1 local dm_load = require "util.datamanager".load;
2 local st = require "util.stanza";
3 local nodeprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep;
4 local usermanager = require "core.usermanager";
5 local http = require "net.http";
6 local vcard = module:require "vcard";
7 local datetime = require "util.datetime";
8 local timer = require "util.timer";
9 local jidutil = require "util.jid";
11 -- SMTP related params. Readed from config
12 local os_time = os.time;
13 local smtp = require "socket.smtp";
14 local smtp_server = module:get_option_string("smtp_server", "localhost");
15 local smtp_port = module:get_option_string("smtp_port", "25");
16 local smtp_ssl = module:get_option_boolean("smtp_ssl", false);
17 local smtp_user = module:get_option_string("smtp_username");
18 local smtp_pass = module:get_option_string("smtp_password");
19 local smtp_address = module:get_option("smtp_from") or ((smtp_user or "no-responder").."@"..(smtp_server or module.host));
20 local mail_subject = module:get_option_string("msg_subject")
21 local mail_body = module:get_option_string("msg_body");
22 local url_path = module:get_option_string("url_path", "/resetpass");
25 -- This table has the tokens submited by the server
26 tokens_mails = {};
27 tokens_expiration = {};
29 -- URL
30 local https_host = module:get_option_string("https_host");
31 local http_host = module:get_option_string("http_host");
32 local https_port = module:get_option("https_ports", { 443 });
33 local http_port = module:get_option("http_ports", { 80 });
35 local timer_repeat = 120; -- repeat after 120 secs
37 function enablessl()
38 local sock = socket.tcp()
39 return setmetatable({
40 connect = function(_, host, port)
41 local r, e = sock:connect(host, port)
42 if not r then return r, e end
43 sock = ssl.wrap(sock, {mode='client', protocol='tlsv1'})
44 return sock:dohandshake()
45 end
46 }, {
47 __index = function(t,n)
48 return function(_, ...)
49 return sock[n](sock, ...)
50 end
51 end
52 })
53 end
55 function template(data)
56 -- Like util.template, but deals with plain text
57 return { apply = function(values) return (data:gsub("{([^}]+)}", values)); end }
58 end
60 local function get_template(name, extension)
61 local fh = assert(module:load_resource("templates/"..name..extension));
62 local data = assert(fh:read("*a"));
63 fh:close();
64 return template(data);
65 end
67 local function render(template, data)
68 return tostring(template.apply(data));
69 end
71 function send_email(address, smtp_address, message_text, subject)
72 local rcpt = "<"..address..">";
74 local mesgt = {
75 headers = {
76 to = address;
77 subject = subject or ("Jabber password reset "..jid_bare(from_address));
78 };
79 body = message_text;
80 };
81 local ok, err = nil;
83 if not smtp_ssl then
84 ok, err = smtp.send{ from = smtp_address, rcpt = rcpt, source = smtp.message(mesgt),
85 server = smtp_server, user = smtp_user, password = smtp_pass, port = 25 };
86 else
87 ok, err = smtp.send{ from = smtp_address, rcpt = rcpt, source = smtp.message(mesgt),
88 server = smtp_server, user = smtp_user, password = smtp_pass, port = smtp_port, create = enablessl };
89 end
91 if not ok then
92 module:log("error", "Failed to deliver to %s: %s", tostring(address), tostring(err));
93 return;
94 end
95 return true;
96 end
98 local vCard_mt = {
99 __index = function(t, k)
100 if type(k) ~= "string" then return nil end
101 for i=1,#t do
102 local t_i = rawget(t, i);
103 if t_i and t_i.name == k then
104 rawset(t, k, t_i);
105 return t_i;
106 end
107 end
108 end
109 };
111 local function get_user_vcard(user, host)
112 local vCard = dm_load(user, host or base_host, "vcard");
113 if vCard then
114 vCard = st.deserialize(vCard);
115 vCard = vcard.from_xep54(vCard);
116 return setmetatable(vCard, vCard_mt);
117 end
118 end
120 local changepass_tpl = get_template("changepass",".html");
121 local sendmail_success_tpl = get_template("sendmailok",".html");
122 local reset_success_tpl = get_template("resetok",".html");
123 local token_tpl = get_template("token",".html");
125 function generate_page(event, display_options)
126 local request = event.request;
128 return render(changepass_tpl, {
129 path = request.path; hostname = module.host;
130 notice = display_options and display_options.register_error or "";
131 })
132 end
134 function generate_token_page(event, display_options)
135 local request = event.request;
137 return render(token_tpl, {
138 path = request.path; hostname = module.host;
139 token = request.url.query;
140 notice = display_options and display_options.register_error or "";
141 })
142 end
144 function generateToken(address)
145 math.randomseed(os.time())
146 length = 16
147 if length < 1 then return nil end
148 local array = {}
149 for i = 1, length, 2 do
150 array[i] = string.char(math.random(48,57))
151 array[i+1] = string.char(math.random(97,122))
152 end
153 local token = table.concat(array);
154 if not tokens_mails[token] then
156 tokens_mails[token] = address;
157 tokens_expiration[token] = os.time();
158 return token
159 else
160 module:log("error", "Reset password token collision: '%s'", token);
161 return generateToken(address)
162 end
163 end
165 function isExpired(token)
166 if not tokens_expiration[token] then
167 return nil;
168 end
169 if os.difftime(os.time(), tokens_expiration[token]) < 86400 then -- 86400 secs == 24h
170 -- token is valid yet
171 return nil;
172 else
173 -- token invalid, we can create a fresh one.
174 return true;
175 end
176 end
178 -- Expire tokens
179 expireTokens = function()
180 for token,value in pairs(tokens_mails) do
181 if isExpired(token) then
182 module:log("info","Expiring password reset request from user '%s', not used.", tokens_mails[token]);
183 tokens_mails[token] = nil;
184 tokens_expiration[token] = nil;
185 end
186 end
187 return timer_repeat;
188 end
190 -- Check if a user has a active token not used yet.
191 function hasTokenActive(address)
192 for token,value in pairs(tokens_mails) do
193 if address == value and not isExpired(token) then
194 return token;
195 end
196 end
197 return nil;
198 end
200 function generateUrl(token)
201 local url;
203 if https_host then
204 url = "https://" .. https_host;
205 else
206 url = "http://" .. http_host;
207 end
209 if https_port then
210 url = url .. ":" .. https_port[1];
211 else
212 url = url .. ":" .. http_port[1];
213 end
215 url = url .. url_path .. "token.html?" .. token;
217 return url;
218 end
220 function sendMessage(jid, subject, message)
221 local msg = st.message({ from = module.host; to = jid; }):
222 tag("subject"):text(subject):up():
223 tag("body"):text(message);
224 module:send(msg);
225 end
227 function send_token_mail(form, origin)
228 local user, host, resource = jidutil.split(form.username);
229 local prepped_username = nodeprep(user);
230 local prepped_mail = form.email;
231 local jid = prepped_username .. "@" .. host;
233 if not prepped_username then
234 return nil, "El usuario contiene caracteres incorrectos";
235 end
236 if #prepped_username == 0 then
237 return nil, "El campo usuario está vacio";
238 end
239 if not usermanager.user_exists(prepped_username, module.host) then
240 return nil, "El usuario NO existe";
241 end
243 if #prepped_mail == 0 then
244 return nil, "El campo email está vacio";
245 end
247 local vcarduser = get_user_vcard(prepped_username, module.host);
249 if not vcarduser then
250 return nil, "User has not vCard";
251 else
252 if not vcarduser.EMAIL then
253 return nil, "Esa cuente no tiene ningún email configurado en su vCard";
254 end
256 email = string.lower(vcarduser.EMAIL[1]);
258 if email ~= string.lower(prepped_mail) then
259 return nil, "Dirección eMail incorrecta";
260 end
262 -- Check if has already a valid token, not used yet.
263 if hasTokenActive(jid) then
264 local valid_until = tokens_expiration[hasTokenActive(jid)] + 86400;
265 return nil, "Ya tienes una petición de restablecimiento de clave válida hasta: " .. datetime.date(valid_until) .. " " .. datetime.time(valid_until);
266 end
268 local url_token = generateToken(jid);
269 local url = generateUrl(url_token);
270 local email_body = render(get_template("sendtoken",".mail"), {jid = jid, url = url} );
272 module:log("info", "Sending password reset mail to user %s", jid);
273 send_email(email, smtp_address, email_body, mail_subject);
274 return "ok";
275 end
277 end
279 function reset_password_with_token(form, origin)
280 local token = form.token;
281 local password = form.newpassword;
283 if not token then
284 return nil, "El Token es inválido";
285 end
286 if not tokens_mails[token] then
287 return nil, "El Token no existe o ya fué usado";
288 end
289 if not password then
290 return nil, "La campo clave no puede estar vacio";
291 end
292 if #password < 5 then
293 return nil, "La clave debe tener una longitud de al menos 5 caracteres";
294 end
295 local jid = tokens_mails[token];
296 local user, host, resource = jidutil.split(jid);
298 usermanager.set_password(user, password, host);
299 module:log("info", "Password changed with token for user %s", jid);
300 tokens_mails[token] = nil;
301 tokens_expiration[token] = nil;
302 sendMessage(jid, mail_subject, mail_body);
303 return "ok";
304 end
306 function generate_success(event, form)
307 return render(sendmail_success_tpl, { jid = nodeprep(form.username).."@"..module.host });
308 end
310 function generate_register_response(event, form, ok, err)
311 local message;
312 if ok then
313 return generate_success(event, form);
314 else
315 return generate_page(event, { register_error = err });
316 end
317 end
319 function handle_form_token(event)
320 local request, response = event.request, event.response;
321 local form = http.formdecode(request.body);
323 local token_ok, token_err = send_token_mail(form, request);
324 response:send(generate_register_response(event, form, token_ok, token_err));
326 return true; -- Leave connection open until we respond above
327 end
329 function generate_reset_success(event, form)
330 return render(reset_success_tpl, { });
331 end
333 function generate_reset_response(event, form, ok, err)
334 local message;
335 if ok then
336 return generate_reset_success(event, form);
337 else
338 return generate_token_page(event, { register_error = err });
339 end
340 end
342 function handle_form_reset(event)
343 local request, response = event.request, event.response;
344 local form = http.formdecode(request.body);
346 local reset_ok, reset_err = reset_password_with_token(form, request);
347 response:send(generate_reset_response(event, form, reset_ok, reset_err));
349 return true; -- Leave connection open until we respond above
351 end
353 timer.add_task(timer_repeat, expireTokens);
355 module:provides("http", {
356 default_path = url_path;
357 route = {
358 ["GET /style.css"] = render(get_template("style",".css"), {});
359 ["GET /token.html"] = generate_token_page;
360 ["GET /"] = generate_page;
361 ["POST /token.html"] = handle_form_reset;
362 ["POST /"] = handle_form_token;
363 };
364 });