6 This plugin allows Prosody to connect to other servers that are running as a Tor hidden service. Running Prosody on a hidden service works without this module, this module is only necessary to allow Prosody to federate to hidden XMPP servers.
13 To create a hidden service that can federate with other hidden XMPP servers, first add a hidden serivce to Tor. It should listen on port 5269 and optionally also on 5222 (if c2s connections to the hidden service should be allowed).
30 By setting {{{onions_map}}}, it is possible to override the address used to connect to a given host with the address of a hidden service. The configuration of {{{onions_map}}} works as follows:
57 * A hidden service that wants to remain hidden should either disallow s2s to non-hidden servers or pass all s2s traffic through Tor (setting either {{{onions_only}}} or {{{onions_tor_all}}}).