
95 field = field:sub(1, #field - 1);
96 field_map[field].required = true;
97 end
99 registration_form[#registration_form + 1] = field_map[field];
100 registration_query:tag(field):up();
101 end
102 end
104 module:add_feature("jabber:iq:register");
106 local register_stream_feature = st.stanza("register", {xmlns=""}):up();
107 module:hook("stream-features", function(event)
108 local session, features = event.origin, event.features;
110 -- Advertise registration to unauthorized clients only.
111 if not(allow_registration) or session.type ~= "c2s_unauthed" then
112 return
113 end
115 features:add_child(register_stream_feature);
116 end);
118 local function handle_registration_stanza(event)
119 local session, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
121 local query = stanza.tags[1];
122 if stanza.attr.type == "get" then
123 local reply = st.reply(stanza);
124 reply:tag("query", {xmlns = "jabber:iq:register"})
125 :tag("registered"):up()
126 :tag("username"):text(session.username):up()
127 :tag("password"):up();
128 session.send(reply);
129 else -- stanza.attr.type == "set"
130 if query.tags[1] and query.tags[1].name == "remove" then
131 local username, host = session.username,;
133 local old_session_close = session.close;
134 session.close = function(session, ...)
135 session.send(st.reply(stanza));
136 return old_session_close(session, ...);
137 end
139 local ok, err = usermanager_delete_user(username, host);
141 if not ok then
142 module:log("debug", "Removing user account %s@%s failed: %s", username, host, err);
143 session.close = old_session_close;
144 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "service-unavailable", err));
145 return true;
146 end
148 module:log("info", "User removed their account: %s@%s", username, host);
149 module:fire_event("user-deregistered", { username = username, host = host, source = "mod_register", session = session });
150 else
151 local username = nodeprep(query:get_child("username"):get_text());
152 local password = query:get_child("password"):get_text();
153 if username and password then
154 if username == session.username then
155 if usermanager_set_password(username, password, then
156 session.send(st.reply(stanza));
157 else
158 -- TODO unable to write file, file may be locked, etc, what's the correct error?
159 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "wait", "internal-server-error"));
160 end
161 else
162 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request"));
163 end
164 else
165 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request"));
166 end
167 end
168 end
169 return true;
170 end
172 module:hook("iq/self/jabber:iq:register:query", handle_registration_stanza);
173 if compat then
174 module:hook("iq/host/jabber:iq:register:query", function (event)
175 local session, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
176 if session.type == "c2s" and jid_bare( == then
177 return handle_registration_stanza(event);
178 end
179 end);
180 end
182 local function parse_response(query)
183 local form = query:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data");
184 if form then
185 return registration_form:data(form);
186 else
187 local data = {};
188 local errors = {};
189 for _, field in ipairs(registration_form) do
190 local name, required =, field.required;
191 if field_map[name] then
192 data[name] = query:get_child_text(name);
193 if (not data[name] or #data[name] == 0) and required then
194 errors[name] = "Required value missing";
195 end
196 end
197 end
198 if next(errors) then
199 return data, errors;
200 end
201 return data;
202 end
203 end
205 local recent_ips = {};
206 local min_seconds_between_registrations = module:get_option("min_seconds_between_registrations");
207 local whitelist_only = module:get_option("whitelist_registration_only");
208 local whitelisted_ips = module:get_option("registration_whitelist") or { "" };
209 local blacklisted_ips = module:get_option("registration_blacklist") or {};
211 for _, ip in ipairs(whitelisted_ips) do whitelisted_ips[ip] = true; end
212 for _, ip in ipairs(blacklisted_ips) do blacklisted_ips[ip] = true; end
215 local function get_file(name)
216 local file =, "rb")
217 local data = file:read("*all")
218 file:close()
219 return data
220 end
223 local function get_captcha()
224 local cap =;
225 math.randomseed(os_time());
226 local cid = tostring(math.random(1000, 90000)); -- random cid used for cap name
227 cap:font(config.font);
228 cap:scribble();
229 captcha_ids[cid] = cap:write(string.format("%s/%s.png", config.dir, cid)):lower();
230 timer.add_task(config.timeout, function() delete_captcha(cid) end); -- Add new function to use arguments. Is there any other way in lua? Or it even works?
231 return cid
232 end
236 module:hook("stanza/iq/jabber:iq:register:query", function(event)
237 local session, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
239 if not(allow_registration) or session.type ~= "c2s_unauthed" then
240 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "service-unavailable"));
241 else
242 local query = stanza.tags[1];
243 if stanza.attr.type == "get" then
244 local reply = st.reply(stanza):query("jabber:iq:register");
245 -- TODO: Move this in standalone function
246 local challenge = get_captcha()
247 local captcha_data = get_file(config.dir.."/"..challenge..".png")
248 local captcha_sha = sha1(captcha_data, true) -- omg
249 local captcha_base64 = base64(captcha_data) -- lol wut
250 xml = registration_form:form(({FORM_TYPE = "urn:xmpp:captcha",
251 from =,
252 ocr = {{
253 type = "image/png",
254 uri = string.format("", captcha_sha)
255 }};
256 url = string.format("http://%s:5280/%s/%s",, config.web_path, challenge);
257 captcha_text = "If you can't see an image, follow link below";
258 challenge = challenge;
259 sid = "1";
260 }));
262 data = st.stanza("data",
263 {xmlns = "urn:xmpp:bob",
264 cid = string.format("", captcha_sha),
265 type = "image/png",
266 ["max-age"] = config.timeout})
267 :text(captcha_base64);
269 reply = reply:add_child(xml);
270 reply = reply:add_child(data);
271 session.send(reply);
273 elseif stanza.attr.type == "set" then
274 if query.tags[1] and query.tags[1].name == "remove" then
275 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "auth", "registration-required"));
276 else
277 local data, errors = parse_response(query);
278 if errors then
279 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "not-acceptable"));
280 else
281 -- Check that the user is not blacklisted or registering too often
282 if not session.ip then
283 module:log("debug", "User's IP not known; can't apply blacklist/whitelist");
284 elseif blacklisted_ips[session.ip] or (whitelist_only and not whitelisted_ips[session.ip]) then
285 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "not-acceptable", "You are not allowed to register an account."));
286 return true;
287 elseif min_seconds_between_registrations and not whitelisted_ips[session.ip] then
288 if not recent_ips[session.ip] then
289 recent_ips[session.ip] = { time = os_time(), count = 1 };
290 else
291 local ip = recent_ips[session.ip];
292 ip.count = ip.count + 1;
294 if os_time() - ip.time < min_seconds_between_registrations then
295 ip.time = os_time();
296 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "wait", "not-acceptable"));
297 return true;
298 end
299 ip.time = os_time();
300 end
301 end
302 local host =;
303 local ocr = data.ocr:lower();
304 local challenge = data.challenge;
305 local username, password = nodeprep(data.username), data.password;
306 data.username, data.password = nil, nil;
308 if challenge == nil or captcha_ids[challenge] == nil then
309 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "not-acceptable", "Captcha id is invalid or it has expired"));
310 delete_captcha(challenge);
311 return true;
312 elseif ocr ~= captcha_ids[challenge] then
313 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "not-acceptable", "Invalid captcha text"));
314 delete_captcha(challenge);
315 return true;
316 end
317 if not username or username == "" then
318 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "not-acceptable", "The requested username is invalid."));
319 delete_captcha(challenge);
320 return true;
321 end
322 local user = { username = username , host = host, allowed = true }
323 module:fire_event("user-registering", user);
324 if not user.allowed then
325 delete_captcha(challenge);
326 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "not-acceptable", "The requested username is forbidden."));
327 elseif usermanager_user_exists(username, host) then
328 delete_captcha(challenge)
329 session.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "conflict", "The requested username already exists."));
330 else
331 -- TODO unable to write file, file may be locked, etc, what's the correct error?
332 local error_reply = st.error_reply(stanza, "wait", "internal-server-error", "Failed to write data to disk.");
333 if usermanager_create_user(username, password, host) then
334 if next(data) and not account_details:set(username, data) then
335 delete_captcha(challenge);
336 usermanager_delete_user(username, host);
337 session.send(error_reply);
338 return true;
339 end
340 session.send(st.reply(stanza)); -- user created!
341 module:log("info", "User account created: %s@%s", username, host);
342 module:fire_event("user-registered", {
343 username = username, host = host, source = "mod_register",
344 session = session });
345 else
346 delete_captcha(challenge);
347 session.send(error_reply);
348 end
349 end
350 end
351 end
352 end
353 end
354 return true;
355 end);
357 function string:split(sep)
358 local sep, fields = sep or ":", {}
359 local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
360 self:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end)
361 return fields
362 end
365 function handle_http_request(event)
366 local request = event.request;
367 local path = request.path;
368 local cid = path:split("/")[2];
369 if cid == nil or captcha_ids[cid] == nil then
370 return nil;
371 end
372 request.response = {
373 status_code = 200;
374 headers = {
375 content_type = "image/png"
376 };
377 body = get_file(string.format("%s/%s.png", config.dir, cid));
378 };
379 return request.response;
382 end;
384 module:provides("http", {
385 default_path = "/"..config.web_path;
386 route = {
387 ["GET /*"] = handle_http_request;
388 };
389 });